
Wordpress: Forcing a widget to display?

I've been trying to make a widget which stays active permanently on a wordpress sidebar, preferably being on top before all other widgets. However the only way I have figured I can do this is by manually modifying individual sidebar.php's but that is slow and inefficient. So is there a way I can force a widget to display in a sidebar? I...

JQuery Tablesorter memorizeSortOrder widget

Hi, I've found this code in the internet: $.tablesorter.addWidget({ id: "memorizeSortOrder", format: function(table) { if (!table.config.widgetMemorizeSortOrder.isBinded) { // only bind if not already binded table.config.widgetMemorizeSortOrder.isBinded = true; $("thead th:visible",table).click(function() { var ...

Integration Widget (GWT) with DynamicForm (Smartgwt) - com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.AttachDetachException

I had this problem when I created a Window (Smartgwt) and put a DynamicForm (Smartgwt) in this Window, In this DynamicForm, I have a CanvasItem (Smartgwt) in which I put a RichTextArea (GWT). And when I press "ESC", I can quit the Window (Smartgwt) without probleme. But when I press "F5" to refresh my application, the browser pops up a e...

How do I programmatically add a widget to a container created from GtkBuilder?

I've created a window that has some containers and widgets in it, and I want to add a new widget dynamically at run-time to one of the Vboxes in this window. So I have this code, which brings up the window: gtk_builder_add_from_file( g_builder, "window.xml", NULL ); mainwindow = GTK_WIDGET( gtk_builder_get_object( g_builder, "window"...

How do I add a View (dynamically) in an android widget? (API-level 3)

How do I add a View dynamically in an android widget? I realize that the RemoteViews works as a container of updates, but the RemoteViews.addView is only available on API level 7 (and I want my widget to work on HTC Hero phones, which has API level 3). ...

Is it possible to pull a webpage or content from the web into a widget on the android home screen

Hi there. I have a php web page that will randomize an image that is 158x154. I was able to get the android application to work, but would also like to get it to work as a widget. How the heck can I get a widget to pull information from the net? I got the widget to work and layout correctly with a black sample image. I have tried to...

How do I get a Java to call data from the Internet? Where to even start??

Hello oh great wizards of all things android. I really need your help. Mostly because my little brain just doesn't know were to start. I am trying to pull data from the internet to make a widget for the home screen. I have the layout built: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.androi...

How to check whether a particular widget is show or not in the sidebar ?

i want to code something in my post template. So, is there any way to check whether a widget that i want to show will be shown in sidebar or not ? ...

How to update a Blogger HTML widget through API ??

hi, i am Nok from Mumbai. I want to add contents from RSS feed. Blogger has inbuilt 'Feed" widget which can extract the content from any feed. But this inbuilt 'Feed" widget doesn't solve my problem because the widget uses javascript. Some of my blog visitors have their Javascript disabled in their browser. So, i want a widget or code th...

Change widget text in another activity

Suppose I have ActivityA and ActivityB, also suppose that ActivityA is active. I need to: Programmatically set a text of EditText in ActivityB from ActivityA Launch ActivityB Here's my code: EditText res; final LayoutInflater factory = getLayoutInflater(); final View resultView = factory.inflate(R.layout.ActivityB, null); // get wi...

How can I use that sliding tab widget on the Android 2.0+ lockscreen?

I'm interested in using it for one of my apps and I was wondering how I can use one of them. Are there any other similar widgets out there for 2.0+? Thanks ...

Android - Show list of contacts with same phone number

I have a widget that will open the contacts list by a phone number. I am using *Contacts.Intents.SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT* I know it's deprecated but I want this to work on android 1.6. I have a phone number to use on the lookup intent. here is the code Intent contViewIntent = new Intent(Contacts.Intents.SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT); contVi...

Android - How to get a widget to recognize when the phones orientation has changed

I want my widget to update when the phones orientation has changed. Before android 2.0 you could register your widget to get the intent on orientation change <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED" /> </intent-filter> but after 2.0 you cannot do it. Android Dev doc says: You can not r...

change system settings from android widget

I have a widget that changes some system settings, but it will not take right away. It seems like I need to refresh the system settings for it to take. How do you change some system settings from a widget that take instantly? when my widget is pressed it goes to an activity with a blank background to change the system settings. one of...

Displaying a Forecast Widget on a website

Hello guys, I am looking for displaying Forecast information in my Django Website. Do you have any idea of how I can do that ? I looked at https://registration.weather.com/ursa/wow/ but it is in english and I didn't find anyway to put it in French. I looked at libgweather, but it didn't helps me a lot. Do you know how I can do that ?...

Facebook comments widget

Hi, i'm using some of facebook widgets. I have "Fan Box" and "Share". They work just fine. I'm trying to use the Comment Box and the problem is it does not show up at all on my site. http://www.facebook.com/facebook-widgets/ This is the facebook page with the widgets. "Website or Business" column widgets work fine when i use them. "De...

Add "Become-a-Fan" button to my website

I am trying to add "Become-a-Fan" button to my 2008 asp.net website (vb) Here is an example i have followed http://www.docstoc.com/docs/9646635/Add-a-Facebook-Fan-Button-to-your-Website/ posted this following script to my website: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/connect.php/en_US"&gt;&lt;/scri...

Android widget ImageButton loses image when screen is rotated

I have a widget on my home screen with several ImageButtons which have default background images. Through the configuration activity, I can change the image on any of the ImageButtons. The problem is that when the screen is rotated, the image on the ImageButton disapears and it changes back to the default image. I don't know why this ha...

clickable hyperlink behind image

I'm using the LinkedIn Profile widget on my site and am using the popup version. Although it's functional, I don't like the little LinkedIn icon that's placed as I'm already using a larger LinkedIn icon. Is it possible to hide the smaller one? (I assume it's built into the class, but there may be an option somewhere?) If not, is it possi...

Jquery Widget Performance

I am working on an interface which involves A LOT of javascript. There is a calendar and blocks drawn on the calendar. The calendar is a jQuery widget, which works beautifully. The blocks drawn on top are also jQuery widgets. While it works - I am wondering, every time I create another block, is the widget fully duplicating, or is it...