
Bolded dates in MonthCalendar

I'm having some trouble with the bolded dates in monthcalendar (it's a windows forms project). When I set all the dates I want to be bold to bold, I can't see them bold, but then if i change Vista visualisation to classic I can see the bolded dates. I've also noted that on a classmate's computer who is also using Vista, I can see the bo...

Error 800706B5 when calling IWebBrowser2->get_Document

On Vista using IE8, I have an instance of IWebBrowser2, which I am using to obtain the current HTML document: IWebBrowser2* browser; CComPtr<IDispatch> disp; HRESULT hr = browser->get_Document(&disp); When this is executed by an Administrator, the call succeeds. However, when called by a regular user, the call returns an error code of...

Using Windows Vista Credentials

Hi all i am using CredUIPromptForWinodwsCredentialw for prompting the user for verifying his/her credentials how can i verify these credentilas. the code i am using is BOOL save = false; DWORD authPackage = 0; LPVOID authBuffer; ULONG authBufferSize = 0; CREDUI_INFO credUiInfo; DWORD logininfo; credUiInfo.pszCaptionText = T...

Blank Screenshots In vista and Win7 when gaming

Hi there guys, I noticed another person also requested help on this. I read that post and it seems it wasn't resolved yet. I also tried changing from my code to the code in the "Screen shot in 2 clicks" Post, But implementing that in my code messed around with all my other code for some reason. At the moment, The screen shots show up pe...

Can I add manifest file to someone else's exe?

Hi, I have some EXEs for which I do not have code. Can I still add manifest files? Also, according to my understanding of the topic, for a program to be Vista compliant, it should not write to any secured locations like HKLM, Program Files etc. For registry we can use HKCU, but about the files that are getting created in Program Files...

UAC: Manifest file is ignored

One of my Executables writes some configuration into a XML file to C:\Program Files\MyApp\config.xml. It needs to run as Administrator on Vista / Server 2008, otherwise the OS won't let it write to that location. I included a manifest file named config.exe.manifest, to automatically request administration rights at launch. Here's my ma...

side-by-side in Windows 7 - also Vista

I am using a tool from Xenocode that can build a virtual application environment. Our application is complex, with several tools and executables that work together. Initially I used a xenocode tool to take a before and after snapshot to generate the original app. Since then I have modified the build script manually. Now I have to add a n...

Detecting symlinks (mklink) on Vista/7 in Python without Pywin32

Currently the buildout recipe collective.recipe.omelette uses junction.exe on all versions of Windows to create symlinks. However junction.exe does not come with Windows by default and most importantly does not support creating symlinks to files (only directories) which causes a problem with quite a few Python packages. On NT6+ (Vista a...

Python code does not work as expected when I run script as a Windows Service

Here is the code to get Desktop path on Windows Vista. import pythoncom import win32com.client pythoncom.CoInitialize() shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell") desktop_path = shell.SpecialFolders("Desktop") Code works fine when I tried on python interpreter but its not working when I execute the same code from Python scrip...

Static build in QT on Windows Vista

Hello, I am currently running Windows Vista Home Premium, and I have developed an application with my friend using QT Creator. We are now trying to deploy our application as just one executable, so we are trying to do a static build. We have added CONFIG += static in our .pro file. We are using this documentation to help us: http://d...

How to create a local IIS site with encrypted wwwroot using EFS on Vista

I'm preparing a laptop to take with me while travelling, so all my user data is encrypted using EFS in case someone decides to steal it. I also need to set up a couple of local sites for development with IIS. If I turn off encryption on the wwwroot of a site, IIS can serve it just fine. However, I really would like to be able to use encr...

blocking the URL on windows vista

Dear All, I wanted to allow only one URL and block rest of the URLs But I am not able to do so, I have referred to the below link but its blocking all the url, including the one exception URL. Its very urgent, Please somebody help me in ...

How to detect if a Windows version is legal or not?

I'm not interested in getting version information. All I want to do is to make sure my application will only run on a legal version of Windows and not on a pirated version. Windows uses some trick to determine this but still allows pirated versions to continue to run, although with some limits. So, is there a way to check if the applica...

How to detect if a virusscanner and/or firewall is installed? (And a few other security-related Q's.)

I have an application and I'm trying to make sure it's running in a secure environment. First of all, I check if Windows is genuine, which makes it more likely that the user keeps it up-to-date. If not, I just pop up a message warning the user there's a possible risk because he still needs to validate Windows. Now, I want to do a bit mo...

Application in Vista OS, but few threads are not active and running

I have my app, running one on XP & one on Vista OS. But there is a difference in thread count. XP - 18 , Vista -14 threads. Few threads are not started in my application which is running in Vista OS. So my application in Vista is not fully functioning. Any setting to be done?. I have switched off the UAC in Vista. Sounds crazy but tru...

Reload display icc current calibrations automation in Windows

I have a problem where Windows discards custom ICC display calibrations whenever an external monitor is hot-plugged into my system. I believe this applies to both Windows 7 and Windows Vista. I want to automate pushing the "Reload current calibrations" button on the advanced tab of the Color Management control panel applet. Ideally, I'd ...

WPF MoveFocus() working on Vista, not XP

The following bit of code works on Vista as expected (focus is moved down the ListView), but on XP SP3 (with .Net 3.5 SP1 on both) it moves only between the first two items of the ListView. if (myListView.SelectedItem != null) { IInputElement orig = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(this); FocusManager.SetFocusedElement(this, myLis...

Shift+Ctrl+0 key combination not seen by application on Windows Vista

I start with a new Delphi VCL application, add Menus to the uses clause, drop a label on the form, and assign the form's OnShortCut event: procedure TForm1.FormShortCut(var Msg: TWMKey; var Handled: Boolean); begin Label1.Caption := ShortCutToText(ShortCut(Msg.CharCode, KeyDataToShiftState(Msg.KeyData))); end; On XP, this works corr...

Detecting Keyboard Hooks

Is there a way to detect which programs or modules are listening to a keyboard hook? By Sysinternals maybe? ...

Modifying Vista / Windows 7 explorer behavior

On the Windows Vista taskbar, you can middle-click an icon to open a new instance of a program. In a Windows Vista explorer window address bar (the thing that shows the current file path as a bunch of clickable folders seperated by arrows,) you should be able to middle-click a folder and open a new window there. Is there anyway I could ...