
Windows Vista Unauthorized Access exception

Is there a way in .net to do any of the following: Check if the directory or file is accessible to the program so I don't have to have a try catch for every file/directory access attempt. Ask the user for permission or admin access to only read the content of the particular file/dir. I'm writing a multi-threaded duplicates and empties...

Patch Error 2229 for non-default languages in Windows Vista/7

I'm having a problem with a patch. The patch supports English by default, as well as a few other languages. When a non-English language is chosen while installing the patch in Windows Vista/7 error 2229 occurs referring to a failed SQL query to the CONTROL table. Any suggestions? ...

C# application stopped working

I made a C# windows application in visual c# express 2008. I executed the exe file seperately on my PC and it worked perfectly.. Now when I ran the same file on another computer having vista an error occurred "WindowsFormapplication has stopped working". On my computer too it stops working after 5-10 min. So is the problem with my code o...

Run with administrative permission issue

Hello everyone, I am using Windows Vista and I find something strange, I programatically invoke IE to open IE to access some local html page, the current user belongs to administrator group; I programatically invoke IE with RunAs parameter, and let IE to access access some local html page, the current user belongs to administrator g...

cygwin / vista32 bash.exe has stopped working

Our work machines are moving to vista so I am struggling through installing cygwin. After setting the proxy on the installer manually instead of using "use IE5 settings" and running the following command: mkpasswd -l -c > /etc/passwd; mkgroup -l -d > /etc/group I finally have a "working" version of cygwin. However, when I type exi...

Is there a function like PeekMessage that doesn't process messages?

I'm trying to innocently call PeekMessage(&msg, 0, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP, PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD); and Windows Vista 64, in the PeekMessage call, is processing messages. The result is that I'm going re-entrant on my paint call, and all sorts of other code. Painting can take seconds in our application, so we added the PeekMessage ca...

WriteProcessMemory to SYSTEM process with SeDebugPrivilege enabled. (C, Vista)

Hi, I'm interested in injecting DLLs into SYSTEM owned processes on my Vista machine. I'm going about this using the traditional method of VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory and CreateRemoteThread. However, because this will be operating on SYSTEM processes, I enable SeDebugPivilege on the injecting process before opening the target pro...

Remove a specific file from a Subversion repository?

I have a SVN repository that has stuff from Bin directory (.exe, .dll, .pdb). I would like to clean up the repository to erase those file and to prevent them to come back. How can I clean the repository (without going file by file, directory by directory)? How can I prevent to add these file? (In SVNTortoise I have added a Global ignor...

How to programmatically disable window animation under Vista Aero?

My application does automated screenshots of several dynamically created forms. This works perfectly under Windows XP, but doesn't work well under Vista Aero. Most of the forms appear semitransparent in the screenshots. The problem lies in the window animation of Aero. How can I check/disable/enable this animation from inside a Delphi (...

How can I uninstall and reinstall XAMPP on Vista?

I just installed XAMPP beta with PHP 5.3 on Vista, but installed it in c:\xampp\xampp instead of c:\xampp. How can I uninstall it and reinstall in the correct directory? ...

Schedule Task in Vista For all Users

I have created a schedule task, I enter an admin privileged user(UserOne) "When running the task, use the following user account:" I provided a link to an exe file from "Actions" tab. Is there any way to allow this task to run by any user(admin privileged)? I found only that specific user(here "UserOne") can open the task. ...

ReadDirectoryChangesW thinks shortcut is being deleted right after creation

Hi, I am using this implementation of ReadDirectoryChangesW to monitor changes to the desktop. My program plans to run some small program when a file is created on the desktop. Now the problem I am running into is when I create a new shortcut via the right click context menu ReadDirectoryChangesW gets a notification saying the file ha...

"Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed." - Windows Vista Business and SMTP

Unable to test sending email from .NET code in Windows Vista Business. I am writing code which I will migrate to an SSIS Package once it its proven. The code is to send an error message via email to a list of recipients. The code is below, however I am getting an exception when I execute the code. I created a simple class to do the ma...

How to diagnose Java JNI EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION errors in Windows Vista

We have a Java application that uses some C++ libraries through JNI. The application used to work just fine in Windows XP, but it does not work in Windows Vista, it just crashes the JVM right away. We also wrote the C++ libraries and produced JNI bindings using SWIG. We are a little bit clueless on where to start looking for a way to f...

delete user profile from windows vista.

I am having problems with my emails on my local computer. It seems the outlook.pst file is corrupted. I am using windows vista as the OS. I read that if I delete the profile in control panel and delete the outlook.pst file and re-login, the system will automatically create new outlook.pst file and everything should work fine. But I hav...

loaded php.ini file doesn't 'work'

The php.ini file that is loaded (checked through phpinfo) does not seem to have any effect when I change something (after restarting apache). I'm using vista for this (please no answers about use linux, I use that too, I want to have it work on vista also). edit: version 5.3 VC6 x86 Thread Safe, apache 2.2 edit2: version 5.2.10 VC6 x86 ...

Visual C++ Development

I'm learning C++, and know a little bit of Visual Basic and an Delphi. But I want to know, is there some program like Delphi, but for C++. Something where you can drag a button to a form, double click it, the like in Delphi and VB: opens a code editor and you edit the code of the button, but with a similar code of C++? I'm using Windo...

Best Editor For C++ Development Under Windows

Hello, I'm learning C++ and i want to know what is the best editor for C++ development, remember that i use Windows Vista, an editor that is like Microsoft Office 2007 or Vista like will be very nice, because i love this new style of Windows Vista. Thanks! Editor Not IDE ...

Windows API for VISTA, 7 & Beyond

Is there any fundamental differences in the WinAPI/Win32? Is there any additional knowledge required to take advantage of new OS features? Are there any pitfalls which someone who's coded Win32 apps in the past might fall in? I'm not talking about Silverlight, that's a whole different ball of wax. (I don't have the VS that supports th...

Which is the best location to keep program configuration file in WINDOWS?

My program requires some configuration details to be kept in a .ini file. This program also installs extensions to IE and firefox and i want to read these .ini file from these extensions also. If I kept .ini in "...AppData/Roaming..." the IE extension in protected mode won't be able to read/write. As far as I know only AppData/LocalLow c...