
Vista/Win7 Delphi Audio device information

Hi guys, is there a way to get all Audio device names with delphi(D2009) on Vista or Win 7, I managed to get the number of devices, and to get the device PropertyStore using IMMDevice, but I wasnt able to go forward :| Thanks a lot ! ...

UAC and Java

Is it possible to ask for elevated permissions from within a Java Application? Suggestions I've seen seem to all be centered around running an external executable or setting up a manifest to request privileges on launch. These aren't available to, for instance, applets. Is there any way to request elevation from a running application?...

File Open Dialog with Encodings combobox under Vista.

I currently use the TOpenTextFileDialog as it has the Encodings option, but under Vista it appears using the older open dialog style. I'd like the new style open dialog, but with an encoding combobox that I can fill with custom strings. Basically I want the exact open dialog that Notepad shows under Vista. Of course I also need the co...

How to extract Vista file tags?

Vista introduced tags for the files. But how to extract these tags, let's say in .NET? ...

Installing MySQL on Windows Vista (with IIS)

Why is installing MySQL on Windows Vista such a bear? For someone who is not a professional database administrator, it seems like I am jumping through hoops. This page,200958,204223#REPLY pointed to this page

Vista, Visual Studio and OutOfMemoryExceptions

I'm having a bit of a problem where VS won't build because I get OutOfMemoryExceptions. My Vista box with 2 GIG RAM, is using about 1 Gig of RAM when it starts up, and I am not even doing anything (just connecting to the network drives at work etc) When I then run Visual Studio devenv.exe peaks at around 730MB after a few builds, and I ...

Why does Vista SP1 UAC prompt show a different file name for my MSI installer?

For my MSI installer, Vista SP1 UAC prompt shows me "5eab7.msi" for my MSI name which is clearly not my MSI file name. However the company name is correct. How to make the UAC prompt show the real name of my installer? I am using WiX, by the way. Thank you in advance! ...

Closing Process of a Delphi App under Vista

When we created our program, it closed properly under XP, but under Vista, even though the program is closed, the process is often still running until I open task manager and manually kill the process. Any suggestions on how to make sure this is closed when we close the program? What a pain. Mark Gundy ...

start exe as non admin from admin exe

Hi, When my app updates it needs admin rights and pops the uac prompt up and this is all good. However when it restarts it self its still in admin mode and thus every thing it does has admin rights. The problem comes when the next time the app is started its a normal user and thus cant read any of the files that where made before. How ...

How do I know if my program needs MDAC?

I have a set of Windows programs that is mostly created with VB6 and VC++ 6. Its installer is created using InstallShield. A couple users have recently reported a problem trying to install it on Vista. It is complaining that "MDAC 2.6 Sp2 cannot be installed on this machine. MDAC 2.6 Sp2 requires any one of the following configuratio...

How do I get past Windows Vista security?

Is there a way to get my .exe file to execute with administrator rights instead of me killing the LUA at registry or right click file and running as administrator? When I alter the registry it prompts the user which I don't want. I am only adding the file to kill the LUA to give the user full rights to execute my .exe file. If I can ...

change directory access control for common application data folder failed.

Here is my code, and i tried same code for file access control, it works well. but doesn't work for common application data on Vista. private static void GrantEveryoneFullControlRight(string directory) { try { if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) Directory.CreateDirectory...

How can a Vista toolbar ignore or figure out the border padding setting?

I have a toolbar developed under older versions of Windows that is largely cut off under Vista due to the window new border padding. With the default border padding of 4, the everything on the toolbar is shoved four pixels down and to the right, and then everything is cropped four pixels from the bottom and right sides. I don't really ...

Vista Shellview Help button

Hi I have created a namespace extension with VC 2005... I was wondering how to utilize the Help button located on the vista toolbar to display the help document for my product. Currently the help button is available but clicking it does not do anything. I was wondering how to handle the help button in Vista and 7 as this is a new feat...

WinAPI replacement for reg.exe

Are there WinAPI functions that do the same what can do standard Windows utility reg.exe with import/export flags? I'm know that there are RegSaveKey and RegRestoreKey functions, but the calling process must have additional privileges SE_RESTORE_NAME and SE_BACKUP_NAME. This means that it is necessary to ask user to elevate process (sho...

Is it possible for Java apps to use the Aero Glass effect?

Is it possible for a Swing based Java to have the Aero Glass effect as the background under Windows Vista/7? ...

Where is the BCD located in windows vista/7?

I'm trying to find where the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store is actually stored in windows vista/7. This is the information which in previous versions was stored in the boot.ini file (usually located in C:). I'm able to access the BCD through the command line tool bcdedit.exe, however I don't know where it reading the information fr...

What C# / Win32 Control Is the Wireless Network Dialog Using?

I'm working on an application, and I have a screen that in my mind, looks a lot like the Wireless Network List in Windows Vista. For those who are unaware, its basically a listview, but in each row, instead of a line of text, there's a large 'panel' that contains all sorts of useful information. Does anyone know if that's an actual UI ...

SNMP performance under Vista

I have a problem I've run into with something I original wrote for Win2k, etc that monitors the connection speed using SNMP (SnmpExtensionQuery). On all of the previous versions of Windows, you could query it once a second and get new data - but now if you run the same application on Vista, it only updates once every 10 seconds. Is the...

Why can't horizontal span be implemented on Vista?

Until Windows Vista, ATI and nVidia supported a feature called horizontal span, which combined two monitors into a single larger screen. This feature allows the taskbar to span across both monitors, allows games to be played in fullscreen across both monitors, and allow Remote Desktop Connection to span both monitors without the /span f...