
good documentation about "avoid catching throwable", in context of weblogic server

hi all, i am currently refactoring an existing codebase (EJBs...) to rip out all blocks where a Throwable is catched inside of the EJB. try { ... do some business logic } catch(Throwable t){ ... log and swallow ... :-( } i want/need to convince the people around me with proper documentation that "catching throwable" is a no-g...

Deploying a .ear on two different clusters

I have an application in a .ear: a .war archive and a .jar with EJBs. There are two clusters of servers. I want to deploy my .war on one cluster and the .jar to another, so that both of them can be individually deployed and to allow proper load balancing. Currently I'm getting the following error: Error resolving ejb-ref 'over.9.thous...

How do I get access to Weblogic's properties in Java code

Is it possible in Java code (ejb) to read (some of) Weblogic's internal configuration properties, like: Domain name, Domain home, Admin Server name, Port number, Server name, Host name, Config version, Weblogic acount name, etc.? And if yes, how? ...

Looking for help with GWT Server mode and Weblogic.

Can anyone please help me with setting up GWT hosted mode with Weblogic? I found plenty of resources, but they seem to be geared towards Tomcat. Also GWT 2.0 seems to output and generate slightly different files than before which may also affect the setup. I am running Weblogic outside of Eclipse, using Weblogic 9.2 ANY help would b...

Customising Web-logics default 404 error page

I am running weblogic 9. When I enter an incorrect URL below the application root I redirect 404 request to a customized error page. Eg. http://localhost:7001/myApp/non-existent redirects to my customised error page. Is there a way to do this for all incorrect URLs entered, not necessarily below the application root? Eg. http://localh...

Weblogic, JVM and EAR...

Hello, I'm planning to do a heap dump with jmap jdk1.5 tool on a production weblogic (10) instance. Actually there are 3 EAR (perhaps more, don't really know i don't have access) deployed on this weblogic instance. Someone told me "weblogic creates a JVM for each EAR" Can someone confirm this? With jmap i need the jvm pid as paramete...

Sharing application classloaders on weblogic

My project has several deployed artifacts as ear files. My understanding is that each of the ears will have it's own classloader. Is it possible to tell weblogic to use the same classloader for each of these deployables. What factors do i need to consider when making this change? ...

JSP request parameter is returning null on a jsp include with Weblogic.

Hello, I am having trouble with the jsp:include tag. I have code like the following: <jsp:include page="./Address.jsp"> <jsp:param value="30" name="tabIndex"/> <jsp:param value="true" name="showBox"/> <jsp:param value="none" name="display"/> </jsp:include> The page is included fine, but when I try to access the parame...

Object suddenly missing from HttpServletRequest

I print a list directly in the servlet using the print writer and the list prints. When I try to put in the jsp however the list doesn't print whether I use JSTL or scriptlets. I tried to test in JSTL and scriptlet if the object is null and turns out that it is! Why does this happen and how can I fix this? Servlet code that works ...

weblogic runs differently!

hi all i have configured myeclipse for running weblogic via it. it can be run but there is a problem! i have written a project and deployed it to the container. when i am running weblogic server without my eclipse it works fine but when i am run it via myeclipse i get the pagenotfoundException! i have weblogic ver 10.3 and my eclipse ver...

EJB client can't find a DataSource that tests successfully in WebLogic admin console

Disclaimer: I'm completely new to JEE/EJB and all that, so bear with me. I have a simple EJB that I can successfully deploy using JDeveloper 11g's integrated WebLogic server and a remote database connection (JDBC). I have a DataSource named "PGY2" defined in WebLogic, and I can test it successfully from the admin console. Here's the co...

Anyone have BlazeDS working with WebLogic Security (j_security_check) ??

I'm working on a Flex implementation (currently using SDK 3.5) on WebLogic 10.3 (11G.) We originally used Glassfish v2.1.1 with zero issues (there was an active directory group lookup bug but it did not hinder our progress.) Since transitioning to WebLogic we have an issue where the flexsession is invalidated after logging in using j_s...

Help with ejb 3, weblogic and spring.

So,hi there. I've created a simple EJB3 test project, the code is simple: @Stateless @Remote( { ISumaSimple.class }) public class SumaSimpleBean implements ISumaSimple { /** * Default constructor. */ public SumaSimpleBean() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public int sumar(in...

Access file in weblogic server

Hi all, Is there a folder in the Domain Directory of Weblogic, where files put inside can be accessed directly from web browser? In other word, I don't have to pack the file in an ear, war file and deploy it to make it accessible? Thank you very much Regards K. ...

difference between TOMCAT server and BEA WEBLOGIC server

What is difference between TOMCAT server and BEA WEBLOGIC server ...

Options For A Common Service in Weblogic.

I am working on a weblogic application farm that is hosting a few dozen applications. I would like to build a common application that will do lookups from a database. I need my program to be accessable to the other applications on the farm. So, my question is, What are my options for getting my data to the other application? Should I ma...

Work manager using thread.sleep or delay doesn't work

Hi all, I used Spring framework and oracle weblogic 10.3 as a container. I used workmanager for manage my thread, I already made one thread that managed by workmanager. Fortunately spring provide the delegation class for using workmanager, so I just need to put it on applicationContext.xml. But when I put the "while" and TimeUnit for sl...

Weblogic: How do I list all logged on users?

I'd like to list the currently logged on users for my Weblogic domain Failing that, I'd like to know how many users are logged on. Ideally by using the admin console, or a script if I must. ...

Weblogic: listing users assigned to a specific group/role

Can I do this through the Admin console? Or do I need a script? If the latter, some hints about how to approach this would be appreciated. ...

How to get log from NonCatalogLogger in weblogic10.x

Hello I'm using 3-d party lib and found that it traces it state via weblogic.logging.NonCatalogLogger but I don't see any string in log. How can I receive log from these classes? ...