
How can I edit files in c:/inetpub/wwwroot/testsite on vista/IIS7?

I've got IIS7 installed and have a simple website at: c:/inetpub/wwwroot/testsite I can copy files into there, but I can't edit them: I can open them but cannot save them back the files themselves are not write-protected the folder itself ("testsite") IS write protected, so I took the write-protection off (right-click, properties, u...

Vista 64-bit Development Caveats

I'm migrating my development workstation from 32-bit Vista to 64-bit Vista. The production platform is 32-bit Windows Server and SQL Server 2008. Does anyone know of any issues with migrating the code base? EDIT: the system consists of web forms, c# code, stored procedures. there is also, ssrs, ssis, and dynamic reports/...

python IPC (Inter Process Communication) for Vista UAC (User Access Control)

I am writing a Filemanager in (wx)python - a lot already works. When copying files there is already a progress dialog, overwrite handling etc. Now in Vista when the user wants to copy a file to certain directories (eg %Program Files%) the application/script needs elevation, which cannot be asked for at runtime. So i have to start anothe...

Why does Vista report that my Windows account not being in Adminstrators Role?

Under Windows Vista, when I check whether my current user account is in Administrators role, I am getting a negative, as shown in the following picture. Can anyone tell me why I am not in the Administrators role? When I do the check if I am in "Debugger Users" role, I am getting "True" Thank you. ...

Creating vista style controls in .NET

OK I would like to know this once and for all, how can I create "vista-style" controls from within .NET? I am using .NET 3.5 SP1. The most important control I am attempting to spawn is the new enhanced message dialog which looks like this: I am attempting to follow guidelines laid down here (

How to get size and position of window caption buttons (minimise, restore, close)

Is there an API call to determine the size and position of window caption buttons? I'm trying to draw vista-style caption buttons onto an owner drawn window. I'm dealing with c/c++/mfc. Edit: Does anyone have a code example to draw the close button? ...

Vista live thumbnail issue with SetWindowRgn

I know I am probably missing something, but I can't seem to get windows to show the live thumbnail preview correctly when using a window that has a region. When hitting the minimize button the preview will clip to the minimized size (160x25) rather than showing the full preview (like it does with other windows). Few points to make: ...

How to find out who's causing an access violation error?

I'm getting reports that my app is causing a GPF on some Vista machines. The error message is something like this: access violation at 0x75784062 ( tried to write to 0x00000006) In order to fix this, I first need to know exactly who is causing this GPF: my main exe, some third party component, one of my own activex components, a dll, e...

Why can't my program find its DLLs on Vista 64?

I recently got a new laptop. Unfortunately, it came with Vista. It's been one big hassle getting it to work, and the comp has hardware components for which there are no XP drivers, so I can't "upgrade" to an OS that actually works. I've mostly gotten things working, but one particularly odd problem has me stumped. I installed Delphi and...

How do you change file permissions to stop Vista from writing to a file in the VirtualStore directory?

When my program first installs it places a file in the user’s AppData directory, and the program then will periodically write to that file. The problem is in Vista the writes are not made to the file in the user’s AppData directory, they are made to a copy of that file in the “VirtualStore/ProgramData” directory. The original file in t...

How do I copy my entire working copy between hard drives?

Whenever I try to copy an entire working copy using simple drag and drop between two computers (e.g. from an old computer to a new one, or from one VM to another) in order to avoid having to redownload the entire several GB set of code from our online repository I get an error as soon as I reach any of the hidden SVN-BASE files. Is ther...

Windows Service running as a logged-in user has access issues b/c of UAC

I have a Windows service that runs as a logged-in user (local admin). During start-up, I get a message along the lines: "Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1)". So, I went to windows/temp folder and was prompted by UAC to elevate my privileges -- after I did this, the service would start up fine. So, how do I deal with this UA...

Why is Linq to Xml so slow on Vista?

I have an app that loads some XML docs into memory then runs various queries against it using Linq. The app runs fine on the live server (Windows Server 2003) and under Visual Studio 2008 on XP. But on my Vista laptop (4gb RAM, 2GHz CPU) all the Linq queries run really really slow. What should take a couple of milliseconds instead takes...

How to clear file path history from the file explorer?

Under Microsoft Vista, the windows file explorer keeps paths and occasionally files in its history. This history can be seen by selecting the pull-down from the box at the top that keeps lists the current directory. I'd like to clear out that list, but I don't see an easy way to do it. To clarify, I am talking about the file explorer (e...

How to allow 32 bit apps on 64 bit windows to execute 64 bit apps provided in Windows\System32

Say you have an app, that you want to provide users ability to browse the system32 directory and execute programs in (like telnet). What is the best method for supporting this when you need to support XP onwards as a client and 2k onwards for server? Having written all this up I wonder if it's just too much time/effort in providing a b...

where ODBC File DSN in Windows Vista

Hi, In Windows XP, 2003 there is one entry in the registry for ODBC file DNS location in the system: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC File DSN\DefaultDSNDir Where can I get the default DSN folder in Windows Vista and/or Windows 2008 Thanks, ...

How can I tell when a window in Vista has finished its "zoom" animation?

When running under Vista's Aero theme, is there a way to tell that a window has finished its creation animation? When doing automation, some of the components are not responsive until this animation has finished. ...

How to run a process non-elevated with Delphi2007

I have an installer-like application that I have to run as elevated on Vista. But from there I have to start a new process as non-elevated. Any hints how to do this with Delphi2007? ...

Elevated Credentials for VB6

I need to get elevated credentials (to start a service) in a VB6 application, but only if the user needs to restart the service (I.e. I don't want to get elevated credentials whenever the application is started, only when the user selects restart). How can I do this in VB6? ...

How to assign alt + f1 key to an opened Windows application

I usually have more then 10 opened application windows. When I write code I need to switch fast between a browser, an IDE and terminal windows. Alt + tab is too slow, too many windows to choose from. Virtual desktop is a work around for me. On a first desktop I keep browser, on a second IDE, etc. So I am able to switch fast between my m...