
Opengl Gallery implementation?

Anyone know of an example of an opengl implementation of something like the Gallery widget? Basically, I am looking for an example of how to horizontally scroll a list of images using opengl. I have seen this behavior in the Gallery 3D app from cooliris but there is ALOT of code in that app and I haven't been able to figure out how it wo...

Ideas on how to handle a javascript widget?

My friend has a search engine that he wants to have a widget access that can be put on other web pages. If I send a request to the search engine, it returns an XML file. The request would look something like this: http://www.site.com/page.php?keyword=this+is+a+sample&page=1&num_days=3&source_id=site2.com&source_name=s...

Add widgets in forms

Hello I want to know if it's possible to add widgets to a CRUD form : I want to select an entry in a list or to enter a text in an input if the entry isn't in list. The user choose with a radiobutton if he choose in list or write in the input. It's possible ? If yes, how can I do this ? ...

Android Widget onReceive can't call Service class?

Hi, I have a widgetProvider . I also have a service class that does the calculation for the widget. The widget runs fine when initialized. I'm getting an error when I try to call the service from within the onReceive method after a broadcast event that I want to react on (time change). How can I update the widget from onReceive after ...

Form : sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice, choose the method

Hello, In my form I want to use a widget Doctrine, but I can't change the method use to display the result of the doctrine query. I have make a function in my model : public function quartiers() { return $this->getQuartier(); } And in MyClassForm : $this->widgetSchema['list_quartiers'] = new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice(array('mode...

How to write a scrollable MFC custom control ?

I want to write my own chart control which requires scrolling. I found that there is a CScrollView but nothing like this for a control. Other toolkits like Cocoa, QT or GTK offer me a base class where i can set a content view which is displayed in a viewport and saves me from writting all of the scrolling code. ...

programmatically determining if someone owns a website?

I need to figure out the best way to determine if someone is the actual owner of a website. I don't just mean the domain although in a lot of cases that might be the case. My first inclination was to have them put a special comment in their HTML that my program can scrape. e.g.: <!-- @webcode:1234 --> One possible problem with that...

What is the corresponding UI widgets with android Gallery and Grid widgets in IPhone?

Android has Gallery and Grid widgets, what about iphone? Does those UI elements exist in IPhone or any other similar widgets? ...

BlackBerry Widgets in the wild?

I've been writing BlackBerry applications in Java and I'm interesting in developing widgets as well, but I'd like to have a look at a real world BlackBerry application implemented using the Widget API first. I find a lot of tutorials, code snippets and forum threads / stackoverflow questions regarding BlackBerry widgets, however I wasn't...

What are these OSX buttons called, and how to make/use them in Qt

I have not done any work with Carbon/Cocoa, only Qt. I know Qt has excellent integration with various OS's, especially Mac in the last version (adding sheets, drawers, support for files attached to windows, and more), so I suspect it can do this, too. Here's the picture: If you can't see it, there are four buttons on a bar at the bott...

How to put multiple widget sizes in one apk?

What I'm trying to do is have a clock widget of different sizes (i.e. 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 etc) in one apk and a configuration activity to be able to select which size to add. From what i've learned from documentation: Widget size is specified in <appwidget-provider> tag in respective xml file Also in that file I set up the configuration act...

Flash widget system

I want to create a little flash application, what would implement a widget system. Main points: Widgets are separate SWF files, loaded dynamically from a folder Active widgets and their position are saved on a given interval Widgets can be dragged after a long press (time of press can be set) Open source and free Not too important but ...

Google Search Like Widget Example

I am looking for example for Google Search like home page widget from where user can type-in keywords to search within my app. Youtube video here. I followed the tutorial at the dev guide. However, it lists the available RemoteViews, and there is no EditView. In such case how can I provide a editable text-box. I want to build a widget s...

cannot use a Tablelayout within a widget????

Hello. Here is the xml file of my Android widget: http://pastebin.com/Kqxs5t9E This code is showing me some good results in Eclipse, but as soon as I sent the file to my device and try to add the widget to my homescreen I get this error code and the widget showing: "Problem Loading the Widget": http://pastebin.com/UcvWs1DA So what? ...

My Android widget is killed, "No longer want bellander.andro...."

I'm writing a widget that pulls data from a web page every 5 minutes, using a timer. This works fine for an hour or two, then the process is killed. I/ActivityManager(81): No longer want bellander.android.widget (pid 1118): hidden #16 and the system kills of the process. How do I prevent this? Is the use of a timer wrong? ...

how to remove widget when the app is uninstalled in android ?

Hi, In android, I have created a widget for my application. When I uninstall the app, widget shows "problem loading widget" error in home screen. I need a scenario where widget should be removed by the developer through code (and not by the drag and drop to the trash) when i uninstall the app. Is it possible. If so, what changes we need...

Android - Using custom View in Widget

Hi, i made a extended a View, overwrote the 3 View Contructors and tried to insert it on my xml of a widget. The Exception is: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mypackage.myView in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@4001e710 is it possible to use custom views in Widgets? ...

Accessing a template variable without it passing through it's widget

I'm try to ascertain an event time from a date template variable in a modx snippet. However that template variable has a date formatter widget in it which, while nicely formatting the date, doesn't output the time of the event. I know that modx stores dates in unixtime in it's database, is there an easy way to directly access the unixti...

Model for an AppWidgetProvider

I have a widget that shows some data fetched from the Internet. I may have multiple widgets visible on the screen, each displaying some data, partly the same as the other widgets. From time to time I re-fetch the data from the Internet and update the widget views. I've modeled this in an MVC style: I have a model which I can invoke a "...

Change Android widget size on upgrade

Hi, I have written a widget with size 74x74 in version 1. In version 2 I want to change the size to 148x74. I want this to happen during upgrade, is this possible? or does the user have to remove and add the widget again? ...