
How to update widgets from a service?

I have a background service that can be configured to perform some action every x minutes. I want to implement a widget that gets updated every time my service performs that action. However, I can't get the onUpdate method of my AppWidgetProvider called in any way, except when adding a widget to the homescreen. I tried sending APPWIDGET...

Android - update widget text

Hi, i have 2 questions about widgets update I have 2 buttons and i need to change one button text when i press the other one, how can i do this? The first time i open the widget it calls the onUpdate method, but it never calls it again. I need to update the widget every 2 seconds and i have this line in the xml. android:updatePeriodM...

tips on writing my first html embeddable widget?

i have been asked by a client to develop a javascript(mootools)/html/css/php based game as a widget which can be deployed anywhere. I have not written a widget before, so would love to get some tips and experiences so that i know some of the pitfalls before i start! Thanks :) Dan ...

how to serially load widget in android application

I'm working on one application which uses widget approach. one HTML page is there which includes 6 widgets which will be added in the page at runtime. for each widget one xml and js file is there... when page start loading ... it's tries to load all the widget at same time .. and unable to load all the widget . like if there are ...

Tips on creating my own Captivate widget from a Flash component?

I'm a reasonably-experienced Flash developer, now needing to use Captivate. In order to emulate some software functionality in an exercise, I need to create a combobox control (what Captivate calls a "widget" and Flash calls a "component"). The combobox that ships with Captivate is very different in appearance from the one I need to im...

eclipse rcp palette creation

Does any one know how to create a palette like Visual Editor widget palette? I think that it should be e component but I don't know where to find it and how to use. ...

Back button in an iframe (widget for an iGoogle-like portal)

Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a widget (which is basically an iframe) that would have its own back and forward buttons. That is, when I hit the widget back-button, only the iframe goes back, not the entire widget container (the iGoogle-like portal) I added the following links: <a class="button" href="#" onclick="history.back();ret...

Cross-platform HTML application options

I'd like to develop a stand-alone desktop application targeting Windows (XP through 7) and Mac (Tiger through Snow Leopard), and if possible iPhone and Android. In order to make it all work with as much common code as possible (and because it's the only thing I'm good at), I'd like to handle the main logic with HTML and JS. Using Adobe A...

Does changing background color in android destroy the widget's appearance?

I've noticed that changing the background color of an android widget (f.ex. Button or TextView) by program: myButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLUE); makes it to loose its 3D shape, border, and shadows effects, and then appears like a ugly flat square. What am I missing? Sorry for the very naive question but I couldn't get it right al...

Determine if an element is a jQueryUI Widget

I have written a jquery-ui widget using the Widget Factory... I need to be able to determine in code whether the element is already a widget or not... My investmentGrid widget is created on #container with $('#container').investmentGrid() I need to be able to determine elsewhere in the code if $('#container') is already an investmen...

Is there a workaround to the disappearing Perl/Tk text widget scrollbar for right justified content?

I've come across a bug I believe in Perl/Tk 804.027 Text Widget (using Scrollable('ROText')). When I add a tag that selects all and apply the configuration change to justify to the right, the scrollbars do not show up. If I comment out the tagConfigure where I justify to the right, the scrollbars come back. Does anyone have a workaround...

How to make a scrollable app widget?

As far as I have read in the Internet and official documentation, it isn't possible to make a scrollable app widget. Also all my tries failed. I even tried to subclass TextView to implement my own scroll method, but nothing worked. Are there any ways to achieve that? Btw.... there are solutions if you use for example htc sense or home ...

How to update a Widget dynamically (Not waiting 30 min for onUpdate to be called)?

I am currently learning about widgets in Android. I want to create a WIFI widget that will display the SSID, the RSSI (Signal) level. But I also want to be able to send it data from a service I am running that calculates the Quality of Sound over wifi. Here is what I have after some reading and a quick tutorial: public class WlanWi...

Android: implementing sliding cards in widget

I have a widget that periodically updates itself (hourly) to display top result of search query. I would like to extend it so it captures several top results and then loops through these. The best example would be Genie News and Weather widget for which I was unable to find a source code. QUESTIONS: What would be a good way to impleme...

Android equivalent of UIWebView in Xcode

Coming from an iPhone world... In Android, I am looking for an iPhone UIWebView-like control which can display HTML and let me catch clicks on links and stop the navigation. My apps display text with commands as href's in the HTML. ...

How to display tree on web site?

I'm looking for jQuery plugin or something that helps to display: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 / \ 6 7 / \ 8 9 Any tips? P.s. W/o silverlight/flash magic. No problems with CSS3/Html5. ...

Is it possible to animate a android widget I create in the same way the universal search widget animates.

When you click the Google universal search box on the home screen it animates upwards on the screen until it has reached the top and from there the search area and keyboard is opened. The animated widget is animated "on" the home screen because it slides under other widgets. It is easy to see this behavior if one puts the search box a...

Soft keyboard "del" key fails in EditText on Gallery widget

Hi, I am developing an application in Eclipse build ID 20090920-1017 using android SDK 2.2 and testing on a Google Nexus One. For the purposes of the tests below I am using the IME "Android keyboard" on a non-rooted phone. I have an EditText widget which exhibits some very strange behavior. I can type text, and then press the "del" key...

Display a ListView on a Home Widget with AppWidgetProvider

Hi all, I would like to create a Home Widget containing a ListView, but I don't know if this is possible and if it is, how to do it. I was using a ListActivity and it was pretty simple, but can't figure out a way to do it using AppWidgetProvider. Thanks for your help ...

amazon mp3 clips widget - how can I find the ASIN codes?

Hi Let's say I have a list of track titles and I want to get an Amazon ASIN code for each. Instead of searching manually, is there some API to use? Couldn't find anything on the Amazon MP3 Clips Widget pages (https://widgets.amazon.com/Amazon-MP3-Clips-Widget/) ... thanks Nicola ...