
Javascript interface with RS-232 Serial Port

I am currently working on a project that involves a 4 Port A/V switch. This switch can be controlled via RS-232. The computer that will interface with the switch runs Vista. I would like to create a sidebar gadget that has 4 buttons- 1 for each port on the switch. When the user presses the button, it switches to that port. I have ...

MSDataShape on Windows VISTA

I have a connection to an access database that implements MSDataShape that works perfectly on Windows XP, now when i try to run it on Windows Vista it game me an error. The error on vista error: Error # -2147467259 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified The same code works perfectl...

How can I add an editable ComboBox to Vista's Common Item Dialog?

Vista introduced the new Common Item Dialogs for opening and saving files that supersede the old Common File Dialogs. Custom controls can be added by utilizing the simple IFileDialogCustomize interface. One of them is a standard ComboBox which is non-editable. Is there any way to create an editable ComboBox or modify an existing one (by ...

Executable Jars running very slowly

I've done several projects and packaged them into jar files, but I've noticed that my jar files run much more slowly than in my IDE. I use Eclipse to compile and run my programs. In Eclipse, I have everything working. When I package my project as a runnable Jar and execute it by double-clicking, everything still works. But when I have a...

Why won't Vista Sidebar Gadget show up in Gadget Gallery?

I'd like to create a sidebar gadget in Vista. I've followed this tutorial on how to create one to the letter. However, the gadget simply will not show up in the Gadget Gallery when I go to Add Gadgets in the sidebar. I've tried resetting the sidebar, deleting the settings file next to the gadgets folder, making sure my xml file is stor...

Hosting a WCF Service in Vista

I put together a small WCF service in VS2008 and when I try to run the host using an HTTP protocol, it bombs because it doesn't have the proper rights to do so. On my "Host.Open()" line I get this exception: "HTTP could not register URL http://+:9001/. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace." I did not seem to have ...

How to create a user account in Windows Vista using VBScript?

How to create a user account in Windows Vista using VBScript? I'm using the following script. It's working fine on Windows XP, but gives me an error on Windows Vista: strUserName = "username" strPassword = "password" strComputer = "." set objSystem = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer) set objUser = objSystem.Create("user", strUserName...

Is There any Javax.comm third party solution for Vista and for Freebsd?

I need to access the Serial Ports with Java in Windows Vista and FreebSD is there any third party Solution to do that? I understand Sun doesn't have a solution for that ...

IE 6/7 on Windows XP vs Windows Vista

Have you noticed substantial differences in website rendering on IE 6 or IE 7 when run on Windows XP versus when run on Windows Vista? ...

VB6 application no longer opens on Vista computer

I have a VB6 app that formerly worked perfectly on a Vista machine as a scheduled task, but it will no longer open on the same machine. The app generates export files in a specified folder with no direct output on the screen. I get no errors, no missing references, just absolutely nothing. The machine is running Vista Business 32-bit...

Installing .Net Framework 1.1 SP1 leads to error "WindowsUpdate_E0434F4D"

When installing .Net Framework 1.1, the SP1 cannot be installed under Vista. Using Windows Update I get "WindowsUpdate_E0434F4D", doing it manually as administrator will result in "SLC542.tmp has stopped working". This does not depend on whether I activated UAC or not. I have no possibility to repair the framework 1.1, only to uninsta...

Storing User Settings

Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData *returns "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data" under XP that is writeable for all users *returns "C:\ProgramData[MyApp]\" under Vista and this is not writeable for regular users Now why i want CommonFolder ? Because, an admin will install my software database on XP (or ...

Start Directory in Windows Explorer running Vista not set properly ?

When I right click on Windows Explorer, select Properties, it opens a panel, I set the value of "Start In" to "C:\", which means I want it to point to my C: drive when I open explorer, but it's not working, it always points to "Documents". On XP I did the same thing and it worked, but now I got this new PC with Vista, it doesn't work? Ho...

Desktop icon image missing

I installed Netbeans two days ago on Vista, it created a desktop icon, then I installed some other programs, now I suddenly find that NB desktop icon is blank, with a shortcut arrow on it, it works fine when I double click it, but how to let it find it's own icon image ? ...

How does Vista Recycle bin work?

I am trying to write a python module to move files to the 'Recycle Bin' on both Mac and PC. Is there a way, only from the commandline (and yes, I mean using absloutly no C#/C++/etc) to move a file into the Recycle Bin, and have it appear as a file trashed by drag and drop (or deleted via SHFileOperation, etc). ...

warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found after switching to vista

I'm getting several of the following warnings in VS2005 on an old project after moving from my old XP to a new vista PC: UnitTest++.vsnet2005.lib(TestRunner.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'c:\projects\blah.lib' or at 'c:\projects\blah\debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info I know that this wa...

My Apache setup alongside IIS

Hi everyone, I am trying to learn PHP. I am having trouble getting Apache working correctly on my Vista Home Premium machine. I have IIS7 running and I would like to have Apache running along with it. I was looking around on the web and some say that it would be fine having the two together as long as they are looking at different por...

Determine the name of the local Administrators group in Vista

How can I determine the name of the local Administrators group in Vista? This can vary depending on the operating system language. ...

Upgrading VS2005 to VS2008

I have a small program <350ish lines of code on 5 forms>. It works fine compiled on VS2005 but doesn't run correctly on Vista. After importing through VS2008, it initially runs correctly. However, there is one main form with four subordinate ones that set the settings and attributes of the starter form. they work correctly until they are...

Is .NET 3.5 a reasonable pre-requisite for a media center plugin?

We have an open source media center plug-in. At the moment its download size is one measly megabyte. If I change my plug-in to require .NET 3.5, users may have to download 197 megs just to be able to use my plug-in. I am in the middle of a big refactoring process, and am aching to use some of the functional aspects of LINQ, which would...