I am trying to find words (specifically physical objects) related to a single word. For example:
Tennis: tennis racket, tennis ball, tennis shoe
Snooker: snooker cue, snooker ball, chalk
Chess: chessboard, chess piece
Bookcase: book
I have tried to use WordNet, specifically the meronym semantic relationship; however, this method is...
hi there
Is there any code available to demonstrate Natural language processing using Wordnet?
My problem statment is "Develop a Query answering system .
It takes query string as input.
Search for the revelent answer from the document which is the user is reading. Its a desktop application the document is already saved.
Desired output i...
Hello every one....
i want to use the sql version of WordNet to find synonyms of a word...the problem is:
the lemmatization phase: how can i employ the Wordnet lemmatizer -which originally deals with the textual version of WordNet- to lemmatize a word to a form that can be found in the wordnet sql DB ???
thanx a lot for any answer......
I'm interfacing with WordNet, and some of the terms I'd like to classify (various proper names) are capitalised in the database, but the input I get may not be capitalised properly. My initial idea here is to write a predicate that produces the various capitalisations possible of an input, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
Does anyon...
Here is a command line script for a dictionary lookup using Wordnet:
# Command line look up using Wordnet - command line dictionary
echo "Type in your word:"
read word
/usr/bin/curl -s -A 'Mozilla/4.0' 'http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s='$word'&sub=Search+WordNet&o2=&o0=1&o7=&o5=&o1=1&am...
For example...
Chicken is an animal.
Burrito is a food.
WordNet allows you to do "is-a"...the hiearchy feature.
However, how do I know when to stop travelling up the tree? I want a LEVEL.
That is consistent.
For example, if presented with a bunch of words, I want wordNet to categorize all of them, but at a certain level, so it doesn'...
I'm using JAWS to access WordNet. Given a word, is there any way to detect if it is a proper noun? It looks like the synsets have pretty coarse lexical categories.
To clarify, there is no context for the words - they are just presented individually. If a word could conceivably be used as a common noun, it is acceptable. So "mark" is fin...
Is there something similar to Princeton's WordNet in Spanish?
I need to find synonyms in Spanish.
I'm writing a webrobot which categorizes sites based on there keyword/meta/links into a predefined list of categories.
I've been looking at various ontology approaches and have looked at Wordnet (for the hypernym/hyponym), ResearchCyc , WebKb and was wondering if this was as hard a problem as I'm thinking or has it been solved somewhere...
i can see that in console, one can get a list of compound words for a noun with use of flag -grepn.
I must use this feature in a java program and i cannot see something similar in the Javadoc of JWNL or JAWS wordnet java api.
In fact i see that there is not such functionality, as getsynsets or getHypernyms etc.
Any ideas ? Sorry ...
I am looking for a method to build a hierarchy of words.
Background: I am a "amateur" natural language processing enthusiast and right now one of the problems that I am interested in is determining the hierarchy of word semantics from a group of words.
For example, if I have the set which contains a "super" representation of others, i...
I have download wordnet(2.1) but i dont know how to access wordnet database?
I'm doing a NLP project where I need to recognise concepts in sentences to find other similar concepts. I do this to infer word valences from a list I already have. I started using WordNet, but it gave many contradictory results. By contradictory results I mean word expansions that had contradictory valences.
So now I'm looking into...
Can someone point me to where I can download English dictionary as a txt or xml file. I am building a simple app for myself and looking for something what I could start using immediately without learning complex API.
Support for synonyms would be great, that is it should be easier to retrieve all the synonyms for particular word.
It wo...
Can anybody help me to find an algorithm in Java code to find synonyms of a search word based on the context and I want to implement the algorithm with WordNet database.
For example, "I am running a Java program". From the context, I want to find the synonyms for the word "running", but the synonyms must be suitable according to ...
Hi all
I need to use WordNet with Java. Can anyone point me to some useful resources?
Thanks in advance
how to use word Net with php is there is any interface or any class for it.....
i need to use wordnet for my dictionary purpose....
hey guys,
i;ve tried wordnet lemmatizer, but i found that some common words like 'studying' or 'waiting' are not processed appropriately.
Am i missing something?
Is there a way I can use SUMO mappings of Wordnet using only SQL. I am looking for dictionary meanings with formal terms from SUMO as shown in http://sigma.ontologyportal.org:4010/sigma/WordNet.jsp?word=table&POS=1. What SQL queries give similar results ?
Thanks of your help.
I am searching in Wordnet for synonyms for a big list of words. The way I have it done it, when some word has more than one synonym, the results are returned in alphabetical order. What I need is to have them ordered by their probability of occurrence, and I would take just the top 1 synonym.
I have used the prolog wordnet database an...