
Running SQL Server 2005 in Windows Safe Mode

My computer has recently crashed and I can only run it in Safe Mode. I need to back up a SQL server 2005 database and transfer it a computer that works. Is there anyway to run SQL server 2005 in Windows Vista Safe Mode? ...

Shoes crashing when downloading with :method => "POST" on Vista x64

I try the following on vista x64 (latest shoes version): { stack do download "", :method => "POST" do |goog| para goog.response.headers.inspect end end } The program crashes, and under the event viewer I get the following: Faulting application shoes.exe, version, time sta...

How do I set up smtp on Vista so I can use System.Net.Mail?

Hi, From what I understand there is no SMTP server in IIS on Vista. I am working on a project which will require me to send email. I'd like to start with some simple prototypes on my development box which is running Vista Ultimate. I'm not connected to a corporate network where I can just use an exchange server someplace. I realize ...

Programmatically disable network auto-tune in Windows Vista

One of our applications is exhibiting poor network behavior on Vista due to the new network stack's auto-tuning functionality. I'm working on tracking down why the problem's happening, but in the meantime, it'd be wonderful if we could simply disable auto-tuning on our application for the time being. Is there any way to do so programma...

MacBook Air + Vista + External Project == 640x480 only

Having a problem with my MacBook Air when it connects to an external display. Basically, the only resoution it provides me in 640x480. Tried two different projectors. The problem is only with Vista - OSX seems to work fine! :( If I connect to a standard monitor, then I have full resolutions. I've applied the DisplayPort > VGA Adapter ...

Set app to require elevation?

I'm working on the bootstrap application of a new installer for some of our products. So far, I've been relying on two things that I read about somewhere: Applications whose name contains "setup" or "install" will run elevated by default. Applications that run elevated will launch other applications in elevated mode. Recent testing h...

Can I use RegFree Com with an application written in Excel VBA?

I have an application that is written in Excel VBA, myApp.xls. Currently we use InstallShield to distribute the application. Since we are moving to Windows Vista, I need to be able to install the application as a standard user. This does not allow for me to update the registry during the install process. In addition to the excel appl...

Retrieving joystick name with win32 api

Hi, I have a joystick plugged in. It has a name string "My 50cent Joystick" that shows up if I go to Game Controllers under the Control Panel on Vista. I want to retrieve this string programmatically. After some research I found joyGetDevCaps that can retrieve a lot of information except the name string. Under szPname I get "Microsoft Pc...

How do I run unit tests stored in my application direcotry as opposed to in the PHP directory?

I've just installed PHPUnit and wrote a quick class which I saved to C:\PHP and it worked fine. If however I move the php file containing the test class to the tests directory of my application, it returns the error Class firstTest could not be found in .. How do I resolve the problem such that it can see the class in the application t...

Windows Vista Sidebar will not start

Some months ago I lost my Sidebar. The application is registered for automatic start in the registry. The Sidebar control panel comes up fine. However the Sidebar itsself refuses to display. Task manager reports no sidebar.exe presently running. Tryin to launch sidebar from the start menu or from the command line results in.... noth...

Looking for C# code for detecting removable drive (usb flash)

Hello, I'm looking for a C# code snippet to give me a notification for when a USB drive is plugged into my PC in Windows Vista (or win7) ...

Listing files in recycle bin

Hi guys me again :) I'm wanting to list the files that are in the recycle bin in Vista from the command line. So far I have this.. dir C:\$Recycle.Bin /s /b >> recyclebin.txt That does alright, the output I get is this.. C:\$Recycle.bin\S-1-5-21-931442927-344369455-2477061601-1000\$ C:\$Recycle.bin\S-1-5-21-931442927-...

How can I force my WPF main window to have a Vista look on a XP machine?

I'm developing a WPF application and I wonder if it's possible for the main window to have a Vista look. Some applications like MS Live Messenger and Google's Chrome already do that. Any ideas? Thanks. ...

Problem adding GAC reference to VS2008 project

Okay, so this isn't strictly a programming question, but it is a programming-related question. I have a C# winforms project that I am trying to add a reference to the System.Messaging dll. However, when I add the reference (from the .net tab of the Add References dialog), it shows up with a yellow exclamation warning. Right-clicking o...

Unable to find an entry point named 'TaskDialogIndirect' in DLL 'ComCtl32'

We have a particular Vista x64 machine that, when running our C# WinForms app, displays the following error: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named 'TaskDialogIndirect' in DLL 'ComCtl32'. This same code works fine on other Vista machines. For some reason, this particular Vista machine always t...

InkAnalyzer throws FileNotFoundException on Vista deployment

I have a WPF C# application that makes use of the InkAnalyzer class. On my development platform (Windows XP), I have added references to IACore.dll and IAWinFx.dll for the project before building the release. However, when I tried to run this on a HP TouchSmart tablet PC (on Windows Vista), the application throws a "FileNotFoundExceptio...

VB6 application on Vista running slow w/ lots of "FAST IO DISALLOWED"

I have a client that is running a custom VB 6 application they wrote on Vista. The application installs and runs fine on Vista. However, on one Vista PC the applcation loads and runs very slow. I had IT run a process moniter trace and I'm seeing a ton of "FAST IO DISALLOWED" results as well as other problems. What can cause "FAST IO DISA...

SQL Server Connection and Vista 64 bit?

I just upgraded to Vista 64bit. I was running the 32bit version without any issues. For some reason my connection to my SQL server times out. If I go to the server, everything seems to be ok there. I have unlimited conenctions to it and I can connect locally via the Management console. I have a web app running .net 3.5. Is I use the clie...

Capturing a hidden window in Vista

My understanding of Vista is that each window gets it's own screen buffer which is then alpha blended etc to create the screen. So, is there any way to screen capture a window which is obscured or partly off screen by directly reading these buffers? Vista does it when you alt-tab or hover the mouse over the taskbar. I'm doing this in D...

dataGridView in Visual C# Express won't resize on Windows Vista

I recently upgraded my main computer and am now working in windows Vista. My dev environment is Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition. I have a program that uses a DataGridView that I started developing on my old Win XP machine. Everything is now working fine on Vista except that the dataGridView won't resize when I resize the main...