
Add my applications to Vista's Start Search.

It's not a programming questions. But this question has been bugging me for awhile. You know when you start typing in Start Search box in Vista Start Menu, applications are appearing in the list from which you can select them. My question is how can I add my applications so they appear in that list. For example: I use many apps from S...

Activex create problem in vista/ie7-ie8

I have a problem with my ActiveX control. I don't know how solve it. I am controlling in client whether my ActiveX control is installed below: try { p = new ActiveXObject('MeshControl.ActiveX'); Te=p.Revision; if(MaV>p.MajorVersion || p.MajorVersion.toString()=='undefined') UpdateControl('1'); else if (MiV>p.MinorVersi...

Does Vista Voice Recognition engine have scripting like Naturally Speaking?

Title says it all. I want to have an action performed whenever the user (while using Vista voice recognition) says "Wingbats are crazy!". How do I do this? Is there scripting or is there a dll to tie into? ...

Disable Vista UAC per-application, or elevate privileges without prompt?

I have an app that normal users need to be able to run, but requires administrator privileges to actually function. I tried to make the shortcut that my users run it with "Run as administrator" but this just causes a UAC prompt whenever they try to run the app. Is there any way to elevate privileges programatically, without my users ne...

.NET WPF Process.Start() not working on Vista and Windows 2007

Hello, I have WPF application. After testing my app on Windows7 and realized that opening help does not work. Basically to open chm help file I call: Process.Start("help.chm"); And nothing happens. I have also tried my app on Vista SP1, same result. I'm admin in both OS'es I have googled this problem, but have not found solution ...

How to store a time zone preference under Windows XP AND Vista

Between Windows XP and Vista (and server 2003 and 2008) Microsoft have removed the Index key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones and guess which value we store in our database to record an employee's time zone... (See What is the best value to use inst...

Non-Aero Back Button Image Resource Location

When Visual Styles are disabled in Vista (and later) Aero Wizards and the Windows Explorer use some kind of reserved image for the back (and forward in Explorer) buttons. I've taken a look around and seen the resources located in a few executables, but I don't think it's advisable to do LoadImage like that (like if the resource changes ...

Programatically disable/enable network interface...

I'm trying to come up with a solution to programatically enable/disable the network card - I've done a ton of research and nothing seems to be a workable solution in both XP and Vista environments. What I'm talking about is if you went into the Control Panel 'Network Connections', right clicked on one and picked either enable or disable...

Find out if Windows Defender disc scan is running?

The Windows Defender disc scan takes a lot of performance from the system. Is there any way for a C# application to find out if the disc scan is currently running? ...

Getting correct shell verb text for action...

I've been looking over the following VB code: If you look under "The Methods", you'll see that he does a test to see whether or not the shell item verb is either "En&able" or "Disa&ble" - it looks pretty obvious that these are the same text strings that are listed in the right-cli...

BDE Initialization Failure on Vista

I have a small datasnap server written in Delphi 2007 that accesses the BDE. It works fine on Windows 2000 and XP but from time to time (actually quite regularly) on Vista I get the error message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $2501) Closing everything down that uses the BDE fixes ...

Access denied when trying to copy file Windows Vista

I have this batch that needs to run that the user has to execute that will copy a simple xml file. However, everything works fine on windows 2000/XP. However, on windows Vista I get an error 'Access Denied". Even when I try and copy the file just using windows explorer on Vista I get the same error. Is there anything I can do to make...

Best PHP download to keep all my options open?

In the past, I used WAMPserver on windows to parse PHP for me. This is a pre-configured package, focussed on working with MySQL. When I tried to run PostgreSQL, I got error messages that said that my version of PHP wasn't compiled to work with PostgreSQL. So, I've recently uninstalled WAMP and every associated with it. I've downloaded ...

Can tdiQuestion be added to TaskDialog.MainIcon?

Can tdiQuestion be added to TaskDialog.MainIcon? Unavailability of the "?" icon in the TaskDialog renders it almost useless. Is there any fix? ...

About Mutex object in Vista

My OS is Vista with UAC turned on, I create a global Mutex object in Server side, then my AP with UI want to use CreateMutex with same name to get the Mutex object which has been created in server, but the function tell me I don't have right to access it. How can I do it? ...

Detecting Vista Starter three-open-app limit

I'm working as a developer, curently mantaining a VB6 app that desperately needs to work fine under Vista. However, it must work fine under Vista Starter Edition, since is the version new computers here (Argentina) come with. Now, onto the technical stuff: my app uses ImageMagick's convert to process images (resizing, black and white se...

disable folder virtualization in windows

I currently have a c++ application that gets built on xp and windows vista/7 virtualize some of the paths which i dont want it to do. Some sites says to add this to manifest file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <trustInfo xmlns="...

which way to create a soft link on XP or Vista for projects?

I'd like to create a soft link on XP and Vista so that c:\proj01\lib will point to c:\lib and c:\proj02\lib will point to c:\lib the reason to do so is that some IDE has auto complete to suggest the function name or can quick jump to the function in different files, but all files must be under one folder, such as c:\proj01, so I ho...

Where is the Primary Disk Group in Vista

Prior to Vista (2003, XP) Windows had a key in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\dmio\Boot Info\Primary Disk Group which indicated which dynamic disk group is imported/active on this installation. Since Vista, this key is gone. Still, the OS needs to store that info in some way, since the same disk gro...

How to read registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in Vista?

I have Application settings stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MyCompany branch. Settings must be same for different users and that is the reason why settings are not under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Registry values are only read during use of application. Now, in Windows Vista and due to UAC you can't anymore use following code to read r...