
Change textColor in UISegmentedcontrol

I use below code for change textcolor of each segmented in UISegmentedcontrol how can I change textcolor of specific segment?(for example segment at index 2) for (id seg in [segment subviews]) for (id label in [seg subviews]) if ([label isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]) [label setTextColor:[UIColor redColor]...

Xcode: wordexp() does not work some times, returns 0 matched words for "~"

Hi, I'm seeing some weird behaviour when using wordexp() in a minimal C program when started within Xcode. I cannot reproduce this by starting the compiled binary from the command line. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <wordexp.h> #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { int ...

send data from iphone to web page

hi all if someone can help me to understand how can i use http to send data from iphone app to a web page ;any tutorial,sample code can help me ...

How can I map the iphone's compass values to the screen coordinates?

Hi everyone, I'm doing an AR app that shows a UILabel in the cameraView depending of the position of a concrete place. When the compass of the iphone is leading to the place, the label is shown in the center of the screen. My problem is that I want this label rotates to the left or the right when I turn the iphone. I guess there is some ...

problem in saving video with nsthread

Hi I am making a ipad application , in this i am having one table view and on selection of table did select cell method i am saving different videos to NSBundle (i.e. locally to my ipad ) Now when processing of saving one video is being going on and till the video is not saved, if i click on the other cell and wait for the video to...

Crash on creating new persistence store (jailbroken iPhone device 4.1)

Hi there, Whenever I deploy "CoreDataBooks" Apple iOS sample application to my jailbroken device with self signed certificate and run it - it crashes at line where core-data persistent store is added to persistent store coordinator: line 178: if (![persistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType configuration:n...

Using a dynamic library (DevIL/OpenIL) in a Xcode project

Hi all, i am trying to compile example source code which is using the OpenGL, SDL and IL aka DevIL aka OpenIL libraries. OpenGL and SDL are available as native frameworks, but DevIL isn't. So here is what i did: I installed DevIL via homebrew. First i changed the Formula, because i need ILUT: brew edit devil then edited these lines ...

Unit testing and iPhone development

I'm currently using OCUnit that ships with Xcode 3.2.4 for doing unit testing of my application. My workflow is often to set some break points in a failing unittestin order to quickly inspect the state. I'm using Apple's OCUnit setup: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Xcode/Conceptual/iphone_development/135-Unit_Test...

How to Programatically access ipad "Video" folder

Hello, I am using the iPad, and I have videos/movies stored in the "Videos" folder on the iPad. Note: I'm not try to access videos saved in the Photos Section, I can already access videos saved in here by using; UIImagePickerController* picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; picker.delegate = self; [picker setMediaTypes:[...

Format array items for string output.

I'm trying to display the items in an array using the following: NSString *alertString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", path]; Which works fine, but when I display the string it gets displayed in the following way: ( A, B, C, D ) Is there a way to get it to display in a different way, such as all on one line and without brackets,...

UIAlertView is causing a EXC_BAD_ACCESS

I get an error with the following code. Essentially the app confirms calling the number when it is selected from the table view. The EXC_BAD_ACCESS is coming in when the ViewContoller with this alert is dismissed. It only happens if the alert is triggered. It does not if the table is only viewed with no selection. That tells me I am doi...

iPhone: Create a reusable component (control) that has some Interface Builder pieces and some code

I want to create a reusable component (a custom control) for the iPhone. It consists of several standard controls prearranged on a View, and then some associated code. My goals are: I want to be able to use Interface Builder to lay out the subviews in my custom control; I want to somehow package the whole thing up so that I can then ...

ScrollView: PageControl dot doesnt change with the page

Hi, I've written an iPhone App with a TableView and a detailView which contains a ScrollView with 2 pages (both containing an image) and a pageControl displaying 2 white dots. It al seems to work perfect. The view scrolls to the left and show the next page (just as it should) Except for the little white dots (PageControl dots) that are ...

Automate Xcode Project Creation

Hello everyone, i am fairly new to xcode, i have to create many same identical projects in xcode. Meaning i have already set up my template with files needed in and related frameworks. So instead of everytime creating a new project and choose the template , is it possible to do it by command line ie i run an apple script what i heard so...

Is Multitasking Enabled iPhone SDK

Hi, Please could you tell me how I could find out if multitasking is enabled on the iPhone. I am using Xcode. ...

Free Ram Xcode (iPhone SDK)

Hey, I am having some trouble finding out how to free ram on the iPhone using Xcode and the iOS SDK. If anyone could give me a hand doing this that would be great. Thanks in advanced. ...

iPhone Auto hide - non modal message

I want to show a window with no buttons after every game is finished, to inform the user about the number of points he has earned after the game. I want it to look like the GameCenter's welcome back window. Transparent, non modal, with no buttons. What is the best way to do that? Thanks ...

Xcode: iPod Touch Simulator?

Hi, I'd like to test my app on the ipod touch. But in Xcode I don't see a simulator for this (I only see a simulator for iphone 3gs, iphone 4, and ipad). Do you know if there's a way to run an ipod touch simulator? ...

How do I programmatically change the position of the cursor in a Mac terminal program?

How do I programmatically change the position of the cursor in a Mac terminal program? I'm teaching a couple of kids to program and we're learning by writing a little terminal game. I've done this with C# on Windows with SetCursorPosition(x, y) so I'm hoping for something like that. ...

In Xcode how do I specify the correct library in my project settings to avoid a link error?

I get a Undefined symbols error attempting to build an XCode project, and I'm pretty sure it is because the linker can't find a library (it's the library needed to use curses.h btw). I'm writing a terminal program. The errors I'm getting are: Undefined symbols: "_initscr", referenced from: _main in RogueSmackCmdLine.o "_wref...