
What are the .NET Services?

Announced today at PDC. Initially made up of a Service Bus, the Workflow Service, and the Access Control Service. What are they? Why would I use them? ...

Unit Testing a WF4 Workflowservice

I am playing around with WF4 beta 2 and want to unit test a workflowservice. Perhaps I am missing something, but this does not seem trivial. As far as I can see, I might use WorkflowServiceHost. But I think this is a lot of overhead to create a host and then consume it in the test. Is there not a simple way of testing a workflow servic...

How to set a principal for a workflowprocess in WF 4.0

Hi, Lately I've run into the following problem. I've started using Workflow 4.0, one of the challenges now is to have the workflow run on the correct user, the one who's actually starting it. In WCF we use a sort of flowing-headers behaviour wich does the trick, but in WF it doesn't work obviously because the workflowhost spawns (almost...

Sharepoint item locking after getting approved

I have a sharepoint custom list which has 5 columns ..the user should fill in first three columns and the other two should be locked for filling ..when the user enters the items and start the workflow if the workflow gets approved the 3 columns should be locked for editing and then the other two should be available for editing . Can som...

Hosting Workflows with WorkflowServiceHost

Ok, so I may be approaching this incorrectly but essentially I'm trying to play with new WF services in 4.0 to build up to a Windows service that hosts a WF service. At the moment I have constructed client (containing a simple Activity XAML) and service (WF service implemented in a XAMLX file) projects. I have tried simple "hello worlds...

Workflow Service host not publishing Metadata.

Still hacking away with extreme persistence at WF services hosted outside of IIS. I'm now having issues with my WF service publishing metadata. Can someone take a look at my code and see what step I'm missing? The few tutorials that I've stumbled across for my scenario make it look so easy, and I know it is. I'm just missing something ri...

Multiple clients to singleton WF Services

Do Windows Workflow Services allow multiple clients to one service? Basically what I am trying to do is this: construct a WF service that allows clients to "subscribe to the service" and then when certain events trigger a handler, it broadcasts data to each client. So basically something is going to process in the background and then whe...

Why does my Workflow Service (4.0) variable go null in a DoWhile Activity?

I have a WF service that I'm trying to setup receive activities to "Subscribe" and "Unsubscribe". I'm using This WF Durable Duplex Tutorial as a basis because my service performs callbacks to clients. Basically, think of it as a chat service. I can make client calls to the two receive activities just fine. What happens is the callback a...

REST-ful Workflow Service with .NET 4.0

With WCF, we can create services that can accept leverage HTTP POST and simple accept an XElement as it's parameter. I'd like to do something similar with a workflow service so that I can use jQuery to post an xml infoset to a service, have it run through a bunch of rules and then return an xml infoset. With a WCF service, I can simply ...

Pausing a Workflow

Lets say I have a sample workflow that does the following: Receive something Run long activity1 (no user input) Run long activity2 (no user input) Send something Usually activity2 should run automatically after activity1 is finished, but I would like to prevent the execution of activity2 until the workflow gets the go ahead from a us...

Use workflow service with msmqIntegrationBinding

I have been struggling with setting up a workflow service that uses a msmqIntegrationBinding. The problem I have now is that I always get this serialization exception "System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException: An error was encountered while deserializing the message. The message cannot be received. ---> System.Runtime.Serialization.Serializ...

Schedule a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Workflow

I am in the process of puting together a custom workflow activity to be used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 What I would like to ultimatly acheive is configure a workflow that runs on a schedueled basis i.e run every 2 hours Monday to Friday, rather than on a particular "CRM event" like create, delete status change ect. Does anyone ha...

Why does WF 3.5 Resume() immediately Suspend again?

Tearing my hair out. The code for my Resume is pretty simple: var instance = _runtime.GetWorkflow(instanceID); instance.Resume(); But the Resume method does absolute nothing, it doesn't even trigger a SQL hit when I SQL Trace. My logging extract is: System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting Information: 0 : TimerEventSubscriptionQueue: adb...