
Convert from wiki to html

Hi i'm using a wikipedia api for getting info from wikipedia. Is there anything for convert wiki text in html? I've tried mediacloth but i doesn't works well thanks ...

VB support in Java 6?

I was checking Java language history in wikipedia, and this paragraph caught my attention: The current version, Java SE 6 (December 11, 2006) — Codename Mustang — is bundled with a database manager, facilitates the use of scripting languages (currently JavaScript using Mozilla's Rhino engine) with the JVM and has Visual B...

Looking for a database of n-grams taken from wikipedia

I am effectively trying to solve the same problem as this question: minus the requirement that words represent physical objects. The answers and edited question seem to indicate that a good start is building a list of frequ...

Link terms on page to Wikipedia articles in pure JavaScript

While browsing I came across this blog post about using the Wikipedia API from JavaScript, to link a single search term to it's definition. At the end of the blog post the author mentions possible extensions including: A plugin which auto links terms to Wikipedia articles. This fits the bill perfectly for a project requirement I'm...

Query on Stack pointer use in Assembly Language

Hi All, I was ready a article posted on wikipedia on Tail recursion: Now here at the end of the article, the example shows Stack Pointer being used to access the arguments passed to the function call in the assembly pseudo code. Isn't this wrong? I mean the arguments are accessed by the callee by ...

Query Wikipedia's API using AJAX (XMLHttpRequest)

I am trying to implement a simple request to Wikipedia's API using AJAX (XMLHttpRequest). If I type the url in the address bar of Firefox, I get a neat XML, no sweat there. Yet, calling the exact same url with: // this is my XMLHttpRequest object"GET", "

Mining Groups of people from Wikipedia

I am trying to get the list of people from the . I have to go through all the sections and get people from each section. How should i go about it ? Should I use a crawler and get the pages and search through those using BeautifulSoup ? Or is there any other alternative to get t...

What PHP Framework and ORM does wikipedia use?

I have always been fascinated about how wikipedia works. I am think of creating an idea similar to wikipedia but I must know what technology they use first. Just wanted to know what technology does wikipedia use? ...

Fetch excerpt from Wikipedia article?

I've been up and down the Wikipedia API, but I can't figure out if there's a nice way to fetch the excerpt of an article (usually the first paragraph). It would be nice to get the HTML formatting of that paragraph, too. The only way I currently see of getting something that resembles a snippet is by performing a fulltext search (example...

How to analyse Wikipedia article's data base with R?

Hi all, This is a "big" question, that I don't know how to start, so I hope some of you can give me a direction. And if this is not a "good" question, I will close the thread with an apology. I wish to go through the database of Wikipedia (let's say the English one), and do statistics. For example, I am interested in how many active ...

dbpedia auto-suggest labels

Wikipedia has a auto-suggest feature on its search field. If you for instance type in "mars" it lists a few items including Mars, Marseille, Marsh. I am looking to implement something similar working off the latest DBpedia export (wikipedia in database form). If I do a search for all labels in the labels_en.nt file that DBpedia offer tha...

Wikipedia article's

Hi, I am doing a project, for which I need to know all the wikipedia article names(I don't need the content). Is there a place where I can download this data. Thank you Bala ...

Wikipedia text download

Hi, I am looking to download full Wikipedia text for my college project. Do I have to write my own spider to download this or is there a public dataset of Wikipedia available online? To just give you some overview of my project, I want to find out the interesting words of few articles I am interested in. But to find these interesting w...

Add Tags to MediaWiki and showing a tag cloud on the front page?

I want to add "tags" like in delicious to mediawiki pages and then show a tag cloud on the front page using this. How do I do this? ...

Can only read one element at once of a circular buffer

I have implemented the standard single consumer, single producer queue as a circular buffer in C consisting of an array and two indexes: one for read, one for write. My circular buffer is of the type that returns an error if you attempt to insert an item into a full queue and uses one empty slot to distinguish between an empty ring buff...

Searching a 25 GB corpus for a single word

Hi, I have to search a 25 GB corpus of wikipedia for a single word. I used grep but it takes lot of time. Is there a efficient and easy representation that can be made to search quickly. Also, I want to find exact match. Thank you. ...

Wikipedia : Java library to remove wikipedia text markup removal

Hi, I downloaded wikipedia dump and now want to remove the wikipedia markup in the contents of each page. I tried writing regular expressions but they are too many to handle. I found a python library but I need a java library because, I want to integrate into my code. Thank you. ...

jQuery script for clickNshow on a dokuwiki page

I am making a dokuwiki for our company, but because the documents tend to get very large, I want to collapse the sections and only show the headers. The sections should appear when the header has been clicked. The dokuwiki tips and tricks page shows a nice little jquery script that facilitates this click and show behaviour. I modified i...

Extract paragraphs from Wikipedia API using PHP cURL

Here's what I'm trying to do using the Wikipedia (MediaWiki) API - Do a GET on[keyword] to retrieve a list of suggested pages for the keyword Loop through each suggested page using a GET on

Wikipedia embedded in WinForms App Tutorial

Can anyone post a tutorial here on how to show a Wikipedia article in a .NET WinForms application (C# or VB)? If the article can be placed in a string it suffices, there`s no need to put it on any control. I found some information on Wikipedia's API. After reading it, I added the reference to web service but can`t find a way to make thi...