I have an application - more like a utility - that sits in a corner and updates two different databases periodically.
It is a little standalone app that has been built with a Spring Application Context. The context has two Hibernate Session Factories configured in it, in turn using Commons DBCP data sources configured in Spring.
Our application uses ODBC to communicate with a database (Both DB2 and Oracle, if it makes a difference), and delegates business logic to Java by way of JNI (So it uses Java and C).
What I'd like to know is what tools / software / libraries are needed to allow the business logic (Java/JDBC) and the application framework (C/ODBC) to part...
Hi everybody.
Is there a good C++ framework to implement XA distributed transactions?
With the term "good" I mean usable, simple (doesn't imply "easy"), well-structured.
Due to study reasons, at the moment I'm proceeding with a personal implementation, following X/Open XA specification.
Thank you in advance.
Saw this in our logs on an internal test cluster:
"java.lang.RuntimeException: Got exception during XAResource.end
: org.postgresql.xa.PGXAException: tried to call end without corresponding start call"
I've had some previous issues with getting XA transactions running smoothly under Glassfish 2.1 in a clustered deployment. Those arose...
I have a string with 
 in it the regex:
string value = Regex.Replace(textNode.Value, @"\s+", " ");
value = value.Replace("
", "");
value = Regex.Replace(value, @"\
", "");
value = value.Replace("\n", "");
didn't remove it.
How do I go about removing 
Note: It did function as a newline when added to a textbox.
I'm looking for a structured approach to long-running (hours or more) transactions. As mentioned here, these type of interactions are usually handled by optimistic locking and manual merge strategies.
It would be very handy to have some more structured approach to this type of problem using standard transactions. Various long-running i...
I'm using JMS with JBoss 5.1.0 GA-jdk6
Can I use the same Database for application data and JMS as well, or should I configure them in separated databases with a two-phase XA protocol?
I have set 'max_prepared_transactions' to 20 in the local postgres.config and yet the transaction fails with the following error trace (but only on Linux). Since in Windows the same code works seamlessly I am wandering if this isn't an issue of permission. What would be the solution?
372300 [Atomikos:7] WARN atomikos - XA ...
I am using distributed transactions in a BDB JE application to coordinate transactions across multiple BDB JE environments. I want to set the transaction isolation level to serializable. To begin distributed transactions, I use an Xid that I generate and have to ensure is globally unique, eschewing BDB JE's native Transaction class. T...