
UnauthorizedAccessException in Vista from frequent file I/O with .Net 2.0

At work, we have migrated from Windows XP to Windows Vista. After the migration, some of my unit tests, using nUnit, started to randomly fail with the System.UnauthorizedAccessException being thrown. The failing tests each involve writing files used for tests stored as embedded resources in the test DLL to the current directory, runnin...

Click to activate VS2005 tool panes in Vista causes double-click

I've been putting up with this forever and suddenly I thought: Maybe someone else has run across this! In Visual Studio 2005 on Vista x86, when I click on a tool pane that does not have focus, it does a double-click. Does this with the property window, toolbox, error list, output window, and so on. Some things I've noticed: This happ...

how to change or modify Preview image on the Vista taskbar?

We have a window like this: WPF main window (with glass border) -> Child window - frame control -> Page when user minimize the main window, and to view the preview image on Vista taskbar, the preview image will display main window only, the child window (with page) will missing. so, my question is hot to fix this issue? chang...

MSMQ Vista x64

I am running Vista Ultimate x64 on my system. I have an application that works fine on a remote server to send messages to the MSMQ instance running on it. When I bring the application to my local system and attempt to send a message it doesn't send, but doesn't error out either. I even tried setting up a local MSMQ instance and the same...

Permissions in Vista

I am making a call to: config.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified); and this call works fine in Windows XP. When I run it in Vista I get: Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: An error occurred loading...

Javascript blur() command in IE8 on Vista doesnt work

I have a project that pops up a window with a message for the user. It is displayed for 10 seconds and then is sent to the background using the javascript "self.blur()" command. I dont want to close it as it has information that the user might need to see agian. This currently works for IE7/IE8/FF2/FF3 on windows XP, but on Vista it doe...

Pushing data into async RPC pipe causes Access Violation

I'm trying to invoke an asynchronous RPC call with a pipe parameter. I call RpcAsyncInitializeHandle(), start the call and then call the "push" function of the pipe in a loop. This works fine on Win2k and WinXP, but not on Vista. On Vista regardless of the buffer length passed exactly the 34th call to the "push" function causes an AV in...

Possible problems switching from "ncalrpc" to "ncacn_np"

I have an application that uses RPC for interprocess communications. Turns out that synchronous RPC pipes used with "ncalrpc" protocol sequence are not alowed on Vista. I want to switch to "ncacn_np" and use RpcServerRegisterEpEx() with RPC_IF_ALLOW_LOCAL_ONLY flag. Has anyone tried the same yet? Are there any possible problems associat...

Is the Win32 API still "native" in current windows versions?

If my program primarily uses the win32 API, are my API calls being emulated in Windows XP/Vista/7? ...

Problem with desktops

I have this code: #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Sleep(500); HDESK hOriginalThread; HDESK hOriginalInput; hOriginalThread = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()); hOriginalInput = OpenInputDesktop(0, FA...

How can I delete a Win32 desktop with running programs, and terminate those programs?

I have this code: #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HDESK hOriginalThread; HDESK hOriginalInput; hOriginalThread = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()); hOriginalInput = OpenInputDesktop(0, FALSE, DESKTOP_SWI...

Failed to install SQL Server 2008 Express/Developer edition on WIndows Vista Ultimate (SP1)

I visited a few forums and tried everything short of wiping out and reinstalling OS while trying to install SQL Server 2008 Express; uninstalled failed installation everytime, cleaned up registry and install folder, disabled UAC, cleaned up WMI repository, rebooted whenever required etc.. Any solution will be greatly appriciated. One o...

Why does accessing files in AppData (on Vista) require admin rights?

My application ( sometimes throws an "access denied" exception when attempting to delete files in the AppData folder and I'm not sure why. I confirm that the file exists before attempting to delete it and have not done anything to make it readonly, etc. The interesting thing is that it seems to go okay when I'm logged in with Ad...

How long did it take to make your WinXP App Vista-Compatible?

"The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed." Yes this is a subjective question. It has no answer. I was just wondernig if I was the only one. So... was it painful? I just want to hear some comments. Jag P.S. Of course, it all depends on the app size, the language it was written, good or bad programmi...

How does Windows (specifically, Vista) determine if my application is hung?

I have a problem very similar to the one described here: That thread suggests that Task Manager sends WM_NULL to the process and expects the process to consume this message within timeout limit (5 seconds?). When I google for "WM_NULL hung" there are many...

Microsoft Access 2007 accdr extension an Vista 64 bit OS

Has anyone ever tested a Microsoft Access 2007 .accdr application on Windows Vista 64 bit version? I sell a shareware program using the Access 2007 runtime, and, for one customer with that setup, there's some kind of problem. According the user ". When I try to execute the program, it opens IE and then brings up the dialog box to either...

Modifying the verbs for a file type in Vista

In XP, you can change the verbs for a file type (open, edit, print, etc) via Tools->Folder Options. I can't find this in the Vista. I know there's a programmatic/registry-matic way to do it, but how does one change this in the UI? Googling didn't help me much. ...

eclipse stuck when building workspace

I am using eclipse 3.4.1 Java EE under Vista. It seems to like getting stuck when building my workspace. Canceling the build doesn't seem to do anything as well. Why is this happening and how do I fix the problem? ...

Windows Media Center Application and UAC

I'm currently trying to write a Windows Media Center Application (Vista) that can restart a service with UAC enabled. Everything works fine when UAC is disabled but as soon as UAC is enabled I get an Access is Denied error. I believe this is because the Window Media Center applications are running under the Windows Media Center process ...

Call another AP with UI in NT server

I have a NT server application running in background on Windows Vista, and I want the server to lanuch Notepad.exe when server received a specific command, BUT it doesn't work, I have tried with shellexec, winexec and createprocess functions, all are failed. Notepad always runs on the server desktop, Vista will show a message to ask me t...