
Location of %allusersprofile% folder in Windows Vista?

What is the exact path to %allusersprofile% folder in Windows Vista? On some systems, I have seen the folder as 'c:\Users\All Users', on some it is mapped to 'C:\ProgramData', while on others it has been mapped to 'C:\Users\Public'. If you can provide link to microsoft documentation reference would be highly helpful (so far I have been...

Picture (logotype) in Vista window header

There is a nice feature in modern windows applications for vista. It is picture in the window header. For instance new skype (v4) and google chrome have it. I was woundering what is technology behinde it? If you switch off aero style, windows still has decaration. Probably application totaly redraw window frame. However, I didn't find ...

How can I control my PC's fan speed using C++ in Vista?

How can I use C++ to control CPU fan speed in Windows Vista Ultimate? I would like to use ACPI. ...

Vista batch for running app odd days

I have read all that stuff about time saving and I wan't to create a shortcut to my IM app that won't run on odd days. It is possible in Windows Vista batch? ...

DNN page render correctly in IE7/Vista

I have a dot net nuke site that I have written a custom module for. It a form that users fill out to submit information - no big deal. On the form, I use the Ajax and the Ajaxoolkit for validation, and a calendar popup. I enable/disable controls based on form data. Everthing works well in every browser/OS combo that I have tested EXCE...

wxPython crashes under Vista

I am following the Getting Started guide for wxPython. But unfortunately the first 'Hello World' example crashes. The dialog window shows just fine, but as soon as I move my mouse over the window a "pythonw.exe has stopped working" Windows message appears. I use: Python 2.6.2 wxPython2.8-win32-unicode- Vista (latest SP an...

About Direct2D and DirectWrite features

Is anybody know how to enable Direct2D and DirectWrite features in XP and Vista? Direct2D and DirectWrite were introduced in Windows 7. ...

Running an installer on Vista without turning UAC off

My msi installer cannot be installed on a Vista machine without turning UAC off. As my application is going to be distributed to my clients, around 20 machines, and they do not want to turn UAC off, is there a way that I can set some property which would allow my installer to run silent without any user interaction when UAC, which is ena...

Transparency key and Vista

I'm trying to use transparency key. According to the documentation, you're supposed to be able to use this to put "holes" in the Application where you're supposed to be able to click through the transparent areas in the application and work (eg. "click" on things behind it). However, in Vista Ultimate 64bit , I can't. The following code ...

How to get TAPI to work in Vista with C#?

Hello, How do I get TAPI to work on Vista? Thanks ...

What versions of Windows are currently the most popular

Does anyone have a ballpark percentage breakdown of Windows versions currently being used out there? For example, 60% are using Vista, 30% XP etc etc. We are currently building an installer and we need to know what will give us the most coverage. What we are particularly interested in is the prevalance of .NET versions as our applic...

Critical Sections leaking memory on Vista/Win2008?

It seems that using Critical Sections quite a bit in Vista/Windows Server 2008 leads to the OS not fully regaining the memory. We found this problem with a Delphi application and it is clearly because of using the CS API. (see this SO question) Has anyone else seen it with applications developed with other languages (C++, ...)? The s...

Why I receive a message from the Program Compatibility Assistant?

The setup of my own program produce after finish a message from the "Program Compatibility Assistant" that the program was not installed correctly but it is all correctly. The same problem I have with the uninstaller. The problems occur under Vista. I use launch4j. Why occur this message? How can I eliminate this message that my custom...

How to enable an AfxMessageBox Yes/No (MB_YESNO) "close" button? (upper right corner "X")

When calling: AfxMessageBox(strMsg, MB_YESNO); A messagebox with the buttons "Yes" and "No" is displayed. But the "X" (close button) in the upper right corner is disabled, and pressing ESC has no effect. This is because the only valid results would be IDYES and IDNO, and not IDCANCEL. Is there a quick way of getting this behavior en...

How do I set a registry value in Windows Vista using C#?

try { RegistryKey rkApp = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey( "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true); if (rkApp.GetValue("AdobeBitmapViewer") == null) { rkApp.SetValue("AdobeBitmapViewer", Application.ExecutablePath.ToString()); } rkApp.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } This code wo...

How do I grant SeCreateSymbolicLink on Windows Vista Home edition

I want to be able to use mklink to create symbolic links on my Windows Vista Home edition computer. However, I must grant SeCreateSymbolicLink before mklink will be able to function on Vista Home edition (by default the right is revoked). Home edition provides no UI or tool facility to grant/revoke discreet rights. A Wikipedia link on...

Why Virtualization on ProgramData folder in MS Vista?

I have an app modified to take into account the UAC in VISTA. So, now, the .mdb (JET or Access file) is located in ProgramData\MyApp\ I realized that when my app reads the database for the first time it is doing it from that location... but when my app is writting to the database... the file is virtualized and goes to Users\MyUser\AppDa...

Localhost not working on XAMPP - both service apache & mysql are fine

My xampp installation 1.7.1 does not seem to work. http://localhost returns not found error. Xampp Control panel shows both mysql & apache service running fine. I'am on windows vista. Frustrated since past 2 weeks to find a solution to this. Any pointers and support will be appreciated! Thanks a ton folks. ...

Get VPN IP address via WMI on Vista

How can we enumerate all the network connections in order to extract the IP address of the VPN connection using WMI? On XP, Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration works fine but on Vista it only seems to enumerate the physical connections... ...

Vista x64, gadget development, OLEDB problem: "provider cannot be found"

Hello, I'm developing a Vista gadget. The gadget is working with local .mdb database, OLEDB used. The code is following: var cs = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + getDbFilePath() + ";Persist Security Info=False;"; var connection = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection"); connection.ConnectionString = cs; It works unde...