
Static page with Websharper?

I have been looking into Websharper, and was wondering if it's possible to use it for static web apps. That is, not hosted in IIS, but as a static web page with javascript. ...

Should writing Javascript be avoided in favour of GWT/WebSharper or some other abstraction?

I'm curious what's the view on "things that compile into javascript" e.g. GWT, Script# and WebSharper and their like. These seem to be fairly niche components aimed at allowing folks to write javascript without writing javascript. Personally I'm comfortable writing javascript (using JQuery/Prototype/ExtJS or some other such library) and...

How to work WebSharper translator?

Hello, Could anyone explain how to work WebSharper translator in conjunction with the F#? Is it translate F# code to JS itself or using F# compiler for it? In second case, what F# compiler are doing when finds [] attribute in source? Does compiler generate functions in any case and in runtime construct JS as reflection from compiled b...