
How to create SharePoint Site definition with custom lists using WSPBuilder?

Hello, I'm using WSPBuilder and I want to create a site definition this site definition contains some custom list definition (some list creates based on "Custom List" template). The site contains also some files the will copied to _layouts folder (which I know how to include it the .wsp file). My request here is how i can create the site...

Populate Sharepoint List With data in it (List Definition) in site definition

Hi everybody, I have a list and I want to populate this List with data in it. I want to do it via WSPBuilder as a feature. I tried to populate it within in the Elements.xml file, But I got the data not nested inside each other, as my list contains items inside a folders Folder1 | |__Item1 |__Item2 Folder2 | |__Item1 so I want...

WSPBuilder cannot find my assembly

I am using WSPBuilder on Visual Studio 2010 to create a feature with a feature receiver assembly for SharePoint 2010. When I try to build the WSP using WSP Builder I get this message in the output window: The assembly MyAssembly.dll is unmanaged. The assembly will be excluded from the WSP package! The defined Project Assembly seems not ...

WSPBuilder: Create a deployment package

I've a site which have custom Theme, Layout, WebParts (third-party - no source code), custom user controls (with source code), and the site backup (.dat) which we took from command prompt using stsadm -o backup. Is there a way I can bundle all of them in a single package? Should I use WSPBuilder for that? If not, then please suggest. T...

imported sharepoint do not use updated templates

I have created a feature, a publishing site, in Visual Studio to MOSS - this feature contains a masterpage, some pages, some site columns etc. I have also created a site collection based on my template and have a live homepage up and running. Now I need to update the design of my pages, so I have received an export from the live-homepag...

WSPBuilder: How to create a deployment package to deploy .dll and .wsp?

Hi, I'm using WSPBuilder and it is being very helpful. However, it was being hard to understand the strength of WSPBuilder because of missing manual. I've to create a solution file to deploy "Return of SmartPart" (.wsp file), "Application Template Core" (.wsp file) and also "AJAX Extensions" (.dll files). So, I won't have to edit the we...

Custom STSADM command using wspbuilder

Hi I'm using wspbuilder to create a .wsp package that will deploy a custom stsadm command. I need the .wsp to include an .xml command file: <commands> <command name="mycustomcommand"....../> </commands> This file according to technet needs to be added the the 12/CONFIG folder. I t...

Adding JavaScript, CSS and others to a WebPart using WSPBuilder

Hey there! So, I'm trying to do what I thought was a simple task... But I'm not getting anywhere... All I want to is to get some .js and .css files loaded by my WebPart. I'm using VS2008 + WSPBuilder. I've googled a lot about this but I couldn't find a decent answer. What I would like to know: Where in the directory structure should I...

How to create SharePoint Solution?

Hello Friends, I'm new to SharePoint and I'm creating a public website using SharePoint Server 2007. I want to create solution or installer of my SharePoint website to copy it to another server other then my local machine. Anyone helps me out to solve this problem. Thanks. ...

WSPBuilder questions for first-time webpart

Hi, I have made my first webpart using WSPBuilder. When I try to deploy it using STSADM, I get an error stating access is denied. I am an admin on the machine (well it's a VM). Also, with WSPBuilder, do I need to change the config files (I assume no as the point of the tool is to automate this)? Thanks ...

Is VS 2010 SharePoint functionality good enough to replace WSP Builder?

I have been using WSP builder up until now with VS 2008. I recently upgraded my IDE to VS 2010, and have heard that VS 2010 now includes functionality to work with MOSS directly. If you guys have had any experience with this new MOSS functionality and have come from a WSP builder background I would like to hear what you think. Just t...

Cannot debug Sharepoint application using non system account user ?

I am using WSPBuilder to develop Sharepoint2007 sites, whenever i try to debug using one of the users that are not System Account, the debugger enters to the breakpoint and waits a step (F10), when i press F10, i get the following exception in the debug output window after pressing F10 on the line having the breakpoint: A first chance e...

Using WinDbg with SOS extension to troubleshoot WSPBuilder: Unable to load one or more of the requested types.

I am currently getting an "Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information" error when trying to build a wsp from within visual studio 2010 to be deployed to sharepoint. There is an article here that references this issue with an interesting answer by miko: http://stackover...

How can I do a silent deployment with a wsp solution and exe.config file?

I have a SharePoint solution (packaged in a wsp file) created with WSPBuilder which is coupled with a simple Setup.exe and Setup.exe.config. The Setup.exe.config just points to a WSP solution. Is there a way to pass in values such as which webapplicaiton the solution is deployed to that way our customer can perform a silent install with...

SharePoint Application Page - File not found exception

Hello All, I am developing a webpart in Visual Studio 2005 for SharePoint using a wspbuilder project template. I deploy my pages,images,css and javascript files using WSPBuilder. Sometimes, I come across 'File not found' exception when I make a deploy using wspbuilder. After some series of repetitive deploys, the page would work fine...

sharepoint wspbuilder single aspx page

Im trying to implement a single aspx page with several externals dll's. Following Zimmergren's tutorial I run into a couple of issues early in the process. After creating my blankfeature1 is it suppose to be automatically populated? Mine shows empty. Im also scoping the assembly to the bin, after I configure that and build the wsp I don...

Getting Internal Error - SP2010 - WSP Builder

Hello I've a SP2010 Enterprise installed in Win Server 2008 R2. After i create a web app i'm able to browse the application. After i deploy a custom solution (which is working fine in MOSS 2007) through WSP Builder Extensions for 2010 using VS 2010 i'm getting 500 Internal Server Error I'm not able to see anything in IIS Logs, Shar...

Issue with Code Access Security Policy - deploying a third party dll to bin

Okay, i think most of you guys out there use wspbuilder to build the wsp solutions and to deploy it. So here is my problem. I'm working on a SharePoint solution which makes use of a third party dll (Telerik for Asp.Net Ajax - Telerik.Web.UI.dll) for rich experience. Since Telerik dll is a common assembly i have to deploy it to the bin f...

Remote Debugging Web Part

I am having trouble getting Visual Studio 2008 remote debugger to hit break points. I have two VMWare virtual machines. One hosts the SharePoint MOSS 2007 Shared Services and Central Admin and has Visual Studio 2008 Professional on it as well. I am using WSPBuilder to structure and deploy my web part. The other machine is a Web Fr...