
Activating Webkit CSS3 animation using Javascript

I am looking to use Webkit CSS3 to move a absolutely positioned DIV from one location to another on the screen when a button is pressed, by changing its left and right CSS properties. However, all the examples for doing this that I saw use a static CSS rule to apply this transition. I don't know the new position before hand, so how do ...

Controlling a browser from Python

I am looking for a way to control a browser from Python, i.e. fill out form fields and submit them, possibly call JS functions. I've looked around a bit, but as far as I could see PyWebKitGtk only lets you show the browser as a GUI element, not interface with it. Is there a way to do this easily? I wrote my program logic in Python, an...

Are there any JavaScript libraries exclusively for WebKit?

With mobile devices or embedded systems you often support only one browser for performance and memory reasons. With traditional JS libraries you must limit yourself in features and performance to support as many browsers as possible. This is exactly what I would like to avoid. Are their any JavaScript libraries out there focusing only o...

webkit-transition for "top" and "bottom" properties

I'd like to make a css animation where a div (centered on a screen using top and bottom properties) expands by setting top and bottom to 20px. Is it possible? When I try to make it happen with: -webkit-transition-property: top, bottom; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.5s; animation is not performed. Am I doing something wrong, or is...

How to make a POST request with python-webkit?

Hi, I new using python + webkit. I need make a POST request with webkit, but I dont know how to it. I use python-webkit because my app load a form on the GUI (for vote, comments and send more data) and I need post all these data with a POST request and load the html result send for the server to my GUI app with python-webkit. I have o...

iui transition moving in wrong direction

i am using iUI to build a native looking web app for iDevices. whenever i click a link with an href of #something that leads to another div on my page, the transition effect moves (correctly) as if the page were sliding in from the right like it does on any other iDevice app. a portion of my app requires an indefinite number of sub pag...

Does submit() function has a callback?

Hi, I have this code, and a file upload form which is submited to a frame: setMyCookie('name','value_1'); $('.myform').submit(); setMyCookie('name','value_2'); Problem: Webkit browsers seem to update 'MyCookie' with 'value_2' before the form gets submited, or in the exact moment it is being submited, so wrong cookie value is sent with...

Webkit gradient syntax, i dont understand.

i been reading bout the webkit gradient syntax and i dont undestand. for radial one, example -webkit-gradient(radial, 105 105, 20, 112 120, 50, from(#ff5f98), to(rgba(255,1,136,0)), color-stop(75%, #ff0188)), wjat does 105 105, 20, 112 120, 50 mean? for linear one, example background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 40 50, 50 50, color-sto...

How to save a tab's memory state in Firefox/Chrome?

I want to be able to save a tab's state in Firefox or Google Chrome so that I can restore it later, through writing a custom add-on/plug-in/extension. The closest thing I can find is Firefox's session store API, which can save form data and scroll position. However, I want to save Javascript state too. In addition, if possible, I want t...

Firing a keyboard event, webkit keyboard event doesn't fire

I have javaScript code that listens to the "return" key pressed, works on all browsers except webkit browsers. I am aware of webkits recent changes to keyboard event handling. I cant find the right solution in this detailed explanation. here is the code. function addEventHandler(node,type,fn){ if(typeof window.event !== "un...

Can't stop animation at end of one cycle

I'm making a CSS animation at the minute, and in it I'm moving stuff and want it to stay at the end position until the user moves their mouse away. body { background: url('osx.jpg'); padding: 0; margin: 0; line-height: 60px; } @-webkit-keyframes item1 { 0% { bottom: -120px; left: 0px; } 10% { bottom: -40px; left...

webkit stylewithcss contenteditable not working?

I'm trying to use contenteditable and styleWithCss. It doesn't seem to work in webkit. Anytime I use do an execCommand, it generates a <b> rather than the span I expected. Here's a demo: http://jsbin.com/izomo/2/edit Select part of the text, click the bold button, and see the html output. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong....

Different margin for webkit browsers

Hello There is difference between webkit and the other browsers in one absolute positioned element margin. So how to set another margin for the webkit browsers in the css? Thanks! ...

Spy++ for Webkit?

Hi guys, Spy++ can inspect IWebBrowser2 controls, and you can use tools like IESpy to poke around any application with a Internet Explorer_Server control Now I wonder if there is something similar for Webkit? And, possibly, Flash? ...

chrome/safari (webkit?) does not post values when submitting via Javascript .submit()

I'm submitting some of my forms with javascript/jquery. $("#myform").submit(); this works fine in Firefox, but in Safari or Chrome, none of my form values are posted. When I check the $_POST variable, in Firefox it's filled up correctly, but on safari/chrome the $_POST values are empty. I submit like this when the dialog's OK button...

Website the wrong width on iPhone on iOS4 when saved to Home Screen

I have a website that looks fine when viewed in Safari on an iPhone. In iOS3.x you can save it as an icon to the Home Screen and it opens fine. But in iOS4, while it still looks the correct width in Safari, if you open it direct from a Home Screen icon then it's too wide. I've spent a couple of hours fiddling with various settings of t...

Inconsistent height of text input elements between Firefox and WebKit

OK, I realize that this is something of an eternal question, but here goes: I've got a single text input, <input type="text" name="whatever" /> and I've specified its font-family, font-size and padding. Yet, even on the same machine (my Mac, let's say), the input has a different height in Firefox (3.6) than it does in Chrome or Safar...

iPhone iWebKit Copy to Clipboard

Hi, Just a general Question. Is it possible to copy text in Mobile Safari to the Clip Board with some use of iWebkit JS? (Without the users holding down text, and selecting Copy) Similar to the Copy to Clipboard function that IE has on the PC. Thanks. Edit: This applies to just Specific Text, not the entire document. example: a Va...

what audio formats are supported by the android browser?

What audio formats can be played using the html5 'audio' tag in the android browser? Does anyone know where to find official specs on what the android browser supports and not? For the record, the android media formats page does not seem to cover this - I have soundfiles (3gp) playing fine in a native app, but they won't play in my weba...

Read-only input in Android Webkit not working

I have a text input field in my web page that I am using to collect a date (via the jQuery Tools .dateinput). The user does not need to be able to type into the field. A dialog box appears when the field is clicked on. This is a problem on my Motorola Droid, because I don't want the soft-keyboard to appear when the field is clicked. I h...