
Domain Name Server on Windows for locally hosted websites

I have a half-dozen domains (with associated domain names), hosted locally on Windows/Apache and accessible to the wider internet. At the moment, the name servers are provided by my domain name register at extra cost. I would like to host a domain name service (on the same machine as is hosting the websites). I have tried BIND withou...

cannot open files in briefcase and got unknown error message

I cut my files in briefcase to hard disk, but i can't open the briefcase in hard disk and I got the error message that is " An unknown error has occured,some of your files were not copied". How can i recover my files? ...

I can't delete a folder that I just extracted from a zip file in python

So here's my problem. I have a python script that takes a zipfile and extracts its contents. Then based on some constraint, I will try to delete the folder whose contents were just extracted. For some reason I get an error, WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'Foldername' when i try to delete that folder. The simple code looks like...

How to run minted package in TeXnicCenter using MiKTeX ...

I am working with LaTeX on Vista using TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 3 (build 1118) having installed MiKTeX 2.8. I want to use code highlighting for Objective-C and read here that the minted package is great. I installed Python 2.7 and pygmentize as told in the minted documentation. I also set the compiler option -shell-escape in TeXnicCenter. ...

How would I pass my program a string from the start menu search in Windows (like ping)?

When my program is launched from the start menu shortcut I would like to send it a string. I see that ping does this because I can type in ping [and a domain] and it will pop the cmd window and do the ping. However I think this must be working differently than what I have setup because even though the shortcut to the program is in the st...

Windows Explorer Crumb-Bar Control

I am seeking a, preferably free, crumb-bar control for my app. For those that do now know what it is, it is the address bar on the top of explorer: If anyone knows of any free or paid control libraries that have this, please answer. ...

ManagementObjectSearcher Crashes on Win Server 2003?

I have a simple piece of C# 3.5 that does this: SelectQuery allProductsQuery = new SelectQuery("Win32_Product"); ManagementObjectSearcher allProducts = new ManagementObjectSearcher(allProductsQuery); foreach(ManagementObject product in allProducts.Get()) { foreach(PropertyData property in product.Properties) { Console.WriteLine("{0} = {...

Restoring window started with "run as administrator"

Hi All, We have a customer requirement for our WPF application: - if child modal window is minimized -> than parent (main) window should be minimized as well. This is implemented by simple override in our base window class: protected override void OnStateChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnStateChanged(e); if (WindowSt...

Reading and writting DEVMODE.dmColor

Hi I'm having trouble with the dmColor field fo the DEVMODE structure. My default printer is a color printer, if I default output color of the printer properties through the control panel to black and white the DEVMODE.dmColor field always returns DMCOLOR_COLOR instead of DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME. Even if I default my printer to a black a...

Windows 7 : Set "Run as Administrator" for shortcut automaticly

In Windows 7 (Vista too maybe) you can set a property of a desktop shortcut to "Run as Administrator". So every time the shortcut is used to application is invoked with Administrator privileges or the use is asked for an admin account. I know I can request/force Administrator privileges with a manifest file for my application but I need...

WCF gets Access denied when the consumer try invoke a WCF service calls hosted on Virtual Machine

Problem System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAccessDeniedException : Access is denied. Relevant Stack lines (reduced) Server stack trace: at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ThrowIfFaultUnderstood(Message reply, MessageFault fault, String action, MessageVersion version, FaultConverter faultConverter) Exception rethrown a...

Blackberry JDE component Package 4.6.1 not visible after disabling Vista UAC

I'm running Eclipse version 3.4.1 on a Windows Vista machine. Currently I've installed: BB JDE plug-in for eclipse ver. BB Component Pack 4.6.1 BB component pack Usually I work with the UAC enabled and everything was fine till when I needed to sign the application. Everytime I selected the "Request Signatures" functi...

Android Emulator Development

Hi, We are new to android and trying to develop a emulator… Can I have any information about how to start uo to develop an emulator. We were trying to search for some resources online but couldn’t find any for emulator development Online stuff is all related to application development…Please suggest us some tutorials which would help us...

Delphi MainFormOnTaskBar Modal windows bug

HI I'm using Delphi 2007 and have set the MainFormOnTaskBar property to true. The issue that I'm having is this. If you open a child window from the main form and then you show a message dialog from the child window you just opened. When you close the message dialog and then close the child window, the main form will be sent to the b...

cant do file io after deploying my app on user machine:

Hi, I have built a win application with C# framework 3.5 sp1 When I publish the project and install it on other machine (with framework 3.5 sp1) I get "application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy..." After learning about this a bit I found two leads: "Administrative tools-->microsoft .net configu...

Can we use CFTPconnection(FTP MFC) class in windows 7 and vista ?

Hi , I was developing one FTPClient using MFC (CFTPconnection) just i want to know whethere we can use this in Windows 7 and Vista OS ? ...

Does SuperFetch affect dwMemoryLoad percentage and clash with smart memory management?

If you use GlobalMemoryStatusEx to get statistics, one is dwMemoryLoad which is the approximate percentage of physical memory in use. Is memory that SuperFetch has consumed added to dwMemoryLoad? I'm working on software which uses this statistic to manage its own caching, flushing cache when the percentage goes too high. I'm worried that...

C# vista does not giving access to create folder

In my project I have to create some files and directories into my app folder which is into program files. But in vista it is giving me error that I dont have access to create file. What should I do now for giving access ? Also it not let me access the registry !! ...

Permission issue running Wpf application in Vista

I created a WPF Desktop application and have tried deploying it to vista without success. The application performs a scan and uploads the data to a web service on the internet. It should also log any exceptions using NLog to the hard drive. When I run the application it errors out when trying to send the data to the web service. If I run...

How to run more than 6 instances of a application on a single port in Windows 7/vista

Hi All, I have an application running on a different machine ....the application needs some info from a windows 7 machine, which is listing on a specific port. I need to run 64 instances of the application but vista is supporting only 6 instances over the specific port. How can I change this from 6 to 64 ... Thanks for your help....