
.NET File.Exists doesn't work in Windows\System32\Drivers folder?

The process is elevated and I ensured that the path was correct in VS debugger (I'm using Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) not hard coding it in) but File.Exists still returns false. The reason I need this is a workaround for ensuring some 3rd party drivers are installed because their registry settings aren't ...

What do I lose developing .NET on Vista Home Premium

I have recently purchased a laptop to do some offsite development, as well some of my own work during commuting. I am used to developing on XP, but the laptop was bundled with a version of Vista Home Premium (I had no say in this unfortunately). I tried to install XP on it, but it failed as the XP install doesn't come with SATA drivers....

Screenshot taken by the Application is blank on Vista

Hi, We have a C# application which captures a screenshot of desktop. It works well on windows XP but on vista the screenshot picture is blank. Why so ?? Any solution to this ? ...

How to create semi-transparent control on semi-transparent Windows form like IE8?

From my recent question, I ask about how to create semi-transparent Windows form. But, I find some bug when I use Windows form controls on semi-transparent area. Some text on windows form control is displayed incorrectly. Please see text("Simple Text") on Textbox control. Thanks, ...

How to handle exception when Directory.GetFiles() throws an exception when it finds a file name it does not "like"?

On a Vista machine with the valid path C:\Users\David, calling Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Users\David") throws the following ArgumentException when run as the David user, who can view the contents of the directory just fine in Windows Explorer: System.ArgumentException message: Illegal characters in path. Argument: "" Stack trace: at Sy...

Is there a way to detect if another process in vista is running in 32bit or 64bit mode?

I'm writing an application that interacts with other processes on a x64 Vista machine. In order to do this it will need to know if the other process is running in 32bit or 64bit mode. How can I detect this? ...

Umbraco Installation Problem On IIS7

I'm trying to install Umbraco locally on Vista (IIS7) and ASP.NET35 - I have used the web.config for IIS7 and aspnet35 shown on the umbraco forums but still getting this IIS error. HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid. Detailed Er...

C# : how to register / associate my app with a file type for XP *and* Vista ?

What's the simplest way to associate my application with a file-extension that works for both Vista and previous versions of Windows ? Does anyone have an example ? ...

IE and Firefox will not open on Vista 64

hi all Neither of my browsers will open on Vista 64, they where working before I installed Adobe Flash, but not they will not open. I uninstalled all Adobe products and rebooted, still will not open. I do not get error messages or anything, they just wont open. I did try the firefox safe mode and IE without addins... Any ideas will ...

Configuring new developer PC with VISTA 64-bit: can I use my 32-bit Visual Studio

I'm about to take the plunge and build a PC, and it will probably be 64-bit, which will use 64-bit VISTA, I suppose, since Windows 7 isn't out yet. I'm a Visual Studio 2008 developer; will I need new versions of the software? I run the 32-bit versions on XP right now and deploy to a 64-bit Windows 2003 server that runs IIS in 32-bit mod...

SendMessage from DLL to a window in another process in Vista

I am pulling my hair out on this one. I am trying to send a message to a window in another process. I keep getting Access Denied (0x5) from GetLastError() after calling SendMessage or PostMessage or PostThreadMessage. I have tried turning off UAC. I have also accounted for UIPI by ensuring that the Integrity Levels match accross proc...

Detecting adobe flash version on IE7 - vista

It appears I'm not able to detect the installed version of flash on Vista/IE7. The following code fails: var x = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); The error I'm getting is: automation server cannot create object Looking at the Adobe Flash Detection Kit (from adobe), it looks like that's failing as well. I only h...

Vista Network Drives

I added a network drive to my PC but I now want to get rid of it. Cannot find a menu to perform this task. Any ideas? ...

Problem with performance counters on Vista

I'm running into a strange issue on Vista with the Performance monitoring API. I'm currently using code that worked fine on XP/2k, based around PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(). I start out using PdhExpandWildCardPath to expand the counters (I'm interested in overall network statistics), the counters I'm looking at are: \\Network Interf...

What directory should my installer install an app on Vista?

I've nearly completed developing a game for Windows and I'm curious where I should have the installer install it. I know it used to be in "Program Files" but has that changed under Vista? I know that World of Warcraft now installs under Users/Public/Games... what is the Microsoft-recommended location for games? ...

CBT Hook not working in Windows Vista

I am trying to use a CBT hook to receive HCBT_MOVESIZE notifications. It works fine for all applications when I run my program from a folder on my desktop. When I install the application to the "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86" folder I only receive notifications for my own application. The .exe file is signed and works perfectly ...

Vista application thumbnail

By design, the toolbar application thumbnail on Vista does not update when an application is minimized, since the minimized window itself is not redrawing. For a monitoring application I have, it would be useful to update the application thumbnail while the application remains minimized. I am using Delphi 2009. Can anyone suggest a good ...

WebDAV in Vista

Does anyone have any experience or tips on how to get WebDAV working in Vista64? I have tried installing KB907306 adding through cmd installing the certificate locally are there any alternatives? ...

Convert 32 bit dll to 64 bit dll

Hi Everyone, I have the 32 bit compiled dll when I try to use it in 64 bit application it fails to load, So I would like to convert the dll to 64 bit. Its working fine when the platform of the application changed from "Any CPU" or "x64" to "x86". But I want to use it under 64 bit, Since I am going to call the dll from ASP pages. Please...

Tune 4 Windows Media Centers into the same audio stream

My goal is to be able to get all of the WMC pc's in my house playing the same music playlist at the same time. If I can't do it with the WMC software, I will bypass that and do something with WinAmp and a Shoutcast server running on one of them (or something, haven't gotten that far yet). I see that the new Windows 7 Media Center has a ...