
Vista UAC for DLL

I want to provide Administrator priviliage to my dll for vista. Please suggest ...

Problem with starting web site on Vista & IIS 7 via .NET

Hello everybody! I need to get IIS web-site state programmatically via C#. I usually do it this way: DirectoryEntry DE = new DirectoryEntry( string.Format( "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/{0}", siteID ) ); Int32 serverState = (Int32)DE.Properties["ServerState"][0]; if ( serverState == IISHelper.MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPED ) DE.Invoke("Start", ...

dll built with visual studio 2010 / windows 7 => usable on Windows 6?

Question from a Linux/Mac developer: I have compiled a 32-bit .dll (release flavor) under Windows 7 using Visual Studio 2010. Should this .dll be usable under all flavors of Windows 6 (a.k.a. Vista, if I'm not mistaken)? Many thanks and RTFMs appreciated, John Clements ...

Newly compiled application requires UAC/elevation?

hi! I have a system, I set it up as a normal with UAC, and in my delphi environment I compile my project named ka.exe, I create a installshield project for it. setup and everything completes ok! but whenever I start my program, it requires elevation and I don't have any clue why. just to be sure installshield is not playing mindgames ...

Windows Vista won't boot up after msconfig and rundll

Okay I was trying to remove some of those fake anti virus programs from a laptop, I'm trying to avoid reinstalling the OS as this is setup as a multiple boot machine centos and vista with special configs on both sides that took a lot of time to setup. After a tradeshow it came back with the fake antivirus on it. Generally you can task ma...

Any way to get a local timestamp in IPython prompt?

64-bit Vista Python 2.6 IPython 0.10 Is there a way to get a local timestamp in my IPython prompt. My current default prompt is [C:Python26/Scripts] |9> ...

How to open new OpenFileDialog automatically in Vista/Win7?

I'm on Vista and I'm using Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog class. When I call ShowDialog() I get the old XP-style dialog: How do I get the new Vista-style dialog with fallback to the old one on WindowsXP? A bit of rumble: I don't really understand why they didn't replace the dialog in vista, but kept both of them. Now legacy apps wi...

Publisher is Unverified Message in Windows Vista...

I wrote a small .NET app that I've been running locally on my Windows 7 box/Windows 7 laptop. It runs great, no problems at all. I've given the same app to a friend of mine; he has the .Net framework installed but when he goes to run the .exe he gets a warning saying something about the publisher being unverified. He can either cancel...

Track a program's memory & CPU usage with perfmon

I'm trying to track a process on system running Windows Vista, I tried creating a user Data Collection Set in Vista's "Reliability and Performance Monitor" (perfmon). What I did is the following: Under "Data Collector Sets" -> "User Defined" -> Right click and "New" -> "Data Collector Set" In the wizard I chose "Create Manually" -...

Directories that are not likely to contain user executable files ('.exes')

I am writting a client-server laucher application. An administrator will, from the server side, select executable files ('.exes') from a list and add these to a short-list of the apps that standard users can run on the client. To complile this list, my client app will reculsively search though all the folders in the system for exes and ...

C# Sendkeys in Vista

Hi again, I was working on a macro program in C#, which used SendKeys.Send(Wait) and worked fine in Windows XP. Most people know that using sendkeys in Vista (32-bit) or above causes problems, but mine seems a little strange: When using: SendKeys.Send("B"); - It doesn't do anything. When using SendKeys.SendWait("B"); - It sends about...

How to add custom information in detail pane of win vista and win 7 using

Hi, i have a file type for my application for which i want to show some custom information in Organize\Deatails Pane in windows explorer. Like for a word file it shows author and stuff similarly i have some custom information for my file which i want to show. Anybody with idea on how can i do it? ...

Is there a way to programatically launch the Windows "set up microphone"

If I search for "microphone" in Windows 7 the first option is "Set up Microphone". I'd like to be able to launch that programatically. I've tried dragging that shortcut to the desktop but it's just a "search" shortcut. any suggestions? ...

WPF CheckBox background color not visible in windows Vista

Hi, I have set the background property of a checkbox control to a color, in WPF. It appears OK when run on windows XP but appear as a border color in Vista. Anyone know the reason for this behavior and how to overcome? Thanks. ...

geodjango access violation on vista 32 bit

Am having a real problem with the geodjango saving an entry. It produces a "Error: Access Violation reading 0x???????" The error does not indicate which file or folder it's trying to gain read/write access to. Upon researching i found other non-django programs that also have this issue, some were fixed by turning off Vista's DEP control...

Resources for developing .NET applications for Windows Vista/7?

I am looking for some resources for developing .NET apps for Windows Vista/7. What are the challenges? Are there resources on dealing with UAC? What about upgrading a large enterprise XP application? We have a large WinForms application written in C# with the .NET 2.0 framework. We are tasked with getting this application to run on Win...

How do I restore my computer back 2 months - Windows-Vista

Hi, How do I restore my computer back 2 months - Window Vista Thanks, Sohail ...

Vista: Need to manually clear the data that tells a folder to hide file names

When I view my user folder C:\Users\cjavapro, I get icons with no filenames similar to what is shown here I use my user folder often for files that are not organized yet and I have custom folders that are not Documents or Videos or Music or Pictures. I often set to hidden the folders I don't use like Contacts and Searches and Games. Wh...

Does Event logger in C# needs admin privileges to write logs into Windows Event Viewer?

Hi, In my C# application I am using EventLog class to log messages. It works perfectly fine on my machine but doesnt really works on client machine. Client machine configuration is different than my machine. My machine has Vista OS whereas client has Windows 2003 OS. I have admin rights on my machine whereas on client machine my appl...

How do I keep Windows (Vista) boot manager from automatically coming up when booting up computer

I am trying to keep the boot manager from automatically coming up when booting up my Windows Vista computer. I also want to know why the boot manager is coming up. I have also been having other problems that mite be related. After restarting a few times my USB mouse did not work. After unplugging and plugging back in my mouse worked. Bu...