
Is Strong Name necessary in Sharepoint to use a WebPart?

I have created a webpart and want to deploy that in Sharepoint. I want to deploy the web part in bin. I have not created a strong name for dll (webpart code). Is strong name a must for deploying webpart in bin folder? I have referred this msdn link to do this. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc263271.aspx When I go to WebP...

Error while creating a new sharepoint site using sharepoint object model

I get the famous error "The security validation for this page is invalid. Click Back..." while creating SharePoint sites using the object model... This is my code in the web part to create share point sites. using (SPSite objSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.ID)) { objSite.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; using (SPWeb objWeb =...

Web Parts - User Personalization Data in .NET

Is there a way to get a list of all web parts added by each user from the Web Part User Personalization data? ...

Sharepoint 2007 Data view Webpart custom parameters

I'm sort of new to the custom parameters that can be setup on a DataView Webpart. There are 6 options: - None - Control - Cookie - Form - QueryString - Server Variable I think that None, Cookie and QueryString speak for themselves and are pretty straightforward. The issue comes from the other 3. There isn't much documentation as to wha...

Web Part Manager - Personalization Blob Data Extraction

I am adding a Personalizable Attribute to my custom implementation of WebPart class. This will be used by the Web Part Manager while rendering web parts to zones. I need to inject this new attribute and it's value to the existing personalization data for all users. I could retrieve the byte array of the personalization data blob per us...

Sharepoint web part: type could not be found/registered as safe

I have a SharePoint web part (essentially just a "Hello World" app) that I just created and am having a problem deploying it. I have signed the .dll, created the .dwp, and registered it as a safe control in web.config. I am able to add it to the Web Part Gallery and add the details for it; however, when I attempt to add it to a page, I g...

Custom Personalization Provider - Implement FindState method

I have been breaking my head over this. I appreciate any help. I have a custom PersonalizationProvider, custom WebPartManager and custom WePart class. I have custom data tables for storing the Personalization Data per user. My task is to programmtically loop through all the web parts added by each user so that I can set a personalizabl...

How can I write webparts that are as lightweight as the one by Google or Yahoo

Hi, I have been writing webparts for a while and have written couple of portals too but I feel that the portal pages and webparts that I write using .net framework are much more heavy and browser specific. Can some body guide me to write light weight webparts that are browser independent and do not take long time to load or change zone. ...

WebPart Deployment

How to deploy a WebPart which contain aspx pages and images into SharePoint ...

Moving Data Views Across Sharepoint Sites

We have a production SharePoint site that uses a custom database quite a bit. We have a dev site on a separate box where we develop all of our things then move them over to a live site when they are ready for our customers. We have many pages that use data views to show information from the database. Most of the actual programmability...

Allow user to change the default web part styles

Hi, I have a web part which uses many SharePoint controls like menu, SPGrid, tool bar etc. I want the user to be able to change the style by specifying an external CSS file. Can somebody tell me how I can achieve this? ...

What is the difference of webparts and websites?

i dont know the actual use of webparts , so. better to know difference with webpage ? any answer is appreriate.. ...

binding data to detailsview inside webpart and masterpage

hi, i am having a master page with a webpartzone inside the webpartzone i am having a detailsview now i want to bind the data to the detailsview from one of the content form i tried but it is not working any ideas my code is Dim myMaster As MasterPage = DirectCast(Me.Master, MasterPage) Dim webpt As WebPartZone = DirectCast(myM...

how to create a web part to track page creation time

Hello everyone, I am new to SharePoint Server 2007 Web Part, and I am using SharePoint Server 2007 on Windows Server 2008. I program using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5. I want to create a simple web part which could display page creation time and modified time (display such time information at the bottom of a web page). Any reference cod...

How do I prevent XSS when allowing simple formatting and hyperlink in a Sharepoint webpart?

I'm building a webpart for a Sharepoint site that allows the user to enter information into a textbox that will eventually be showed to other users. The problem is that I need to allow simple formatting (bold, italic etc) and also allow the user to enter an url (a <a href=".....). I don't want to expose a XSS exploit since I do not trust...

ASP.NET web parts - not stored in a cookie

Recently I was reading the MCTS ASP.NET 3.5 exam preparation book. I finished the lesson about web parts. The author said that user personalization is stored in a database and tracked by a cookie in a web browser. I checked the database - it's there. It seems however that the personalization information has noting to do with a cookie...

Getting List Item URL in Sharepoint 2007

I'm creating a webpart that aggregates a load of content from different lists throughout our site collection what I can't workout is how to get the exact link to each item. All I seem to get back is {site}/{listtitle}/1.000 how do I get this "1.000" to say "pagename.aspx?id=1", is this something I have to work out myself or is there a fu...

Sharepoint 2007 Page Viewer webpart - autoscroll to webpart?

We have a Page Viewer webpart setup to display our Out of Office public folder calendar from Exchange. This is the URL the webpart is setup to point to: http://&lt;servername&gt;/owa/?cmd=contents&amp;module=publicfolders&amp;f=&lt;foldername&gt;/&lt;foldername&gt;/&lt;foldername&gt;/&lt;foldername&gt;/Calendars/out%20of%20office&amp;...

ASP.NET webparts with Oracle 10g

Hi I would like to use webparts in ASP.NET website . Is there any support of webparts with Oracle 10g in ASP.NET. I am new in webparts. I don't know whether there is any provider available for Oracle. Please help me? ...

javascripting in custom web part

Hi I am writing javascript in my custom webpart's .cs file but it is giving me illegal XML character exception in browser. PageJavaScript.Append(@"function closeLoadedDiv(){ <%=Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnLinkButton, "", false)%> }") I have used escape sequence for < but it is still not working ...