
Avoiding UAC in vista

Hi, im writing an application that downloads and installs addons for programs which needs to save the data to program files (for the programs in question). Now this works fine on xp and vista with uac disabled however it is failing on normal vista due to the virtual folders. How would one get around this with out needing to request adm...

How to check if a file can be created inside given directory on MS XP/Vista?

I have a code that creates file(s) in user-specified directory. User can point to a directory in which he can't create files, but he can rename it. I have created directory for test purposes, let's call it C:\foo. I have following permissions to C:\foo: Traversing directory/Execute file Removing subfolders and files Removing Re...

Running a WPF application on Windows XP

I recently built a new application using WPF, so that I can learn the new technology. Now that I am trying to deploy the application, it appears as if it is running fine on a Vista system, but on a Windows XP SP2 machine with the .Net fx 3.5SP1, it's not able to load the PresentationFramework.dll file. I did some further investigation ...

Debugging a crash after exiting? (After main returned)

This is a fairly involved bug, and I've tried looking around to find other sources of help, but for reasons I don't understand, "Program Crashes in Vista" is not the most helpful query. The issue I'm having is that the program I'm working on - a graphical, multithreaded data visualization software that uses OpenGL and the Windows API - ...

How to configure Visual Studio not to give UAC prompt on each run?

I have switched to Vista recently and I wanted to keep UAC turned on, as I agree it increases computer security a lot. Some developer tools I use regularly require running elevated: PIX for Windows Visual Studio 2005 (elevated privileges seem to be needed for debugging and for IncrediBuild to work) mapped and substed drives: The elevat...

VirtualStore Migration (UAC)

I have an older version of a program which writes settings into program files off of the installation directory. I am looking to migrate those settings to the appdata directory. There are some problems associated with this. Lets focus on the most complicated user: A user who had the program installed on XP, and then upgraded to Vis...

Qt: Erase background (Windows Aero Glass)

Update see Using Blur Behind on Windows for an example of using Qt and DWM. Original question: I want to create a Windows Aero Glass window with Qt, now it looks like this: But after calling some my_window->repaint() my window's label becomes broken: But now if I resize the window slightly, it repaints properly. The question ...

Glass look for MDI windows under Vista

I am developing a winforms MDI application in C# in VS 2008. I have noticed that the MDI forms don't have the glass look under Vista. Is this by design? Is there a simple way to get the glass look for these windows? ...

Best solution for making an Autorun application?

For my work I need to create a Autorun application for a CD for our client. The problem is all I'm a C# programmer by trade and .NET does not make for the best autoruns since not all computers will have .NET installed on them. What is a good solution that will work on Win98-Vista computers? ...

Drawing a toolbar on a window's titlebar

How do I draw a toolbar on the titlebar of a C# winforms window in windows vista? I have a window where it works, except when the window is unminimized/unmaximized it increases in size by about 16x32px. If possible, please provide code examples. ...

About UAC in vista

I have a special feature in my AP, this feature need to get administrator right in Vista. Is there any MS API to pop up the UAC dialog when I click the button? Because I don’t want the end-user to see UAC dialog during startup, the feature is really special, not every user will do that. Thanks in advance. ...

How to get Application Data folder/Word template folder in Vista?

Using WiX (Windows Installer XML) I have created an MSI installer which installs Word templates into the users Application Data folder, e.g. on Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates I'm retrieving the path to this folder from the registry: <Property Id="APPDIR" Secure="yes"> <RegistrySe...

Wireless debugging of windows mobile applications

I'm trying to debug a windows mobile aplication using a wifi connection, on a Vista with Visual Studio 2008 following this instruction It worked flawlessly with XP SP2, but not with Vista. Do you know if this is possible at all? or is another flaw from Vista? ...

Programmatically prevent Windows screensaver from starting

Is there a recommended way to prevent the Windows screensaver from starting? The closest thing I've found is this article, but what I would really like to do is just tell Windows that the computer isn't idle rather than fooling with the currently set screensaver values. ...

OpenAs_RunDLL in Vista

This isn't strictly a programming question, but hopefully someone here has the knowledge to help me. Running Vista x64, the "Open File With" dialog takes forever to appear when trying to open a file with unknown type. To be specific, the prompt giving the choice between "Use the web service to find the correct program" and "Select a pr...

MSI Error Code 2869 on Vista

I have an MSI for a .NET application that I created using Visual Studio 2005 that includes a custom action to write some registry keys at the end of the install. I found that the installer works fine on Windows XP SP2 and SP3. However, when I try to run the installer on a Vista PC, the installer seems to get almost all the way to the e...

Session 0 Isolation

Vista puts out a new security preventing Session 0 from accessing hardware like the video card, and the user no longer logs into session 0. I know this means that I cannot show the user a GUI, however, does that also mean I can't show one at all? The way my code is set up right now, it would be more work to make it command line only, ho...

Installation file names in Windows Vista

Hi, I read in this article: That Windows detects Installers through file names, following this tip, Is it better to include setup in the file name for the installer I mean ProductSetup.msi is better than Product.msi??? It's hard to think that Windows does this kind of detectio...

display application icon on UAC elevation prompt for application run from network share

I have configured my .NET application using an application manifest to request administrator privileges. I have also signed the assembly using signtool. Everything works greatwhen you start the application, you get the nice UAC prompt with the application's name and the name of the signing certificate. However, when I run the applicatio...

Why does my Service crash at DebugBreak() on Vista?

I'm writing a Win32 service in C++. I have a custom Assert macro that calls DebugBreak() (among other things). When I'm running my service under Vista, the service crashes when reaching the DebugBreak() call (an int 3 assembler opcode), showing the vista crash dialog. The error code is 80000003 (hardcoded breakpoint). Normally I'm expec...