
ASP.Net: Ignore Windows Auth

I have an application where I need to use 'Basic Authentication'; however, in order for you to debug the application in Visual Studio, IIS requires the directory to also have 'Windows Authentication' enabled. The problem is my user handler tries to send out a request for basic authentication to compare them to a database... but the basi...

ASP.NET -> WCF Service requires Windows authentication

I've been tasked with building a basic admin app. The app needs an ASP.NET front end which talks to a number of back end services using WCF. One requirement is that the users of the app are authenticated using Windows authentication. I can do this no problem if the app logic were contained in the ASP.NET app, but I have no idea how to p...

How do I setup IIS 6 with anonymous access for local webforms development ?

When I setup IIS6 to develop projects locally I have to enable "Integrated Windows Authentication" under directory security in order for my CSS & Images to show up. (Note: I have double checked that network service has rights to all directories in my web application) However this often causes my browser to prompt me for windows login us...

Can I log into a web application automatically using a users windows logon?

On the intranet at my part time job (not IT related) there are various web applications that we use that do not require logging in explicitly. We are required to login to Windows obviously, and that then authenticates us some how. I'm wondering how this is done? Without worrying about security TOO much, how would I go about authenticati...

How do I change a windows password through asp?

I have a web application that uses Integrated Windows Authentication to validate users. Most of them are remote and don't have access to a workstation to update their AD password. Rather than manually managing passwords my self, I'd like to put together a script so they can change them on their own. How would I update their windows pas...

Add user to SQL Server 2008 - permission denied

I have recently had some problems that I think might be helped by debugging my ASP.NET MVC application in IIS instead of with the default ASP.NET Development Server. However, when I try this the application can't access the database server (MS SQL Server 2008 Express) - it works fine on the Development Server though. The error I get is ...

What allows a Windows authentication username to work (flow) between 2 servers?

Typical ISP setup. One server is the web server, another is the DB SQL server. There is a local administrator account, let's say XYZ, created on both machines. So when I log in remotely, I am either WebServer\XYZ or DBServer\XYZ, depending where I log in. Now, when I login to SQL Server SSMS on DBServer using Windows Authentication, ...

Unauthorized error when surfing to files

Hi, My IIS is configured to use WindowsAuthentication. When I surf to the file: I can see the file perfectly but when i'm checking with charles (http debugger) I see the following result. The problem is that when a browser does this, it will retry (apperantly up to 3 times) but when .NET ( tries this, it's crashes after ...

How to get the current user's Active Directory details in C#

I am working on an C# and ASP.Net application, that uses Windows Authentication. i.e. in Web.config: <system.web> <authentication mode="Windows" /> </system.web> I want to get details for the current user (full name, email address, etc) from Active Directory. I can get their pre Windows 2000 user login name (eg: SOMEDOMAIN\so...

Custom IPrincipal together with WindowsAuthentication

Is there any good way of combining ASP.NET Windows Authentication with a custom IPrincipal/IIdentity object? I need to store the user's email address and have done so for Forms Authentication using a custom IIdentity/IPrincipal pair that I added to the Context.CurrentUser during the AuthenticateRequest event. How would I best go by to ...

Windows loginID help on Windows/Apache2.2 environment

Hello Apache/Win Masters: I really could use some help in solving what appears to be a trivial issue. In summary, I want to know the Window's loginID for the user accessing a Perl .cgi running in Apache on a Windows environment. Here's my basic Apache2 conf additions: ---- begin httpd.conf ----- ... LoadModule sspi_auth_module modu...

Asp .Net MVC with Windows Authtication and SQL Server Role Based Provider

Did anybody make MVC + Windows Auth + SQL Server role based provider work on IIS 7.0? Any pointers will be helpful. ...

Windows Authentication for a single file

Environment: IIS 6.0, ASP.NET 3.5 I have the need to secure just one file with windows authentication and just want to ensure that I understand my options correctly. Through IIS turn off anonymous access for the file I want to secure, and make sure Integrated Windows Security is checked Put the file in its own directory and drop a we...

Detect user logged on a computer using ASP.NET app.

Hi! I want to develop an ASP.NET application that can detect the user logged on a Window Domain. These credentials are going to be used to logging on the ASP.NET application. How can I do this? Thanks! ...

Windows Integrated Authentication Conflict With MS-SQL 2000 DB Connection With Integrated Security

Hi, We are developing an intranet web application on .NET 2.0 platform. The application is using Integrated Windows Authentication for Single Sign On. The users are authorized to use diffent modules according to the Active Directory Groups they are in. Up to the point where authentication and authorization is accomplished everything w...

IIS7 Authentication problem

I have deployed a web site to a Win 2008 Web server with IIS7. The site works fine on a Win 2003 Standard server with IIS6. On the 2008 box, whenever I request a page (htm or aspx) from a folder named Reports, I get challenged with the Windows Authentication dialog box. I have Anonymous Authentication and Forms Authentication enabled ...

How to eliminate IIS/ASP.NET double handshake?

I have a .NET 2.0 ClickOnce application that runs in a corporate environment and it's setup to work via Windows Authentication. So the users download the app via ClickOnce and then it connects to an IIS server and communicates via Web Service calls. The problem is that for every single call there is a double handshake. The first cal...

Configuration error

Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' b...

401 Unauthorized when contacting ASP.NET web service from ASP.NET web application.

I have a single server (Windows 2003/IIS 6). This server has a few different "Web Sites" setup in IIS. Each site is configured in IIS with a distinct host header (port 80). In addition, each site also is accessible over a specified port number (without host header). For example: MySite1: or http://myserver:xx...

SharePoint (WSS) Authentication Across Multiple Domains

First, a little background: We have an intranet site based on WSS 3.0 that is hosted on a server in *DOMAIN_A.LOCAL* and set up to use Integrated Windows Authentication to authenticate users against Active Directory user accounts of *DOMAIN_A.LOCAL*. This setup works just fine for users who are logged into Windows using an AD account f...