
Need help writing "backgroundless" widget for wxWidgets (wxGTK) using GTK2

Hi there. My question is concerned with GTK2 and wxWidgets (actually wxGTK). In wxGTK all controls have grey background by default and it is impossible to remove it. I have a textured panel with custom child controls and each of my controls has an ugly grey border which I can't remove. I can only set some background color and make the ...

Good javascript widget for streaming data

I have a requirement to show a stream of data via Javascript. Watching an http log file in real-time would be a good example. The data is in fact nested JSON but it could be forced into a table-like structure. The data source would need to be an AJAX call executed periodically (WebSockets would be better but it needs to support non HTML5...

halting a $.post

I have stolen/found/used/written and edited the following widget of jQuery for a auto-completing dropdown. (function($) { $.widget("ui.comboboxGemeenten", { _create: function() { var focushelper = false; var lastTerm; var self = this; var select = this.element.hide(); ...

Android - How to launch an activity from a widget and return to home screen

I have a widget that when clicked opens an activity from same app as the widget. When the activity is closed/dismissed via a button, the user will see the full app window IF the app was previously open/in memory. Is there a way for the activity to finish and return to the home screen and not to an existing instance of the app? Intent i ...

Maintainable Web Widgets

How do you create maintainable web widgets? Right now, I allow my web users to create web widgets via a simple interface, and all the javascript, css, and html needed for that widget gets saved in a database table cell, which is very unmaintainable. Is there are better way of allowing people to create widgets, yet make them maintainabl...

Are any of the GWT widget libraries compatible with uiBinder?

Are any of the third-party widget libraries compatible with GWT 2.0's features, including uiBinder? All I know is that it seems as if SmartGWT can't. ...

Android Widget with Ticket Kind of behavior

Hi. I have an Android widget which is suppose to show news headline. My idea is this: I have a widget on home screen with a news scrolling. Every 30 seconds it calls it's Provider's onUpdate method which in turns invoke a service. The service updates the view with next news item. My problem is that until I have new news available; ...

Mulitple Instances of Pending Intent

I created a widget that when clicked activates a PendingIntent. The problem is when I have more than one widget on the screen only the latest one will start the PendingIntent. I have read some about a unique request code, but not figured this out. Any ideas how I can have multiple widgets and the PendingIntents work for each? Her...

Best approach for building a dynamic widget perspective using QT ?

I am building an interface similar in features to the Eclipse IDE for a telemetry project. I'll be showing many different widgets and each of them needs to be resizable / moveable / popped_out / popped_in / hideable / "fullscreen-able" / etc... like a "perspective" of the Eclipse IDE. What would be the best approach using QT? Which clas...

How to tie specific pending intents to specific buttons on specific widgets on a multi-widget.. appwidget?

I have a Widget i am working on, that allows the user to have more then one instance of the widget on his screen. Each Widget id maintains its own configuration file. However for some odd reason my code that is responsible for setting up the buttons individually for each widget id is not working, only the first widget id is linked to eac...

What is the simplest way to create a very simple widget that can be used on remote sites?

For example, I have a super simple widget that I want to allow my users to use across sites: <h1>Headline</h1> #mingyeow is the name of the user <% render "/questions/mingyeow" %> What would be the easiest way to do? exact method to allow this javascript vs iframe cross site security concerns ...

Create a desktop widget framework using asp.net.

Hi, I like to create a desktop widget framework using asp.net. its like yahoo widget or google widget any one able to create a simple widget application and plug in to this framework.any one give me idea for this how to develop this framework? ...

Android-Toggle a widget on the home screen

I was successful on to launch an activity and change to new layout for a widget. But I wanna toggle it! I don't wanna get state from a preference, anyone know how to get "current layout" so that I can switch to new layout. ...

What is a widget in Android?

What is a widget in android? Can I develop a widget for my app? ...

Creating Dashbord Widgets (using XCode?) based on iPhone app

Some time ago I developed an app for a client. It's basically a simple calculator. Because they like it so much they asked me if it would be possible to create dashboard widget with the same functionality based on the iPhone app. I have never before developed a widget, I only know that they are mostly html + css based, so this raises a ...

What is the right way to make a widget that changes content every 6-8 seconds ,Android

The closest example of what i want to accomplish is the "Engadget" widget. It updates it's data from the internet every 5-10 minutes and "scrolls" to the stories every 5-7 seconds. I imagine it sets the 5 -10 minutes interval to the widget's provider to call the onUpdate without the inbuild limitations , something like that .. AlarmMana...

exit and back button implementation

Hi All, Either exit button or back button only can be implemented in my application.But i want both the implementations in my application. So,Please propose me a solution. Thanks in Advance..:) ...

Can an Android application include a widget or is the widget an application itself and needs to be separated from the application ?

Can an Android application include a widget or is the widget an application itself and needs to be separated from the application ? ...

Text Picker Component

Does something exist for Android? I am looking for something equivalent to HTML's tag. I see things like NumberPicker, but I can't see any way to have a basic drop down selector. I am aware of ListPreference, but I want to use it outside the context of a PreferenceActivity and inside arbitrary views. Anyone? ...

How to launch widget configuration after is been put on screen

My widget launches a configuration screen when chosen to be put on screen. That works fine. I wanted to be able to touch a part of the widget to return to that configuration screen. I have created 2 pending intents in my widget's service but only one works. The code is below: remoteView.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.my_image,myWidget.mak...