
Funky haskell lazy list implicit recursion

In Haskell, you can build infinite lists due to laziness: Prelude> let g = 4 : g Prelude> g !! 0 4 Prelude> take 10 g [4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4] Now, what exactly goes on when I try to construct a list like this? Prelude> let f = f !! 10 : f Prelude> f !! 0 Interrupted. Prelude> take 10 f [Interrupted. Prelude> The Interrupted.s are me ...

In WPF pop up messages, drop down list appear behind main window.

I am currently working on WPF touch-screen application. I am developing it on Windows XP machine. I have tested it on this machine and it works perfectly fine. But when I deploy it to Windows Embedded machine I start to get strange behaviour: all pop up messages, drop down list, context menus appear behind the main window. I am also set...

WPF ListView selection cannot be cleared on load?

I looked at several related answers, and determined that I can programmatically clear the selection by setting lstData.SelectedIndex = -1; However, when I do it right after setting the data context on startup, somehow it never works and gets set to select the first element in the list. I also tried adding the setting to the XAML, and -1...

weird error in eclipse !

Hi All, I am facing a weird problem in eclipse. I am doing a project on android. After some minute modifications, I suddenly noticed the project icon has a small red cross icon. However, no other file/package/folder is showing this icon. I am not sure where the error is and how to solve it. Can anyone please help me out ? Thanks. -ah...

Xcode: wordexp() does not work some times, returns 0 matched words for "~"

Hi, I'm seeing some weird behaviour when using wordexp() in a minimal C program when started within Xcode. I cannot reproduce this by starting the compiled binary from the command line. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <wordexp.h> #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { int ...

How do I stop SQL Server 2008 R2 trying to install some package when I build my setup project?

I have a WPF Linq-to-SQL project which I have been developing using MS Visual Studio 2008. I was running SQL Server 2008, and recently upgraded it to version R2. Now, whenever I build my SETUP project (not the app itself), the build process causes a window to launch: SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio Please wait while Windows configu...

ImportError when trying to import from module directory. (Django)

Imagine a classic Django directory structure. INSTALLED_APPS contains an entry pointing to "myApp". I have models, views, etc. in that directory and it works fine. I've created a file called in that directory. In one of the views, I'm trying to import some of those decorators but I'm getting: ImportError at / No module na...

why does this scala by-name parameter behave weirdly

OK the question might not say much, but here's the deal: I'm learning scala and decided to make an utility class "FuncThread" with a method which receives a by-name parameter function (I guess its called that because it's a function but without a parameter list) and then starts a thread with a runable which in turn executes the passed fu...