
Need some good tutorials / documentation on Workflow Foundation 4.0

Can someone direct me to a good tutorial or documentation where I can quickly grasp the differences and new features between WWF 3.5 and WWF 4.0? Thanks in advance. ...

Windows Workflow Foundation 4 (WF4) Arguments

I am working on a WF4 project for manager's to approve requests made to them for resources needed. I and am passing in an argument of a custom type, a class called "Request". The Request class contains a List of type Player where "Player" is another class I've created to represent the approving manager. I'm using the DataContract Seri...

Workfow foundation 4.0 Flow chart

We already have our own workflow engine implemented about 5 years ago, currently we are thinking of leveraging the new flow chart control in .net 4.0 for the visual presentations of our existing states. So can we simply using this flow chart control without using other workflow foundations features? ...

How can a WF4 Custom Activity determine that its in design mode v. executing mode

I have a WF4 custom activity with a custom designer (WPF). I would like to have slightly different behaviour in the CacheMetaData override depending on if the Activity is in Design or Execution mode. Edit: Reasons for requirement. We have validation that needs to look up the data from the web.config file (or one of its includes). At ru...

View / ViewModel - what is the sense (in a WPF control)?

Not as funny as it sounds. Normally the View / ViewModel should decouple the presentation from the business logic. Good. Now, a Control in WPF is basically invisible unless made different (with the exceptions of UserControl and Window that have XAML directly attached). The Style is putting in the "visual presentation" - which basicall...

Bet on Sharepoint 2010 Workflows?

I am looking into Sharepoint 2010 currently and it seems to me the workflow engine being used is based on WWF 3.5. I wonder if it's a good idea to do this as WWF has been gone through dramatic changes with version 4. I wonder if the investments would be save. ...

Hosting Workflow Runtime in ASP.Net (WF4)

In WF 3.5 we used ManualWorkflowScheduler service to host workflows in Asp.Net. What is the equivalent way of doing this in WF4? Are new classed like WorkflowServiceHost or WorkflowApplication suitable to use in Asp.Net? ...

Executing a workflow from another workflow ?

Hi all I have a console sequential workflow. At a certain step I use the InvokeWorkflow activity to invoke another workflow. I check a certain value that is set by the second workflow, and continue the execution of the first workflow normally. The problem is when InvokeWorkflow activity is executed the program executes the second wor...

How to use the InvokeMethod activity to add a string to a generic list using Workflow Foundation 4

I have a Workflow Foundation 4 activity that has a InvokeMethod that is configured to call the Add method on an instance of type IList(Of String), providing a parameter of type String. Running it gives me this error though: 'IList`1' does not have a public instance method named 'Add' matching the parameter types, generic type arguments...

Reference an internal class from a Windows Workflow Activity

I'm creating a custom Workflow activity for use within TFS2010. In the same assembly I have a XAML activity and a C# code activity. The XAML activity references the code activity. When the assembly is deployed to our clients, I only want them to be able to use the Workflow activity. The code activity is of little use by itself and woul...

using regular expression in rule set editor (WWF rule engine)

Hi, I am trying to define a rule by using Regex but the existing built-in "Rule Set Editor" does not allow me to use it. Basically I cannot use Regex within the condition box. I also have problem using parentheses; whenever I got out of the Condition box, parantheses I used are disappearing which messes up my rule condition Any idea ...

Workflow calling external executable

In windows workflow foundation, can a workflow call another executable to be launch? ...

How do you build a Windows Workflow Project with NAnt 0.90?

I'm trying to build a Windows Workflow (WF) project using NAnt, but it doesn;t seem to be able to build the ".xoml" and ".rules" files. Here is the code of the csc task that I'm using: <csc debug="${build.Debug}" warninglevel="${build.WarningLevel}" target="library" output="${path::combine(build.OutputDir,assembly.Name+'.dll')}" verbos...

Architecture Guidance for designing Workflow Foundation with WCF

We are planning to use WF 3.5 with WCF 3.5 and Entity Framework 1.0 for the upcoming major project. I'm looking for guidance on the architecture side. This new application will be based on typical 3-tier architecture as depicted below: Presentation Tier: ASP.NET Web Forms 3.5 Business Tier: WF 3.5 + BLL's that expose the business logi...

Workflow foundation workflow types

Hi, In WF workflows, what is the difference (conceptually) between a state machine and sequential workflow? Thanks ...

How to hook up WF4 WorkflowRuntime events when using a XAMLX service

I'm currently using a BehaviorExtensionElement to load a ServiceBehavior where the ApplyDispatchBehavior method is set up as: public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceDescription serviceDescription, System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase serviceHostBase) { WorkflowServiceHost host = serviceHostBase as WorkflowServiceHost; ...

versioning in workflow 4.0 services when they are persisted

Hello everyone, If we put in production the version 1.0 of a workflow, and we change it to, let say, 1.1. What happens with the persisted instances? if you have experience in that issue, please tell me about best practices Thanks in advance. ...

Is Microsoft Workflow Foundation really used ?

Today, I had a training on "Microsoft Workflow Foundation". While I think the idea is neat, I still see it as a Proof Of Concept and not as a real-life solution. Building an entire application without having to type a single line of code (or only a few of them) seems just wrong. Have you ever used this technology and if so, can it real...

Is AppFapric mature for production.

Hi, We have a lot of WCF services using as a host windows services. And as we are upgrading our servers to windows server 2008 R2 we are planning to migrate some of services under WAS. Also having already the release of AppFabric it is interesting does AppFabric is mature to be used, so may be we can use it instead of WAS. Is there alre...

Which workflow engine should I chose for implementing a dynamic reconfiguration of workflows?

I want to be able to interrupt a running workflow instance, say when a new activity is about to be invoked, and extract information both about the structure of the workflow and the data in the particular instance. Then I will consult with an external system and according to its response I will possibly alter the behaviour of the workflow...