
Non-Standard widget size for Android

I have a use-case for a vertical 1x4 home screen widget on android. The supported size is 4x1 ie horizontal. Does anyone know if the vertical version can be implemented? I realize changing screen orientation would scrunch the widget together, which I'm fine with. Even better would be if there was an equivalent to "overflow hidden" in cs...

developing a widget in magento.?

I am developing a widget in magento but i am unable to accomplish the task of putting an image in the widget (to be more clear). I have read the tutorial http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/tutorial-creating-a-magento-widget-part-2 but i am unable to accomplish that widget. Any guidance or tutorial of that sort is welcome...

How do I provide an HTML embedded code for my web page?

I have a web page that I would like others to add onto their own web page. I know I can do this by providing an IFrame code, but is there a better way, such as providing a Javascript to embed? The IFrame has ugly scrollbars that do not make the embed so seamless. Can anyone help with this? ...

html widget communicating with server

I'm making html widget for websites. Let's say, it will display current stock indexes. In short, arbitrary website owner takes code snippet from me and includes it on his webpage http://website.com/index.html. When arbitrary user opens http://website.com/index.html, my code sends request to my server (provider.com), which performs necess...

WAI-Aria state for active widget

Is there a state to show that an widget is active. For example a user tabs in a listbox and navigate with up and down keys through the items. Is there a state for the listbox that shows the user is in it? ...

Get the currently played song in iTunes

Hi, I'd like to get the name of the song that iTunes is currently playing. What API should I refer to? I'd like to use that both for a dashboard widget or a Java/python application depending on what it is easier to use. Do you have some references for me? Thanks in advance, Mario ...

iframe height not taken into account by IE8

Hi guys, I'm building a dummy widget for a iGoogle/Netvibes like portal. This is a "Google Maps" widget, as it only renders a map centered on a specific location. The widget looks good in all browsers but IE8, in which the height I specify to the <div> that contains the map is not taken into account. Here's the interesting part of the...

Updating Android Home Screen TextView

Hi, How can we update the View of a Home Screen Widget on the onReceive method of AppWidgetProvider?. I am trying to update the TextView of my Home screen widget but it seems that I cant access the TextView of my AppWidgetProvider on onReceive method. Here is a sample code of my onReceive public void onReceive(Context context,Intent...

add text to the choice_label of ChoiceField in Django

The ChoiceField creates a select html element and the options show the choice_label which is the _unicode_ of each model object. How can I change the text of the choice_label without modifying _unicode_ ? I have a Product model and I want to show in the options text the product name + price + link to edit. I've searched in fields.py a...

Passing Integer from Android Home Screen Widget to an Activity opened by the Android Home Screen

Hi, How can we pass Android Home Screen Widget info ( putExtra maybe ) to an Activity.. What particular method callback will handle this one? ...

onReceive of Android Home Screen Widget not working when recreating the widget

whenever I recreate the home screen widget on my phone, the onReceive() method is not called. the problem would be that it doesn't respond to Button press that I assign which its function resides in the onReceive method.. The issue does not reside on the emulator but when I tested it with my phone, it doesnt respond to it. What would...

Do you know of a JavaScript widget for Solar Hijridates?

Do you know of a JavaScript widget for Solar Hijri (Jalali) dates? Users will likely enter dates as Solar Hijri and I need to convert. ...

android widget unresponsive

I have a widget that you press and it then it will update the text on the widget. I have set an on click listener to launch another activity to perform the text update, But for some reason it only works temporarily and then it will become unresponsive and not do anything when pressed. Does anyone know why it might be doing that? i hav...

compatibility when using the mootools library in a widget?

i want to use the mootools library to do animation & ajax in a widget i'm building. i plan to have the widget write itself into the page so the end user just deploys a single line of javascript. i'm concerned about the compatibility issues that may arise if my widget is used on a page which is already using another library. short test...

android widget stops working when view changes from potrait to landscape or vica versa

My widget stops working (becomes unresponsive to a button press) when the view changes from portrait to landscape or vica versa, does anyone know why it does this and if there is a fix? EDIT: found the solution. I needed to sending all PendingIntents across with each RemoteViews update, even if they've already been set. When the orienta...

Send a public broadcast from an AppWidget in Android

I have a widget for a music player and want to be able to send broadcasts when pushing the different buttons. What I want to do is when a button is pushed, the widget sends a public broadcast to another BroadcastReceiver so it can handle the different actions. In my activity class with the BroadcastReceiver: private BroadcastReceiver b...

Wordpress Drag and Drop Widgets

How can we create a drag and drop widget in word press? I need to create a widget and also I need to drag it on my existing sidebar.Please anybody can give me a spark to go forward. Thanks ...

Twitter Website Widget Breaks out of CSS Overflow in IE7

I am working the Twitter Widget which you can get from their web site. I currently have a container div which holds a div that has the widget inside. At this point I have both divs with a specified height shorter than the widget with the overflow of hidden and the widget breaks out of this in IE7 and IE8 COmpatibility. (I have not tes...

Job scheduler UI widget?

Does anyone know of a good Job scheduler UI widget? The ideal component would be a Javascript widget (hopefully JQuery) that allows a user to select a frequency which is converted to a cron expression. Anything good out there? ...

Ektron pageID in C#

I am creating a widget in Ektron CMS400 and I am trying to dynamically pull the page layout ID to then display the title. Currently I have this code: PageTitle = contentAPI.GetContent(110, Ektron.Cms.Content.EkContent.ContentResultType.Published).Title I would like to replace the 110 with an actual reference to the ID of the current ...