
Acces to denied resource changing credentiala

Hello everybody, I've been searching for several days but I'm not able to find the solution. I want to write an aplication that can access to a folder where the user runnig the application has no access. That is. There is a folder F with some files. User A can read/write folder F. User B cannot read/write folder F. User B must use th...

How to Use CMake for Non-Interactive Build on Windows?

I want to set up automated build using CMake on Windows. I am using Visual Studio 2005. Update: Here is what I am using: I set devenv.exe to my PATH. Then to build I run the command below. I am using Hudson to build. devenv Crackpot.sln /build Debug /project ALL_BUILD As per

How to check if a CD-ROM is real or virtual

I am using the following WMI query to enumerate the CD/DVR drives on my machine: select * from Win32_CDROMDrive Question: Is there any way I can detect which of the drives returned are actual, physical CD/DVD drives and which are virtual (e.g. Deamon Tools, MagicDisc)? ...

epylint script is not working on Windows.

I have installed on Windows and now I am trying to configure my Emacs's flymake mode using epylint script. But it is not working. Here is the output of I got when I tried epylint on windows command prompt. C:\>epylint '':1: [F] No module named '' Did anyone t...

How to validate certification path against url

WARNNING: Total certificate newbie I have a certificate that is used for server authentication and I want to check if that certificate is validate for the url that the server is publish on. for example: if the certificate is for * then any url that its host part ends with is valid. What I would like is some...

Migrate folder user permissions in a windows file server migration

Before all i'm not a windows administrator so that perhaps this question is totally nosense. We are going to migrate our windows file server to another machine, the people who is going to do the job know how to replicate the folders and files (copy/paste perhaps?) but they don't know how to migrate the file and folder user permissions. ...

Understanding MsgWaitForMultipleObjects

I have a main gui thread that I want to remain responsive to the users action such as moving the dialog around, resizing, etc while I have a background thread doing some task. In the past I've used WaitForSingleObject with a timeout in order to process gui events while waiting on the background thread to complete. I recently read about...

Trace navigation in Windows Explorer instances ?

I would like to be notified of events such as folder changing in a window explorer windows. I looked into Windows Shell API, Shell extensions... I saw that we can hook with rename, copy, and paste events, and so on.. But i'am not sure we can trace the navigation. Thanks for your help ! ...

Windows print screen with Mac Keyboard

Can anyone out there tell me how to do a screen capture in Windows with a Mac keyboard plugged in? I have my Mac keyboard and mighty mouse plugged into a KVM switch that controls both my MacbookPro and my WinXP desktop. I'm having a terrible time trying to do certain things that require those extra keys like insert and print screen. Even...

Pass Window handle to a thread

My C# application is using a third party executable which runs on a separate System.Diagnostic.Process and sends Windows messages to frmMain. I need to run that process in a loop on a separate thread and I am having a problem with passing Windows handle to the thread. Is what I am trying to do possible at all and if it is possible how to...

API or command to check if "Fast user switching" enabled on XP

Hello All, I am working on a installer, it should check FUS (Fast user switching) is enabled or not on the XP system. If FUS is enabled then installer should exit, otherwise perform the actual installation. My question is there any command line utility (or API) to check if FUS is enabled on XP? Thanks.. ...

Print PDF document with python's win32print module?

I'm trying to print a PDF document with the win32print module. Apparently this module can only accept PCL or raw text. Is that correct? If so, is there a module available to convert a PDF document into PCL? I contemplated using ShellExecute; however, this is not an option since it only allows printing to the default printer. I need to...

Is there a 'restart' function in Windows/C++

In a windows project I am working on, I intend to have a menu selection that copletely restarts the app. Is there a Windows or C++ function that does this? ...

How do I use (or get Windows to use) iUniq in a SURFOBJ?

The Windows Driver documentation says that a the iUniq field in a SURFOBJ can be used to determine if a surface has not changed and that the driver can used cached information to re-render the surface. I assume that if my driver is called with a SURFOBJ that has the same hsurf and iUniq values, the pixels of the SURFOBJ have not changed...

Does Windows have its own 'call other .exe' function (C++)

I know in C++ there is a function system("example.exe"); that runs another program, put it requires the include stdlib.h. Because I am already including 'windows.h', is there an equivilant to the system() function in Windows? ...

Word-wrapping in the R environment for Windows

(Asking this on behalf of a member of our Bay Area R Group. I did not have a ready answer as I run ESS within Emacs. I assume this question refers to running R within the command-line environment that ships in the standard Windows distribution). I'm new to R, but what I've found in searching for my answer is that there isn't anything ...

WinForm Web Browser Control Is Constantly Breaking Out Into New Windows

I am creating an application in C# that is essentially automating a submission process. I am using an arraylist of web browser to make it multi threaded. The browser windows are never displayed they are just in memory, and from there i navigate them, and submit the form on the document completed etc. And for the most part it works fine....

How do I code a watchdog timer to restart a Windows service?

I'm very interested in the answer to another question regarding watchdog timers for Windows services (see here). That answer stated: I have also used an internal watchdog system running in another thread. That thread looks at the main thread for activity like log output or a toggling event. If the activity is not seen then the servic...

Scrolling & zooming SVG Viewer on Windows?

We need to view some very large (7200+ pixels) SVGs. Every SVG viewer I've found, including modern web browsers, does not allow us to view the entire image. There aren't any scrollbars, and we do not have the option to zoom. Is an open source / free application available that could help with viewing the entire SVG image? Thanks! ...

SMO some times doesn't display the instances in sql2008 cluster

Hi I have used SMO that i have used SmoApplication.EnumAvailableServers(FALSE) and from that i have filtered local instances i have used this approch insted of true to make this as convinent for remote sqldiscovery also.using that api created a dll and use that dll in c++. Now this is working in all combinations but some times i...