
WordPress: hide widgets from Post Window programmatically

Hey guys, I'm burning my brain to find someway to hide some widgets from "Post Window" programmatically. I found an article on WordPress.org that worked fine to hide some widgets from the Dashboard Window (ref.: http://codex.wordpress.org/Dashboard_Widgets_API#Advanced:_Removing_Dashboard_Widgets). But unfortunately I didn't find any w...

the same problem as "Android widget different portrait and landscape orientation"

How did you support both landscape and portrait for appwidget? the layout of appwidget will never change when orientate the device from landscape to portrait. by the way, would you please tell me which device support both landscape and portrait for appwidget? ...

Javascript library for dockable panels/tabs?

In the process of converting a .NET rich application to Javascript. One of the GUI features folks liked a lot was to rearrange their application layout. In .NET this was accomplished via Sandock: http://www.divelements.com/net/controls/sanddock/screenshots.aspx Anything like this for Javascript? ...

how to reload the UIpicker view data

Hello, I want to reload the data in the UIpicker view. actaully i have 2 picker on the view. and i want to fill the data in the second picker according to the previous selected picker value. is it possible? please suggest how i do this. ...

How to combine image and text on the fly in php

hi, i want to combine text and image on the fly to create a jpg widget. I want to do this for a fundraising website, i will need to update the image once a day so it reflect the updated fundraising progress bar. The reason why i want a jpg (image) widget is because it is much more friendly to add to blogs, website etc. ...

Twitter Widget - Only Post Tweets Less Than Two Days Old

Hello. I have this Twitter widget that works really well (and is easily customizable), but I have one issue with it. I only want to post tweets less than two days old, but I can't figure out how to do it. So in the HTML, I have the following: <ul id="twitter_update_list"></ul> <script src="/assets/script_twitterwidget.js" type="text/j...

Show a TextView in front of a VideoView?

Is there a way to show a TextView in front of a VideoView? ...

How to outline android's TextView text?

Is there a way to outline android's TextView text? ...

Why is AppWidgetProvider created each time I add an app widget?

Hello guys'n'girls :) I'm slighty puzzled about how android's AppWidget machinery works. I reimplemented the AppWidgetProvider's constructor like this: public class MyProvider extends AppWidgetProvider { public MyProvider() { Log.d("TEST", "Creating...") } public void onUpdate(..., int[] appWidgetIds) { // updati...

Django: Custom widget that can pre-fill from POST/GET data

Updated with my final solution, below. I wrote a custom Django form widget to create a range query. It renders two input fields to define the min and max values for a query. With well-crafted forms and widgets, fields can be filled with the values from the last query like so: form = my_form(request.GET) However, I cannot figure ou...

Insert a script into the DOM that calls AJAX

We have a tool that allows people to add code to a dynamic page. A bit of code (a widget) needs to be injected into the DOM, not hard coded into the html. I use jquery to do it. The problem is that it ends up redirecting the page... I need to solve this. Here is an example. Create a page with the following: <script type="text/javascr...

ImageButton in Android homescreen widget

I have a homescreen widget with an imagebutton. I have the button working with a pending intent, but I can't seem to figure out how to change the button image when it is pressed. I tried using a selector and it works in my widget test activity, but not in the remoteview. How could I implement this functionality in the home screen widg...

wxPython: Can a wx.PyControl contain a wx.Sizer?

Can a wx.PyControl contain a wx.Sizer? Note that what I am ultimately trying to do here (spinner with float values) is already answered in another question. I am particularly interested in layouting widgets within a wx.PyControl, a skill which might prove useful if I come across a need to make my own custom widgets. I already read throu...

Android Widgets: Where would the 'insert' step for a database occur?

I have a widget that currently takes a random string from an array and sets it to text view on update. The issue here is that the same item can be re-used multiple times in a row due to the string being 'random' In order to solve this I was going to create a table that held String text, and int viewednum and increment the viewed number ...

Terminal Widget for MFC/Win32 applications?

I need a terminal Widget which is able to emulate a windows console and a simple VT100 terminal on Windows. Something like VTE for GTK or QConsole for QT. Is it even possible to run a Windows Console like cmd.exe inside a child window? ...

How to add an Android widget to my app?

I want to put the Android's Analog Clock in my app, is there a way? --update Studying android developers page. It says that "App Widgets are miniature application views that can be embedded in other applications (such as the Home screen)" so, looks like there is a way. --update Still nothing, read all details of the abov...

wxPython: wx.PyControl layout problem when it is a child of a wx.Panel

This is a continuation from this question: wxPython: Can a wx.PyControl contain a wx.Sizer? The main topic here is using a wx.Sizer inside a wx.PyControl. I had problems Fit()ting my CustomWidget around its child widgets. That problem was solved by calling Layout() after Fit(). However, as far as I have experienced, the solution only w...

Widget application in iPhone?

I like to develop a widget kind of application for iPhone. Will app store accept the application? It going to be a free app ...

Analytics for 3rd party JavaScript widgets

I'm trying to find the best approach for analyics on 3rd party JavaScript widgets - i.e. tools and content that is distributed to any number of arbitrary users, who include the widgets as HTML snippets with tags. On the same domain Note that the widgets do not load into an iframe element that has a document loaded from the external si...

Android: Widget does not load content on creation

Hello to all, I decided to create my first Android widget this weekend and although I have gotten it to work somewhat, it does not display the dynamically-loaded content until I rotate the device (using Launcher Pro Plus which allows landscape orientation and rotation of home screens). The widget is pretty simple, it just retrieves an ...