
How to replace element with my GWT widget?

Is it possible to replace known html element with my widget component? (Emphasis on the word 'replace', I don't want to put the widget in that element. :) <body> <img /> <div /> <a id="tmpEl" /> ... <img /> </body> would become <body> <img /> <div /> <div class="gwt-panel">...</div> ... <img /> </body> I tried s...

Why doesn't HTMLPanel allow add(Widget)?

HTMLPanel inherits the add(Widget) method from com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Panel, but doesn't override it. This leads to an UnsupportedOperationException when called. Would there be any problems if it was overriding it like FlowPanel does? @Override public void add(Widget w) { add(w, getElement()); } Background: HTMLPanel can b...

Use SWT Browser Widget to Write Desktop Application

Hi I recently played around with the SWT browser widget (which is great). I am wondering if I could write a full desktop application with it (with java services behind - e.g. persistence) and what drawbacks I would have to consider. The advantage would be that people without java knowledge could work on the gui. Of course it depends on ...

android custrom control (button)

Hi, all! I would like to create button which contains text on left and checkbox on right (or any other component). How can I do that? As I found I can make my own View extends Button, but how should I implement onDraw method if so? Thanks ...

Creating composite Javascript/HTML "widgets"

What I would like to do is be able to dynamically a block of self-contained HTML that has additional properties. I'm not sure what to call it, as "widget" now implies it is something like flair or a badge to put on your blog. I am talking about a reusable, customizable, "composite" JS/HTML(/CSS) object. For example, a simple date picke...

Magento: How do I put widgets into a layout xml?

I am using Magento Enterprise Edition. It includes a widget for banners, which I want to use inside of my template, rather than from inside of a CMS-run content block. I succeeded in generating the output from inside of a content block: {{widget type="enterprise_banner/widget_banner" display_mode="fixed" rotate="series" banner_ids="4" t...

Timeout of broadcast when configuring AppWidget

In my application I have recenlty added a home screen widget. Everything works fine except when trying to add a widget for the first time. Instead of opening the config Activity an ANR appears. I'm guessing that since it works just fine after the first crash, the crash is probably caused by some undefined value. Or perhaps I have not u...

Best way to update an Android widget every 20-30 secs: Handler, Service or Alarm?

I have a 4x4 widget and i want to update a little piece of it every 15-20 seconds. Clearly i don't want it to be updated when the phone is in standby. The widget needs also to respond to some system events other than my timer. So, which is the best option? An AlarmManager: nice but probably cpu intensive if it needs to be run every 20 ...

Domain based security for widgets

The web sites will be register and get an API key to use widgets. For example; Site A is registered as sitea.com for widget. But the main problem is, the widget can not be accessable from siteb.com with API key of sitea.com. Are there any way to implement this? ...

Android AppWidgetProvider and BroadcastReceivers

The online android documentation says: Everything you can do with AppWidgetProvider, you can do with a regular BroadcastReceiver. So, what i want to do is to register via registerReceiver() another event other than ACTION_APPWIDGET_* on my Widget. For example ACTION_BATTERY_OKAY, is there any way to do this? Obviously i cant regist...

Force Refreshing Embedded Google Gadget to Update With New Data.

How do I force refresh a Google Gadget that's embedded in another website to update automatically and instantly when the Google spreadsheet/form that it's linked to updates with new data? ...

Light-weight Database for storing user preferences of widgets

Hey all, I'm looking for a database that I can distribute with a web application, that will store user preferences for various widgets. A good example is the kind of database design that apple uses to store information about its widgets. So the weather widget stores location, while the notes widget stores notes. I think I'm looking f...

How do you handle charitable contributions?

Basically, I'm wondering if any of you have put together a for-profit e-commerce site that has had a charity donation option. We are trying to keep it a separate entity from our inventory and the rest of our books. We are looking for a tool to easily integrate a $1 or custom amount donation into the checkout. We run a single-page AJ...

How to derive a custom widget from jquery-ui dialog

I want to build a jquery-ui widget and I am unsure of the best way to approach this. The widget will manage the sate of some data that is hosted inside of a jquery-ui dialog. Should I build a custom widget, in the widget create function add some elements to the widget target and then call the dialog widget on my widgets target. Or Is...

How do I center a widget in the middle of the screen in vanilla GWT?

Hi, I wish to center a widget in the middle of the browser window (horizontally and vertically). I do not wish to stretch the widget to fill the root pane nor do I wish to use a popup window. Is there a simple way this can be achieved? Thanks, ...

widget with two(or more) layout

I need the way to setup widgets inside other widget with different layouts... it is something like we have widget divided by one layout into two parts with labels, and this widget have other widget inside with layout like on attached image and we have only 4 widgets: main widget, label one widget, label two widget, button widget, and ...

Desktop widget for Windows and Ubuntu?

Hi everybody, I am looking for some kind of solution of building some kind of desktop widget for Windows, Ubuntu + Apples OS in a latter stage. What I want it to do is to make a HTTP request once per hour from a PHP page at my web server and display the value to the users desktop. What would be a good way to accomplish something like ...

Use PreferenceActivity to configure widget, how retrieve preference?

Hello, i'm using PreferenceActivity class to configure my widget. PreferenceActivity class automatically saves user preferences, so in widget update service i can call context.getSharedPreferences() and i obtain user preferences. Problem is follow: if you have many widget of same type, how PreferenceActivity class saves prefs? how ...

Upgrade Wordpress Widget to use the Widget API

Hopefully someone can help me out with this. I am upgrading a widget from the (really) old method of get_option/update_option to store/retrieve widget options to use the newer Widget API. The goal is to be able to use multiple instances of the widget, which I have successfully done, but now I'm running into a problem. The plugin I'm wor...

What is this type of web control/widget called?

I'm looking to create a menu that is a hybrid of an accordion control and a fly-out menu, but I want to have it expand across the x axis instead of the y: Is there a name for this widget? The name of a jQuery plugin would be even better. Thanks ...