
Windows Vista, Default Programs API, file format associations, and (un)installers - explosive mix!

My application is a rather well behaved Windows citizen, so when I ported it to Windows Vista/7 I replaced my custom file format association code with support for the Default Programs API. However I ran into a problem when trying to make uninstaller for my application - there seems to be no way to remove file format associations via Defa...

How do you place controls on the chrome of a WPF Window when the user is on Windows XP?

How can you place controls on a frame of a WPF window? I took a look at this but I don't know how to do this in WPF. link textThe problem comes when The application has to run on Windows XP where there is no DWM support. Also, if this is running on Vista without DWM, could the article still work? ...

What does "ShellExecuteEx failed; code 18" mean (on vista)

A buddy of mine has been getting this error mesage when trying to run uninstall programs andor new program apps, windows just shows "ShellExecuteEx failed; code 18" and refuses to run the program. ...

Connect to an elevated COM server from a non-elevated process

We have a program which launches a child process that hosts a local COM server, which for various reasons must be launched elevated. Everything works fine so long as both the parent and the child process are elevated. However, we also want to run when the parent process is non-elevated. Launching the child process results in a UAC dialo...

Browsing to Subversion repository location indicated in Apache conf file

I have Subversion 1.6.6 and Apache 2.2.14 installed and working. I have made the following changes to the Apache httpd.conf file: #Uncommented by me for Subversion installation LoadModule dav_module modules/ LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/ #Added by me for subversion installation LoadModule dav_svn_module m...

Is there any reason for a blocking call to winsock send() function on Vista to return immediately ?

Hi All, Is there any reason for a blocking call to winsock's send() function on Vista to return immediately ? It works with expected delay on XP and below. I'm wondering if this has got anything to do with auto-tuning feature of Vista. Code: char *pBuffer; // pointer to data int bytes; // total size int i = 0, j=0; w...

Manually configure WCF to use HTTP on Vista home premium

Hi, I'm trying to develop and deploy a WCF service using VS2008 and Vista home premium. I don't have IIS running and understand I don't need to if I manually configure the WCF app ... using netsh.exe I believe. Can anyone give me clear guidance on how to go from the development project in VS2008 to a useable service? Many thanks. ...

Help setting up IIS 7.0

I am trying to setup IIS on my laptop. I have followed a guide which said to go to: Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows Features On / Off > Click on IIS. I have done this and my computer now says that IIS is running. However when I visit http://localhost in my browser I get a 'Page Cannot be Displayed' error. I have had it workin...

"Requested registry access is not allowed." on Windows 7 / Vista

I'm attempting to write a key to Registry. It works on Windows XP, but fails on Windows 7 / Vista. The code below throws a Security Exception with description "Requested registry access is not allowed." RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\App_Name\\" + subKey, true); I realise that this has to do wi...

Inno Setup... app crashes silently if not run as Admin

I built a little installer, which installs to program files. I run the installer and all is good, run the installed .exe and it just disappears. I guess at giving the EXE admin launch rights in Vista and it runs. But why is this needed? This can't be normal can it? ...

Check if webbased CertEnroll will succeed

Hi all, for a project we will be doing webbased certificate enrollment, in Vista / Win7 combination with IE this gives some problems if the user does not import the root certificate first and then changes a lot of default IE settings (Enable ActiveX not marked safe for scripting etc....). I was wondering if any of you ever created a tes...

Is Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk missing from WMI in Vista?

From what I understand, the output from the following script should include "Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk" in Windows XP and higher, but it doesn't for me in Vista Business 32-bit Service Pack 2. Thus far I have been very unsuccessful googling for information about this performance class. strComputer = "." Set objWMIService=...

error C2065: 'IOCTL_NDISUIO_OPEN_DEVICE' : undeclared identifier

Hello, I am facing "error C2065: 'IOCTL_NDISUIO_OPEN_DEVICE' : undeclared identifier error in beneath code. Where i am wrong, please help me out. #include "Ntddndis.h" #include "Nuiouser.h" HRESULT OpenInterfaceHandle( LPWSTR adapterGuid, HANDLE *pHandle) { WCHAR deviceGuid[128]; HANDLE intfHandle; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ...

Vista/7 UAC: how to lower process privileges

Hi all, Is it possible for a process to lower itself from elevated UAC permission back to standard user? If not can the elevated process launch its copy with standard user token and then kill itself? Any code examples (C# preferred)? Details: Problem: - user installs my product (written in C#) - the installer elevates its UAC permissi...

P2V converter for desktop MS Virtual PC

Are there any tools available for converting a desktop vista machine into a virtual machine to run with MS Virtual PC? I am buying a new workstation and would like to virtualize my old machine onto the new one. I know of the tools for Hyper-V, but i'll be running Win7 on the new machine, not Hyper-V server. ...

LVM_INSERTITEM very slow in vista/W7

in a large listview control collection (say 5000 items), adding a SINGLE extra item can take 10+ seconds in windows vista/7, and that's just the LVM_INSERTITEM message handling it looks that it only affects LVS_ICON, LVS_REPORT and LVS_LIST are still very fast can anybody confirm this? the same code on windows XP with similar listview...

Error loading Mongrel in Aptana Ruby Application on Vista

I'm brand new at Ruby. Trying to set up the first application/project using Aptana Studio. Here are my ruby and gem versions c:\>ruby -v ruby 1.9.1p378 (2010-01-10 revision 26273) [i386-mingw32] c:\>gem -v 1.3.6 I am seeing this error below while starting my ruby application. I'm developing on Vista (sucks, I know but am working on ...

How can I enable Vista/Win 7 theming/style for a ToolTip control?

In Windows Vista and Windows 7, ToolTips have a new visual style or theme, they are shiny grey metallic. How can I enable the new style for a ToolTip control? Some controls, like ListViews and ToolBars, use the new tooltips automatically, but other tooltips are rendered with the old yellow XP style. I've tried sending an TTM_SETWINDOW...

TextRenderer.DrawText renders Arial differently on XP vs Vista

I have a c# application that does text rendering, something on par with a simple wysiwyg text editor. I'm using TextRenderer.DrawText to render the text to the screen and GetTextExtentPoint32 to measure text so I can position different font styles/sizes on the same line. In Vista this all works fine. In XP however, Arial renders diffe...

Localizing Task Links for a Control Panel Item on Windows Vista

I'm having a problem localizing the Task Links for a Control Panel applet on Windows Vista ( This is the part of my XML file where I define the task: <sh:task id="{3DC35DFB-B037-4148-B351-7959EE034D92}"> <sh:name>@MyApplet.cpl,-101</sh:name> <sh:keywor...