
Javascript/jQuery legend widget

Is there a JS/jQuery widget that would allow me to display a simple legend that contains for example a small colored rectanlge and a text label next to it? In this specific case the legend would show meanings behind different color codes in an inline jQuery UI datepicker widget, which would be customized to enable multiple selections by...

How do I stop Wordpress dashboard widgets from being dragged?

I'm setting up Wordpress 3.0.1 for a novice user. The Dashboard widgets are appropriately placed, and I'd like them to stay that way. As far as I know, there's no add_filter or add_action hook to prevent dragging, so another approach would be to make a plugin that uses jQuery to disable dragging. What handler(s) would I override -- click...

Native widgets created by Dojo don't work

I'm using dojo.create to throw some native widgets onto a page. In particular, I have put a set of radio buttons onto the page, and whether they function properly depends on where I put them. I want to put them into a DIV I create. However, when I do that, they don't work. If I put them at the bottom of the body, they work. If I put the...

Usage Tracking / analytics software for widget and bookmarklet/plugin

Launching a summary technology and looking to generate analytics on the performance and usage of the different products offered. We have a widget, a bookmarklet, and soon a plugin. Need to see individual usage details and manipulate stats for meaningful performance analytics to make intelligent decisions on ux optimizing. ...

How to start others application in Widgets click event ?

I designed a widget and successful using "setOnClickPendingIntent" to active the click event, but I want to start other application witch is install in my Android phone (such as Google Map), how can I using in this following command? if (intent.getAction().equals(ACTION_WIDGET_CLICK)) { .... } Beside that, My widget is a clock widge...

Should one use an Activity or a Service when using a button in a Widget?

I'm been trying to figure this out for a while now, and have just become more and more confused. I have made a Android Widget which displays two articles (title + image). In addition to this, I have buttons for flipping backward and forward through the articles. What I don't understand is how I can change the Widgets RemoteViews when th...

android home screen widget x-y coordinates

Is it possible to obtain the X-Y coordinates of a home screen widget? I need to display a pop-up relative to the position of the widget, so I need to get the X and Y coordinates. Thank you ...

How can I change my CSS so my widgets don't overlap each other when trying to "minimize" them?

I asked a question awhile back about how to properly do my css/html so I could make a rounded widget based on an image I had. The question was answered here and the solution works great. The widgets look just like I want them to: Their basic structure is: <div id="widget3" class="widget"> <div class="widget-top"> ...

Programmatically update widget from activity?

I know it's possible, but I can't figure out a way to trigger an update of my widget from the main activity. Isn't there some general intent I can broadcast? ...

Magento use own handle in widgets doesn't work

Hi, I find that I can add own layout handles with this script: $this->getLayout()->getUpdate()->addHandle('myhandle'); Then I checked Alan Storm Layout viewers: http://alanstorm.com/2005/projects/MagentoLayoutViewer.tar.gz ?showLayout=handles Handles For This Request default cms_page STORE_default THEME_frontend_def...

Building a stand-alone app/widget to run from status bar (mac or pc)

What's the simplest platform for building a little stand alope app, that can run from the status bar on mac and windows (xp, vista, 7) It will be done in html/css/javascript and talk to the online web application through ajax calls. I was thinking adobe air might be best? ...

froyo apps2sd, can a widget go app2sd

froyo apps2sd, can a widget go app2sd, once usb is mounted widget gets uninstalled, you unmount the usb it never enables again, tried enabling it programatically, no luck, can any body help ...

Android HelloTab Tutorial

Hello, I am an experienced Java programmer just starting out with Android development. I am going through the tutorials and am having a problem with the tab widget tutorial. I have followed the example to the letter and keep getting the below in the log when trying to run on the emulator: ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { act=andro...

Create a desktop widget (gadget) with QT 4

How do I create with QT 4 a window that remains anchored to the desktop as a widget ? (Eg like Yahoo Widgets or Google Gadgets). I intend to give the same characteristics of a widget to a normal window: Remove the edges (easy to do) The window must not move (how ?) Must be displayed only when other windows are minimized (how ?) ...

How can I tell a widget to maximize to fill the whole space available?

I'm developing a widget for mobile phones using the Vodafone Mobile Widget Platform and I'm trying to get it to fill the entire screen. Using height and width to 100% doesn't seem to work as expected. Anyone know what to do? ...

How can i use the different view modes of a mobile widget?

I'm trying to make a mobile application using the Vodafone Mobile Widget Platform and I've seen they support different view modes, like... docked, floating, etc... How can make use of them? Also, is there any way to detect when a widget is docked or is floating? ...

Python/Django BooleanField model with RadioSelect form default to empty

Hello all, I'm using a Django ModelForm where my model contains a BooleanField and the form widget associated with that BooleanField is a RadioSelect widget. I'd like the the RadioSelect widget that renders to have no options selected so the user has to explicitly make a choice, but the form validation to fail if they make no selection...

Django Admin - Overriding the widget of a custom form field

Hi All, I have a custom TagField form field. class TagField(forms.CharField): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TagField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.widget = forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'tag_field'}) As seen above, it uses a TextInput form field widget. But in admin I would like it to be disp...

AJAX requests in mobile widgets

I've added the code for an AJAX call in my mobile widget but I don't get a response. Any ideas? $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/syndication/feeds/disruptions-tube-offset-now.xml", dataType: "xml", success: function(xml) {} }); ...

How do I create a "widget" for people? It's just a simple text box with my logo.

I want something that the webmaster can copy into his site. It just needs to have my logo, a text box, and a submit button. (When the user clicks submit using that widget, it forwards to my site.) I know there are many ways to do this. What is the fastest and easiest? ...