
File creation fails in standard account (Vista)

I have created C# application, which creates a image file on Desktop. It works fine on XP and Vista (admin account) but it fails to create image file on Desktop in Vista (standard account). Whether i have to include manifest file to the application to work properly? If i add manifest, will it work on XP without any problems? Sorry if i...

Why do 64bit dlls go to System32 and 32bit dlls to SysWoW64 on 64bit Windows?

Hi Everyone, I would like to know when do we need to place the file under C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64. when I used 32 bit dll I placed it under syswow64 and when I used 64 bit dll I placed it in system32 the viseversa not working. Please let me know the reason for that. Thanks in Advance. Ga ...

Script to retrieve friendly names of all drivers in Windows Vista Driverstore

I am seeking a way to enumerate all Drivers in the local Driverstore of the workstation and retrieve the "friendly name" that is the Name that the User sees in for instance the add printer dialog. Specifically i would also like to list only a specific class of devices like Printer. If possible vbscript or jscript via Windows Scripting H...

VB6 .NET interop issue in Vista

I wrote an assembly in C# and I needed to invoke a method on the DLL from a VB6.0 application. I made the DLL COM compliant and registered the DLL accordingly. From my VB application I would then instantiate the class in the .NET assembly using the VB6.0 CreateObject method. Set dotNetObj = CreateObject("Namespace.ClassName") I would ...

SystemParametersInfo behaves differently on Vista and XP

I am trying to find the default system font size using SystemParametersInfo() with SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS. While on Vista the LOGFONT structures inside the returned NONCLIENTMETRICS actually have the correct font height in lfHeight, when I run the exact same app on XP, lfHeight (and lfWidth) are always zero. Why is that so, and what i...

are there any XDebug alternatives for debugging PHP?

I'm using Vista and need to debug PHP, XDebug crashes in Vista, I tried several suggestions but nothing works. Are there there any other alternative to XDebug that works on Vista and with Eclipse PDT. Easy to install is a plus :-) Edit: also I have Ubuntu in other PC, so any debugger for Ubuntu will work too. In the package list is a X...

Can I use ChangeWindowMessageFilter to receive DocumentComplete events from Protected Mode IE?

In my app, I want to open a new IE window, then receive and process DocumentComplete and NavigateComplete2 events fired from the new opened IE. In XP, everything works fine. In Vista, the new IE is running in Protected Mode, so my app is not able to receive DocumentCompelte event from the IE. I do not want to change any security level,...

What structures/data does PowerEnumerate function return

The documentation for the new Vista API says that the PowerEnumerate function can be used to Enumerate power schemes, scheme settings, and a wealth of information, The last two parameters are Buffer and BufferSize, what is unclear is what structures or data layout/format is used for the data that is returned in the buffer by the API? ...

Web pages that a long time to load keep on reloading, just on vista on my work n/w...

I have a curious problem at work which I've been struggling with since the advent of Windows Vista. We send our own email newsletter out to 40,000+ people once a week. The sending code has been in place for years, it's in classic ASP/VBscript called through a browser and simply loops through each email address, sending it to them. The...

NLog does not write to file on Vista deployment

I am using NLog for the first time on a project. I want to log to a file, so I added a target writing to fileName="${basedir}/logs/${shortdate}.log". This creates/appends log info to a file in MyApplicationFolder/Logs/2009-06-08.log. Logging works fine on a Windows XP machine, in debug mode, and when I deploy using my msi installer. Howe...

How do I handle a failed DllImport?

I'm attempting to write a C# managed class to wrap SHGetKnownFolderPath, so far it works on Vista, but crashes on XP due to not finding the proper function in shell32.dll, as expected. I want to have it set so I can fallback on a (admittedly hacky) solution using System.Environment.GetFolderPath if using XP. (Or, even better, if it can'...

w3wp crashes when starting debug in VS 2005

I know there were a couple similar questions, but none solved my problem. This issue just started within the last couple of days. I don't always hit VS everyday, so I can't say for sure when it began. When I start debugging, the app loads in IE, but the w3wp process dies with the message "The program '[9252] w3wp.exe: Managed' h...

Vista & Cookies

Does anybody know where are cookies stored in Windows Vista? I'm looking at C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies but the cookies I see there don't match the one I see through Firefox. I'm creating a cookie in ASP.NET, localhost, Firefox shows me the cookie but I cannot locate it in the file system. Any ideas? Tks ...

How can I make the progress bar update fast enough?

I'm using a progress bar to show the user how far along the process is. It has 17 steps, and it can take anywhere from ~5 seconds to two or three minutes depending on the weather (well, database) I had no problem with this in XP, the progress bar went fine, but when testing it in vista I found that it is no longer the case. For example...

Service won't automatically start after reboot

I wrote a windows service (Win32 API) that uses a .NET assembly written in C#. The service is set up to start automatically. In Windows XP all works well but under Vista the service is not automatically started (after reboot) because the .NET component is throwing an exception. But if I start the service manually, it works well. It seems...

Need to install service in vista with Admin rights and startup behaviour

I need to be able to programatically (from an installer program) install and run a windows service so that it will have elevated admin rights (the installer app has already elevated by this point), and also that it will restart at system startup with elevated rights. Is this possible? ...

iis installation on vista home basic

hi i am a beginner at asp, i have made a website using and C#, now i want it to run it on intranet, my laptop being server. But i can't even run the default page that is present after iis installation. I have vista home basic operating system installed on my laptop with iis 7.0. The error i get is HTTP 404.4 page not found. T...

How do I keep Vista from killing my program on exceptions?

It used to be that if an exception got raised and propagated far enough up the call stack, Application's main loop would handle it and give you a dialog box. That behavior seems to be broken under Windows Vista. If any exception reaches that level, Vista steps in and says the program "has stopped working," when it used to be perfectly...

Command line subversion client for Windows Vista 64bits

Does anyone recommend any particular command line SVN client for Windows. Being 64 bits would be a bonus. I do have TortoiseSVN, but it doesn't come with command line, which is required for my build scripts. I searched the subversion site and found not one, but four different options. Therefore, my question. ...

Write to registry in Windows Vista...

Hello, I am trying to write to the registry from my application, but when I do I get access denied. Of course, it works if i run the app as Administrator. However, with my applcation, it is not initiated by the user. It start automatically. So, the question is, how do i read/write to my own registry key from the C++ app? Thanks for...