
WPF Validation: How to keep custom ErrorTemplate border correct size.

I have the following custom Validation.ErrorTemplate: <Setter Property="Validation.ErrorTemplate"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate> <DockPanel LastChildFill="True"> <Label DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Foreground="Red" Content="{Binding ErrorContent}" Margin="...

Responding to a Recent Items Selection

I am using Infragistics WPF NetAdvantage 2010, Volume 2. In what follows, please assume the following definition exists: xmlns:igRibbon="http://infragistics.com/Ribbon" My top-level structure is as follows: <igRibbon:XamRibbonWindow ...> <igRibbon:RibbonWindowContentHost> <igRibbon:RibbonWindowContentHost.Ribbon> <i...

WPF: How to get Radiobuttons to display as a horizontal row of ToggleButtons

Hi everyone! I'm currently building a UI that is going to be used in a touch panel. Therefore, I would like to display any RadioButton groups as horizontal rows of ToggleButtons. I already figured out how to display ToggleButtons instead of the standard bullet items: <Style x:Key="{x:Type RadioButton}" TargetType="{x:Ty...

WPF: Row of ToggleButtons with equal length?

Hi all, I'm currently displaying RadioButtons in my application as rows of ToggleButtons (see my last question). However, I'd like the buttons to be of the same width - currently, every button is just as wide as it has to be. Since I'm working with templates, I'd like to avoid specifying the width every time I use the control if poss...

GoToState does not work for ControlTemplate in UserControl

Hi, I am totally lost and I would really appreciate your help on this. My final goal is to create a user control that will contain two control templates. Square and a Circle. Based on a type the control will display one or the other. When the mouse enters the shape the Opacity will change to 0.2. The first part works but the Opacity do...

Is there a way of undoing a selection a user makes with the combo box?

In WPF 3.5, is there a property of the combo box will allow the user to undo the selection they've made? ...

GoToState always returns false

Hi, I have created a user control with a control template (containing VisualStateGroups definition), and also have an accompanying c# class. ie Public Class MyClass: UserControl{......} I have hooked up the usercontrol mouse enter and mouse leave to go to their relative visual states....and this works. When i run the app, and mouse ...

Input of characters into RichTextBox too slow, how make more fast?

When I enter text using the keyboard, I see that the conclusion of characters in the editor window, a little behind the keystrokes, it do inconvenience in my work, how make that characters appear simultaneously with pressing keys. ...

Panel.ZIndex is not working controls placed on the two different Tab controls

Aim: When the mouse is over on a button then the button height should become double and the button should be displayed on top of other controls. Controls can be present in 'N'number of panels or tabpages in a screen. Actually Control placed on the Tab Control hides inside the Tab Control itself when it expands even though Panel.ZIndex =...

Dependency property quesion regarding design.

Hi, I have 2 custom controls that are independent of each other in a wpf application. However, I have some behavior that needs to replicated in both the controls that is similiar. For example, when a user does drag drop on either of these 2 controls, i need more or less the same behavior to execute. The same behavior also consists of ...

WPF Datagrid group expander text - how to bind ??

I am using a datagrid with a combox that should change the grouping field. I am using the following xaml to define the general grouping template : <DataGrid.GroupStyle> <GroupStyle> <GroupStyle.ContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type GroupItem}"> <Setter Property="Template"> ...

DependencyProperty.Register() usage?

Hi, I have 2 controls A and B that need to share a dependency property. A has the property defined as: public static readonly DependencyProperty PathProperty= DependencyProperty.Register("PathProperty", typeof(string), typeof(A), new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty, OnPathChanged)); public string Path { get {...

How to create List-like UserControl in WPF?

I want to create my own expandable/collapsable tree-like UserControl, which nodes are the Border elements with any content. And this control should have the single SelectedItem. When I select one of the nodes I want to see details information about selected item. I've done the control's presentation and a piece of logic: I can see all t...

extend a control

Hi In regular C#, if i want to extend my class, i inherit from the base one and add my class. I have a XAML UserControl, i want to add a new functionnality. For instance, i have a DataGrid, and i want to add a Contextmenu that allows to user to print. I don't quite see how should i inherit from the the usercontrol ? thanks Jon ...

Trigger on Image inside a Button WPF

I want to control the visibility of the image in a button, via a trigger: <Button x:Name="NotesPanel" Command="{Binding AddDocument}"> <Image x:Name="notesImage" Source="Notes.png" Height="32"></Image> </Button> 1/Should the trigger appear in the button or in container that countains the button ? 2/How to set the visibility of the...

Getting a GridView to select the row on click (not just clicking on the text)

We want to select a row on a mouseclick anywhere in that row. Currently the user has to click the text in the row to select the row. This is our ListView inside a Grid, with a GridView inside it: <ListView Grid.Row="1" x:Name="lvUsers" PreviewMouseDoubleClick="lvUsers_PreviewMouseDoubleClick" IsSynchro...

DatePicker day colors WPF 4

I have the following style for the text block in the dictionary <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}"> <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Left" /> <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center" /> <Setter Property="Margin" Value="5,0,0,0 "/> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White" /> </Style> after...

Let parent handle the child controls event or command WPF?

Hi, I have a user control that has 2 controls A and B within it. Now, A and B have their own logic in their DragDrop event. The parent that has these 2 controls has to handle the DragDrop from these events in its own way. So I have in the parent something like, parent.A.DragDropEvent += new EventHandler () etc... Now, I want to handl...

How to identify whether the control is going inside the window / tab control bounds in WPF

I want make the control height as double when the mouse is over that control and control height should become normal when the mouse leaves the control. Consider, I am using the following style to make the button height as double when the mouse is over a button. <Style TargetType="{x:Type Buttons}"> <Style.Triggers> <Trigger Pro...

mvvm spilting contentcontrol

Hi All am creating a buttons dynamically.In my MainView.xaml,am binding these buttons to Canvas with contentcontrol here all buttons are generating as a single control now i have to spit those controls to use.. how can i do this? here is my canvas code Canvas Background="White" Height="421" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Ver...