
Retrieve a list of web parts on a page

I am trying to get a list of webparts deployed on a web page in sharepoint 3.0. Is there way I can retrieve it from sharepoint content database or can I do it programmatically? ...

Content Query Web Part not displaying without web part zone

I am building a Sharepoint WCM site for a client. As part of a page layout I inserted a content query web part directly in the page, not in a web part zone (so the users couldn't edit it). Everything works fine in my development environment however when I deployed it to production the web part would say 'no items returned'. When I went ...

Sharepoint ECB menu items not visible when doc lib is displayed in a web part.

My document context menus display correctly when accessed directly from a document library but when this same doc lib is displayed in a web part, the context menu is missing various items. I debugged the code in core.js using a userid that had all permissions turned on and noticed that the permissions mask was properly set (to 0x7fffffff...

Sorting option not working in a spgridview.

I have created a webpart which contains a spgridview that is bound to a dataview.My problem is that even though i have set the allowsorting option to true ,the gridview header shows no link buttons. The code for the webpart is as follows: public void createthegridviewfields() { foreach (string col in colnames) { ...

Webparts in asp.net?

what is webparts in asp.net? a simple example on webparts. thank you in advance. ...

Programmatically insert a List as a webpart in a webpart page in WSS 3.0

Hello, I tried searching on the net to programmatically insert a List as a webpart in a webpart page but was not lucky enough. Any thoughts or ideas how i could Programmatically insert a List as a webpart in a webpart page Many Thanks! ...

Can i deploy MOSS based webparts on ASP.NET web form and how

Hi, i need to know, if we can deploy webparts that are created in MOSS for MOSS on a ASP.NET page and use them. Or is there any way of using the webparts with MOSS. TIA, Nimish ...

What if you want webpart communication before Page_Load?

Hi, I am needing to create some dynamic controls at Page_Load in the consumer webpart. In the Provider webpart I did some hacking and got it so I could get a controls value before viewstate is loaded in Page_Init. So basically what I want is for webparts to be able to communicate before Page_Load. [ConnectionConsumer("FormRID Consume...

How do access a secure website within a sharepoint webpart?


Redirecting Sharepoint login page or display login web part

I have enabled FBA for my Sharepoint site and i want to add a login page or webpart either one of them. Currently my site directly goes to Default.aspx and displays information and webparts (which display error messages) What i want is: Either set my default page to the Login Page or if there is a way not to display anything on my defa...

Attribute not valid on declaration type

I have the following code but I am getting the following compile errors: Attribute 'WebPartStorage' is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on 'property, indexer' declarations. AND Attribute 'FriendlyName' is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on 'property, indexer' declarations. I have modified my ...

Converting a JSP to a SharePoint webpart

We have a large number of Java based servlets/portlets running in a BEA portal that we want to convert into SharePoint 2007 webparts. Many of the portlets use user preferences but the implementations are split between preferences being handled by the portlet directly and stored in a separate database from the portal. Others are using th...

LoadControl on control with assembly reference

I'm trying to use System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl to build a templated web part for a SharePoint application, and I'm having trouble with a control that references an external assembly. I have a user control with the first few lines like this: <%@ Control Language="C#" ClassName="MyControl" %> <%@ Assembly Name="AjaxControlTo...

Creating profitable sharepoint webparts

At my day job, we are currently porting our portal to Sharepoint MOSS 2007. Like it or not, there is alot of big companies following suit. After working with the consulting company that setup ours (and buying their EXPENSIVE crappy webparts), I wanted to know some annoyances in MOSS 2007 that would make good commercial webparts. Or would...

Stop Web part from running events

Hi Is it possible to stop a web parts/control form continuing event execution? One example: In OnChildren stop the web part from continuing without having to add a if statment. So I can make a base class that has a properti that can be sett to stop the execution. ...

How is the ChartViewWebPart used in Sharepoint?

How is chartviewwebpart used in Sharepoint? Please tell me and give an example ...

Popularity of MVP for SharePoint WebParts

Is it a popular techinque to use the Model View Presenter (MVP) design pattern when creating Web Parts for SharePoint? It seems (to me) that this pattern is applied more often in the custom application space. So, if you have any thoughts on this, please share... [Edit] Perhaps the more important question is, if MVP is less popular in ...

Site members/visitors get access denied error page because of webpart.

Hello. I`v developed custom webpart. I can add it to page and site owners can view page with no problems. However Site visitors/users get redirected to access denied error page. Sure, I must be doing some stuff normal users are not allowed to. But the thing that bugs me is that when I place breakpoint in webpart constructor or even va...

Embedding c# windows application (.exe) in a webpart

Is there is a way to embed an application executable inside a webpart? is there any kind of a webpart available in sharepoint. If not, then is it possible to create my own webpart and some how place my windows application there so that when a user login to a sharepoint site he can view the main winodws applciation screen on the webpage....

how to connect sharepoint content database to my web part application?

Hi all, I am developing the web part that will show the chart.but for that MS chart control we need the datasource of sql server.now i have designed some infopath forms & deployed in sharepoint site on my url.what happens the sharepoint created the content database for all forms libraries.I want to show a chart on the basis of the data o...