
How can I get output of NANT zip task to be unzipped on XP?

I wrote the following Nant script on my Vista dev machine and was pleased as punch with the output of the Nant zip task, as I can unzip it with any problems: <zip zipfile="${}CeoConfigUtilities.${build-version}.zip"> <fileset basedir="${dir.configutilities}" prefix="CeoConfigUtilities"> <include name="**" /> </files...

Embedding icon in .exe with py2exe, visible in Vista?

Hello, I've been trying to embed an icon (.ico) into my "compyled" .exe with py2exe. Py2Exe does have a way to embed an icon: windows=[{ 'script':'', 'icon_resources':[(1,'MyIcon.ico')] }] And that's what I am using. The icon shows up fine on Windows XP or lower, but doesn't show at all on Vista. I suppose this is...

Why do my Borland C++Builder 5 forms with right-anchored controls appear incorrectly on Vista?

Having spent a small age looking for the solution and having now found it, I figured this would be good to document for Stack Overflow. So my answer will follow right after this question. I was using Borland C++ Builder 5. This probably also applies to the equivalent version of Delphi. I had a form with a TButton on a TPanel. The bu...

Using Reflector, why can't I see the app.manifest embedded in my .NET app?

I have a WinForms .NET app that, according to the Vista Task Manager with UAC enabled, runs with virtualization "Disabled" even though I do not recall adding a manifest with "asInvoker" to the app. VS.NET (this project has gone through all four versions of VS.NET) must have added the \Properties\app.manifest file I see in Solution Explor...

Respond to keyboard when not in focus? (C#, Vista)

I'm trying to write an application that responds whenever the Shift key is pressed, no matter what application currently has focus. I tried this with SetWindowsHookEx() and with GetKeyboardState(), but both of these only work when the application's window has focus. I need it to work globally. How do I do this? ...

Visual Studio detaches from application as soon as debugging starts

I have a web application that I've always been able to run in Visual Studio and it debugs just fine (breakpoints work, I can pause execution, etc). Recently, the behavior changed suddenly, and a few things happen: I start debugging, it lauches IE and loads the application, but after a few seconds (sometimes the page hasn't even display...

Schedule a Task in Vista - System Restart

Hello, I am trying to write a system restart Task for Windows Vista. I'm a web developer by trade so I'm a little out of my element here. I have got into my OS and discovered Task Scheduler. So far I've been able to set up some various tasks to run small WPF programs by calling the *.exe files. What I really need to do is set up a sys...

Differences between gadget programming in Vista and Windows 7?

Besides the obvious fact that there's no sidebar in Windows 7, are there any differences in the way gadgets are put together? Anything I should look out for / resources I should read through? Thanks! ...

How to prevent Vista from requiring elevation on patch.exe?

[I'm sorry that this isn't directly a programming question. But I have recently switched to a new Vista machine where I am keeping UAC enabled (please don't tell me to disable it, it's not an option).] Every time I run gnu's patch.exe I get an elevation dialog from Vista. If I rename patch.exe to foo.exe it does not do this, so I assume...

Unable to map serial port when using virtual PC 2007 SP1

I'm writing an application that communicates with the serial port to control a device. The development environment is on a virtualized Windows 2003 R2 machine hosted on a Windows Vista machine. When I try to map the COM ports through virtual PC so they can be use in the virtual machine, I get the following error right after the machine...

Programmaticly disable device in device manager (Vista x64)

Is there any way to programmaticly disable a device? (preferably in .net, win32, or batch). Most hits on google suggest using devcon but it does not seem to be working on Windows Vista/7 64bit. has a solution using SetupDiSetClassInstallParams but it also d...

How to Install Satchmo in Windows?

I'm working on a Django project that's slated to be using Satchmo for its e-commerce aspects. I'd like to install it on my Windows Vista machine but some of the cPython modules it needs can't be compiled or easy_installed. Has anyone been able to get Satchmo working on Windows, and if so, what additional steps does it take over the ins...

How do you incorporate SSL for secure local development with InstantRails?

I'm using InstantRails (on Vista), and I'm at the stage where I'm looking to integrate a Rails app with PayPal (recurring billing via web payments standard - no ActiveMerchant needed). What is the best step-by-step process for enabling HTTPS for my local development/testing purposes? I'm using the default Mongrel/Apache setup that comes...

programmatically kill a process in vista/windows 7 in C#

Hi all, I want to kill a process programmatically in vista/windows 7 (I'm not sure if there's significant problems in the implementation of the UAC between the two to make a difference). Right now, my code looks like: if(killProcess){ System.Diagnostics.Process[] process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("MyPro...

Copying files from XP to Vista in a bach file or command prompt

Hi, I am trying to setup a batch file to copy files from my XP laptop to my Vista desktop on a workgroup network. But I am getting a Access denied error. Same in a command prompt. I can copy the files fine using Windows Explorer. Any ideas please? Malcolm ...

ASP.NET MVC performance has suddenly become very slow

I'm using Billy McCafferty's rather excellent S#arp Architecture. Everything was spiffing and running very quickly. I then updated to the the latest ASP.NET MVC RC. This meant I had to get the latest trunk of S#arp. Also, two weeks ago, I updated from XP to Vista (32 bit) My problem is that the performance has suddenly become woeful...

What is the best way to test for file existence on a network share on Windows Vista?

My question is a slight variation on the question What is the best way to test whether a file exists on Windows?, with some specific caveats. Specifically, the data is located on a mapped drive, and the SMB 2.0 protocol is used. (By definition, this requires that the drive be mapped from a Vista machine to either a Vista or Server 2008...

.NET 3.5 SP1 Setup Failure

I've been facing a problem that can only be described as weird for the past couple of days, while trying to install .NET 3.5 SP1 on my x64 Vista Ultimate. The problem first started while trying to install Visual Studio SP1, which I had installed before on the same machine without any issue, giving me a scrambled screen followed by a Blu...

How easy is it in DWM to make an 'always on top' thumbnail for an existing window

I really like when you hover over a window in Vista on the taskbar and it gives you a little preview. if it is video it even plays in the thumbnail. Often I really wish I could 'tear off' this little window and keep it as an 'always on top' thumbnail on my screen. Maybe its a progress bar I'm watching, maybe its a video i want a littl...

Microsoft Intellimouse Scroll Wheel Not Working with Netbeans 6.5 on Vista

I would appreciate any help with this problem, I have spent hours trying to diagnose it myself to no avail and haven't received a single response when posting it to the Netbeans user list and the bugs list. Netbeans is an excellent IDE, and I have loved it since switching over from Eclipse a few months back. I do Java on Unix and Win32...