
how to protect the ws discovery ad hoc network from man-in-the-middle attacks

the ws-discovery specifications explains how to protect your network from message alteration Denial of service replay spoofing but what about man-in-the-middle attack? ...

WPF WCF ws-discovery

I am going to be coming up with a design for calling WCF services from our WPF front end clients. One thing I really don't like is the tight coupling of a WCF service's configuration to the client. I have read a couple of articles on ws-discovery in .NET 4 and was wondering whether this would be a common model that people use for handlin...

.net 4 ws-discovery endpoints

Hi, I am using ws-discovery in .NET 4.0 and it is working well. One question I have is how to deal with services that are not working. For example, say I have IService on server A and server B. Let's say this service on server A is broken (mimic this by stopping Application Pool). Your client will still find 2 services, so when you atte...

WS-Discovery Implementations for Java

Are there any implementations of the WS-Discovery specification for JAX-WS RI, Axis2, CXF or other toolkits? ...

Discovery of web services using Python

Hello, I have several devices on a network. I am trying to use a library to discover the presence and itentity of these devices using Python script, the devices all have a web service. My question is, are there any modules that would help me with this problem as the only module I have found is ws-discovery for Python? And if this is t...

Get a specific string from a service list using WSDiscovery

Hello, I am using the WSDiscovery module for python. I have been able to search for services on my network. I am trying to discover a client and get the XAddress from this. The WSDiscovery module has very little documentation, actually so little the only piece is in the readme file of the module which is a few lines long. I have manged ...

Discovery outside the current network segment

Is there any way to use WCF WS-discovering outside the current network segment? It can't apparently be a limitation of udp because ttcp showed that udp packages can cross the boundaries of the network segment. If this is impossible to do with WCF built-in discovery, is there any other way to do it? The only solution I can think about is...

WCF discovery using bare UDP

Since ws-discovery is not working for me, I'm searching for alternative solutions with similar functionality. I prefer it simple to set up and maintain, issues like checking for interface matching are of very low importance. Basically, I want to broadcast a message on the local network and retrieve all answering IPs. So my first idea is ...