
javax.naming.InvalidNameException using Oracle BPM and weblogic when accessing directory

We are getting this exception when we start our cluster (2 managed servers, 1 admin), we have deployed only the ears corresponding to the OBPM 10.3.1 SP1 in a weblogic 10.3. When the server cluster starts, one of the managed servers (the first to start) get overloaded and ran out of connections to the directory DB because of this repeat...

Organization moving from ASP.NET to WebLogic Portal - training recommendations?

My organization previously used ASP.NET for web projects. They are now migrating to WebLogic Portal/JEE for all future web projects. My experience as a Lead Developer / Architect is totally with .NET projects. I want to get ramped up on WebLogic/JEE, so I can contribute to future projects. Any training/certification suggestions for We...

Choosing an application server for web application development

My manager has asked me to suggest an application server for web application development work. What are the factors that needs to be considered before we select any application server for web application development in Java J2EE development? If I select one now and IN future and I want to change to some other application server, is tha...

How to force Weblogic to start deployments in active state (i.e. not just prepared)

When I start a Weblogic instance with a deployed application, the deployment is sometimes left in prepared state, not in active state. I have to go to Weblogic Console and start the deployment manually, which is quite slow and annoying repetetive work. Since this is done on a development machine — sometimes 50 times a day, — there are ...

ClassNotFoundException (HqlToken) when running in WebLogic

I have a .war file for an application that normally runs fine in Jetty. I'm trying to port the application to run in WebLogic, but at startup I'm getting these exceptions: ERROR:Foo - Error in named query: findBar org.hibernate.QueryException: ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlToken [from Bar] at org.hibernate.hql.as...

WebLogic stuck thread protection

By default WebLogic kills stuck threads after 15 min (600 s), this is controlled by StuckThreadMaxTime parameter. However, I cannot find more details on how exactly "stuckness" is defined. Specifically: What is the point at which 15 min countdown begins. Request processing start? Last wait()-like method? Something else? Does this ...

BasicDataSource configured in spring vs Weblogic datasource

BasicDataSource configured in spring Weblogic datasource which implementation is better in terms of Stability Performance scalability Online Help ...

SAAJMetaFactoryImpl not found on Weblogic 10gR3

I'm in the process of migrating a webservice application that worked perfectly on Weblogic 9 into Weblogic 10gR3. The small difficulty is that my application uses JAX-WS and on Weblogic 9 I had to include JAX-WS libraries in my WAR. But on WLS 10, those libraries are already integrated. To avoid conflicts, I put my WAR inside an EAR with...

EJB Local/Remote interface within separate applications in a single application server instance

Assume a single application server instance that has two EARs deployed. The first EAR invokes EJBs from the second EAR using remote EJB interfaces. It is rumored that even if the invokation is implemented using remote interfaces, the application server knows that everything is within the same JVM and internally uses the remote interface...

J2EE/EJB + service locator: is it safe to cache EJB Home lookup result ?

In a J2EE application, we are using EJB2 in weblogic. To avoid losing time building the initial context and looking up EJB Home interface, I'm considering the Service Locator Pattern. But after a few search on the web I found that event if this pattern is often recommended for the InitialContext caching, there are some negative opinion...

Spring & hibernate configuration (using maven): java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration

Hi, I am trying to include spring and hibernate in an application running on a Weblogic 10.3 server. When I run the application in the server, while accessing an TestServlet to check my configuration I get the following exception: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'mySessionFactory' ...

Why are my WebLogic clustered MDB app deployments in warning state?

I have a WebLogic cluster on which I've deployed numerous topics and applications that use them. My applications uniformly show themselves in a Warning status. Looking at Monitoring on the deployment, I see the MDB application connects to Server #1, but on server #2 it shows this: MDB application appName is NOT connected to messaging sy...

Is it possible to run Weblogic with 8gb heap size in a 64bit java/linux environment

Setup: 64bit Linux 64bit SUN Jvm 1.6.0_20 Weblogic 10.3 Is it possible to run Weblogic 10.3 in this setup with a maximum heap size of 8gb? We have recived answers from oracle support that states that it might not be possible to address more than 4gb with this setup. Please submit any official links that support any statements that i...

How can I embed Weblogic server in java ?

I am searching any way for embedding Weblogic server in Java , I know its possible because we have maven plugins for Weblogic which embeds Weblogic in maven, But googling for it did'nt gave me useful output, Does anybody know how can we embed wemlogic in java program ? ...

Development deployment: how to achive edit-and-reload with JSP pages?

Out project uses WebLogic as web-server and uses mostly JSP for user interface. With standard setup it is possible to copy edited JSP files into the exploded deployment directory and WebLogic will automatically pick them up, recompile and serve new content through HTTP. However, is it possible to avoid copying at all, so that I just sa...

Weblogic 10.3 EJB2 Deployment Problem

Exception preparing module: EJBModule(Basic.jar) Unable to deploy EJB: Basic.jar from Basic.jar: There are 1 nested errors: weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerationException: Error in RDBMSCodeGenerator.generateCmrGetterMethod: weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerationException: Exception: 'java.lang.NullPointerException' while trying to invo...

Can it be important to call remove() on an EJB 3 stateless session bean? Perhaps on weblogic?

I'm in the process of migrating an EJB 2 application to EJB 3 (and what a satisfying task it is to delete all those deployment descriptors!). It used to run on Weblogic and now runs on Glassfish. The task is going very smoothly, but one thing makes me wary: The current code takes great care to ensure that EJBObject.remove() is called on...

Developing WLST scripts with Eclipse

We are in the process of developing several WLST (WebLogic Scripting Tool) scripts and we would like to setup a development environment. Has anybody managed to configure Eclipse PyDev (or another plugin) to support it? Do you know any other alternative? Thank you for your answers. ...

WLI domain with 3 servers - issues on JPD process startup

Hi there. I'm currently working on a clustered WLI environment which comprehends 3 servers: 1 admin server ("AdminServer") and 2 managed servers ("mn1" and "mn2") grouped as a cluster, as follows: Architecture diagram: I've developed a JPD process to execute some scheduled tasks, invoked using a Message Broker. I've deployed this pr...

Is it possible to make WebLogic check REDEPLOY file more often?

[sorry for apparent shouting in the title, it's just that the file is named in all uppercase] Given advice in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2695124 I successfully implemented and have been using autodeployment in WebLogic. This works great, but a tad too slow to my tastes, it seems like about 10 seconds pass between touching REDEP...