
How do I install .NET 2.0 SP2 without .NET 3.5 SP1 on Windows Vista?

We recently added a feature to our software that requires .NET 2.0 SP2. This is not a problem on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 since we can just include the redistributable for .NET 2.0 SP2 in our installation. On Windows Vista and later, .NET is more tightly integrated into the OS (I'm not sure exactly how), and there doesn't appear...

IntelliJ debugger makes new JFrame() break Windows Vista Java

My app works fine with Java 1.6 when I run it command line. However, when I run it under the debugger in IntelliJ IDEA community edition 9, when it gets to the line new JFrame(); the Vista reports the JVM fails with the message: Java(TM) Platform SE binary has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly....

Confused about how Windows get audio line names

I'm getting very confused about how audio devices/lines/endpoints are named in windows (vista). First I go to the control panel applet "Sound". Among others, I find one input line that resides physically on a USB Audio Device. The name of the "recording device" in the applet is: Microphone 3- USB Audio Device Working From the waveInGe...

Cannot recreate named pipe under vista

Hey, In my application i have the app and a service that does stuff for the app. They communicate via a named pipe. Now i can start the app and it starts the service and connects and this works well. When the application downloads an update, it restarts it self (to unload in use modules) killing the service and then starts the service...

Does RTLCopyMemory work in Vista?

I've noticed that RTL*Move*Memory seems to work just fine. But when I try to use RTL*Copy*Memory I get: "Can't find DLL entry point RtlCopyMemory in kernel32". Here is my declare: Private Declare Sub CopyMem Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlCopyMemory" ( _ ByVal dest As Long, _ ByVal source As Long, _ ByVal bytLen As Long) ...

How to get location of %temp%\Low when running as a low intergrity process

When a process is running at the low integrity level, you can't write to %temp% so I need a way to find the path to the %temp%\Low directory (Without hardcoding the word "Low") ...

Start service in kernel mode (Vista)

I'd like to start service before user mode is loaded (in kernel mode). The reason is I wanna run several system applications(asm code to write data to BIOS) that are not allowed in user mode (privileges problem). That's why I got an idea: 1. Write windows service 2. Start and run it in kernel mode Is it possible? Are there any other wa...

AnimateWindow API in Vista MDI form doesn't work properly

We have an application written in VB.Net; there is a main window which hosts MDI child forms. When we are running the application on Windows Vista (in Win XP and 7 it works as it's supposed), we encounter a problem when closing MDI children forms. When we close the MDI window, its Closing event calls the WindowAnimate API to perform some...

Side by Side error running Qt Creator

On Vista Ultimate (No SP), I installed Qt Creator 1.3 from Nokia, using the Windows Binary installer. When I tried running it, I got a side-by-side error saying: "The Application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail." The Event Viewer Logs showed: "...

UnauthorizedAccessException : Getting in Vista

Hi, I made a application and its working fine in XP, but getting UnauthorizedAccessException in vista. Basically I am creating a folder through code and writing a XML file in it. Is there a way I can make the application run as administrator through code or something. Thanks. ...

PyWin32: Windows Classic theme

In the PyWin32 demos folder, the sample uses the classic windows controls. Can the Windows Vista themed buttons also be displayed using PyWin32, and if so, how? I'm using ActivePython 3.1, if that makes any difference. Sample: ...

Won't Let Me Install Gem in Ruby Prompt

Windows Vista, Ruby v. 3.3.5 C:\>gem install rmagick Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing rmagick: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. C:/Ruby19/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb checking for Ruby version >= 1.8.5... yes Invalid drive specification. Unable to get ImageMagick version ...

Rollback Ruby Version on Windows

How do you rollback from Ruby 1.9 to Ruby 1.8 ? ...

How Can I Delete Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/Index.dat?

Without purchasing someone elses software, how can I as a software engineer, delete index.dat? What OS Voodoo hoops do I have to jump through to accomplish the simple deletion of a single file on my own computer? I have windows Vista. ...

Reason for ~100x slowdown with heap memory functions using HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE on Vista and Windows 7

I'm trying to tracedown a huge slowdown in the heap memory functions in Vista and Windows 7 (I didn't test on any server editions). It doesn't happen on XP at all, only on Microsoft's newer operating systems. I originally ran into this problem with PHP complied on Windows. The scripts themselves seemed to run at the expected speed, but ...

In Windows Vista, what IRQL is the thread scheduler run at?

In Vista, what IRQL is the thread scheduler run at? ...

How do I make WebDev clean up its tooltray "tracks"?

After I've shut down a VS 2008 web project, well, a lot of times, I see many instances of the WebDev icon in the "tooltray" / system notification area: These are no longer active instances; they were shut down by VS. When I mouse over any of these, Windows Vista "conveniently" collapses the tray for me. This makes life miserable if t...

How do I make my program work in Windows Vista and Windows 7?

I have an application written in Delphi 2006 that was working fine in Windows XP. I packed the application using Inno Setup, using Program Files as the default folder. A few users migrated to Windows Vista and Windows 7. The issue here is that the application creates some files inside its installation folder by its own. This was working ...

Checking if a file exists on a 64 bit Vista machine with a 32 bit program

So, I have a 32 bit program which needs to check if files exist. However, the locations (which can come from both shortcuts and the registry) often make use of Environment Strings. I use the ExpandEnvironmentStrings api to expand them, then check if the file exists. However, because it is a 32-bit application (note environmental strin...

Why doesn't the RequestAdditionalTime() method work on restart in Vista/7?

I have been doing some extensive testing of a Windows Service I have been writing in C# .Net 3.5. I am having trouble getting Windows to give me enough time for my service to shutdown properly when I restart or shutdown the computer even though I am invoking the RequestAdditionalTime() method which should update the SCM and keep my serv...