
Launching a service from msi installer that depends on assemblies installed by the msi

I'm using WiX to write a MSI installer to start a service that depends on DLLs installed by the MSI. On Vista, the DLLs become added to the global assembly cache in the MSI's InstallFinalize phase, so I can't use the built-in service starting command in WiX. That one tries to start the service before the DLLs are in the GAC, and fails. T...

Corruption in the network stack

Hi, What could cause WireShark to show (example) 'xxxxxxxxxxx' on the sending machine, and then show 'xxxxxxxxxii' on the receiving machine? Note that it's not WireShark showing wrong data, the data is actually corrupted when it arrives, causing our TCP/IP protocol to get out of sync. This is not the real data sent, but this is the pa...

Visual Studio 2008 - Focus on textbox doesn't work when run from VS2008 as admin

This is a minor, esoteric problem and not a showstopper, but I'm wondering what other VS2008 idiosyncrasies are out there. If you make a web app, add a textbox and run a focus function for the textbox on page load, it works when you run VS not as administrator from a Vista non-administrator account or if you run the page from a browser ...

How do I prevent programmatically the "Program Compatibility Assistant" in Vista (and Windows 7) from appearing?

I develop a C++ program which might use adobe flash, although it is not essential. I use CoCreateInstance to create the flash object, and if it fails, I know flash is not installed so I don't use it. However, in Vista (and I think Windows 7 as well), when flash is not installed, after leaving the application, the "Program Compatibility A...

What todo to force XP shim in Vista

In Vista, we can create a shimming .sdb file to force e.g. XP compatibility. You can also do some stuff in a manifest file you embed in your executable. Are there any command line options or environment variables that can be set to force these settings. I found some references to WinAmp to do this, but is there an overview of all possib...

Is it possible to run an application as Administrator from the Delphi IDE

I am trying to debug an application in Delphi 2007 on a Vista machine. The application was originally written for XP so it must be run with administrator privileges. I know that I could put some information into the manifest or update the code but I am looking for a quick fix that can be used in all my projects. Does anyone know if ...

Pointer stability under Windows Vista

I have been using Visual Studio 2005 under Windows XP Pro 64-bit for C and C++ projects for a while. One of the popular tricks I have been using from time to time in the debugger was to remember a numeric pointer value from the previous debugging run of the program (say 0x00000000FFAB8938), add it to watch window with a proper typecast (...

Elevating a process to run as admin doesn't work

Elevating a process to run as admin doesn't work. If I run that application from an elevated command prompt it runs fine. But my code below doesn't. Process setupws = new Process(); setupws.StartInfo.FileName = @"setupws.exe"; setupws.StartInfo.Verb = "runas"; setupws.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; setupws.Start(); setupws.WaitForEx...

open Adobe Flash IDE, open windows explorer, crash

I installed Adobe Flash CS3 on my Vista Ultimate 32-bit machine (4GB Ram) last year. I occasionally had a problem where if I had opened the Adobe Flash IDE, and then opened Windows Explorer, the machine would freeze and require a reboot. Recently, this problem has gotten much worse to the point where it's very difficult for me to get any...

Visual Basic 2008 Opacity Failure

Hey guys, I have a 2 files here. One is my main form, and the other is a dialog I made. Now I'm trying to get enter code here the dialog to gradually obtain its transparency from a timer which I have on the dialong form: If Me.Opacity = "100" Then Timer1.Stop() Timer1.Enabled = False Else Me....

Run Tools without DLL Files - Visual Basic 2008

Hello, I have a Windows Media Player with my application. And when I debug, it gives me someother dll files with the program, and it would be a pain in the butt to carry those files around with me. How would I get rid of these but keep my Windows Media Player implemeted to the program? Is their a way I can add this to the project files ...

How to advance the wallpaper slideshow on windows vista/7 programatically?

I readed on a forum that the "Next Desktop Background" command in Windows Aero Slideshow feature calls the stobject.dll file. So I runned the dumpbin to check wheter I could se an exported method to call: Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\dumpbin.exe /EXPORTS Windows\System32\stobject.dll Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 9.00....

Why does running with elevated privileges force the use of UNC paths?

Why does running with elevated privileges force the use of UNC paths? I need to elevate my process AND keep the drive mappings I have. Yet when I run elevated the mappings are replaced with the UNC path. For example: textBoxPath.Text = Application.StartupPath; returns "F:\myProgram\tools" when run normally. But when run elevated it re...

Online SQL Login - Visual Basic 2008

Hey guys, I have here a simple question for those expertise out there (but please explain well, I'm very new). I made a visual basic 2008 application that allows you to login from a database. I followed this video: But the problem is that I have to keep debugging my app if I make a new user. ...

Is there a way to turn ON UAC programmatically with C#?

Is there a way to turn ON UAC programmatically with C#? I know, everyone seems to want to know how to turn it off. I want to be able to turn it on and restart the system. Thanks ...

can't escape fullscreen mode by escape key in vista i.e 8

when i try to escape full screen mode in flash by escape key it doesn't close the fullscreen unless i press somewhere on the flash area. this happens only in vista i.e 8 (this combination only!!!). i would like yo know if you ever run into it . I have no idea what can cause it. any suggestions? thanks ...

Register/Unregister COM dll verbs are not working in vista

I am trying to use the registry settings from this page to add two menu-items to the explorer context menu in vista to register and unregister COM DLLs. But for some reason they do not work. I have checked the registry using Regedit and the keys do exist on my system. I have also tried logging on and off the system several times but stil...

How do I ask for an elevation for Registry access to HKLM?

How do I ask for an elevation for Registry access to HKLM? I'd like to add EnableLinkedConnections to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\". I also don't want to use a manifest file. Ive tried the below code but it doesn't seem to help. RegistryPermission f = new RegistryPermission( RegistryP...

Window glass in .NET

Normal border glass is nice, but how can I do the second type of transparency like middle part in the window with the list of gadgets? And what about white light on the back of text? ...

API to set credentials for wired 802.1X in Windows

Hello, Is there any API to set user credentials programmatically for a wired 802.1X profile in Windows Vista/XP SP3 ? The corresponding API for wireless is WlanSetProfileEapXmlUserData (...) or WlanSetProfileEapUserData (...). Can the same functionality be achieved for a wired 802.1X profile is some way ? Thanks, crimsonbloat. ...