
Sync Services Client and Schema Xcode Project Structure

I'm starting work on a project that will be primarily acting as a Sync Services client. Ideally, the project will have two components: a custom schema bundle and a preference pane. As a first step, I've created an Xcode project for the schema bundle. But now I find myself ready to start writing the code for the preference pane and the c...

Whats the best workflow for adding a new device to an adhoc provision?

So we all need to deploy our applications to real iPhones for testing purposes. I'm sure you much like me have found a group of sucke^H^H^H^H^H testers to help you out with this process. Whenever you want to send a build out to a new person this requires adding the new device id to your ad hoc provision. This part is fairly painless. ...

Why does Xcode keep changing its active executable?

Something really weird is going on with Xcode and an iPhone project I'm working on, when I'm building for the simulator, the project has 2 active executables (MyApp - iPhone Simulator (2.0) and MyApp - iPhone Simulator (2.1)) Almost all of the time, I want to use the the 2.1 active executable, but Xcode will occasionally silently change...

Why do I need to cast self to id?

I have an init method that takes an (id) argument: -(id) initWithObject:(id) obj; I'm trying to call it like this: [[MyClass alloc] initWithObject:self]; But XCode is complaining about the argument being a "distinct Objective-C type" (which usually indicates a type mismatch or level of indirection error). If I explicitly...

Who's responsible for creating the MainViewController instance in the iPhone NavBar example

I'm exploring the NavBar example from the iPhone dev center. More specifically, I'm trying to understand where the MainViewController object is instantiated and I simply can't find where this is happening. The only references to the MainViewController class is in AppDelegate, where there is a forward declaration and #import. However, ...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal received

When deploying the application to the device, the program will quit after a few cycles with the following error: Program received signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS". The program runs without any issue on the iPhone simulator, it will also debug and run as long as I step through the instructions one at a time. As soon as I let it run again, I wi...

Xcode auto-completion - replace text keystroke?

Say we have a TestClass with the 2 methods, -getSomeString and -getAnotherString, and we are editing the following code and the cursor is in the location shown: NSString *aString = [TestClass get<cursorIsHere>SomeString]; Say I want to change it to use -getAnotherString. If I bring up the auto-completion popup and select the other met...

iPhone Xcode project.pbxproj + Subversion = code signing issue?

Try to commit my first iPhone application to Subversion found that there's "code signing identity" section in my xcode project.pbxproj file. CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "iPhone Developer: my username here...; "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer: above..."; The issue is, in our team we use different provisioning which boun...

Xcode quickstart for the Visual Studio developer

I would like to use Apple's Xcode IDE to develop applications on the OS X, but I find the UI immensely confusing because I am so used to developing in Visual Studio on Windows. Does anyone know of any Xcode quickstart guides for the Visual Studio developer that map common tasks and functionality from one to the other? For example, I ca...

Ogre3d Local reference string popping out of nowhere

I'm building an ogre3d tutorial based on this setup http://www.ogre3d.org/wiki/index.php/SettingUpAnApplication#XCode I've followed all steps as it says. It compiled perfectly. But on run this happened: *-*-* OGRE Initialising *-*-* Version 1.6.0 (Shoggoth) Creating resource group Bootstrap An exception has occurred: OGRE EXCEPTION(7:...

How do I get Xcode to replicate project group structure in the folder structure on disk?

I have an Xcode project with the following group structure: ProjectName/ Classes/ class1.h class1.m class2.h class2.m ... XMLDocs/ doc1.xml doc2.xml ... Resources/ Info.plist MainMenu.xib ... and so on and so forth. I'd like this to be...

Watching dynamic array variables values in Xcode

Hello! I've got the dynamic array of pointers to structure. struct item { unsigned long code; //1 - 2^32 unsigned short date; //0 - (13*365+4-31)+1 unsigned char place; //1 - 200 unsigned short amount; //0 - 10000 unsigned short price; //0 - 50000 }; count = getSizeFromSomewhere(); item ** x=new item *...

Creating static library for iPhone

There's an open source library that I would like to use for my iPhone app. The library is written in C and compiles with Makefiles. I would like to use a static library. If I add the .a file to my project dependencies, it works well with the simulator, but it doesn't link when targeting the iPhone SDK (certainly because the .a file is...

iPhone - Getting Started

I have found the "Getting Started" documents for developing apps on iPhone. I wanted the community's opinion on what I should know/learn (in terms of languages or concepts)? How long would it take for a moderate programmer to learn and build an app that manages a list, connects to certain websites, etc? How to get an app I made onto th...

Xcode: Unable to open project... cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed...

Hi everyone. I have been working for a while to create an iPhone app. Today when my battery was low, I was working and constantly saving my source files then the power went out... Now when I plugged my computer back in and it is getting good power I try to open my project file and I get an error: "Unable to Open Project Project .....

How to get the output of an os x application on the console, or to a file?

I am writing a Cocoa application with Mono embedded. I want to run and see my debug output in Terminal. On the Cocoa side I am using NSLog(), and on the Mono side I am using Debug.Write(). I can see my debug output in xcode's console, but not in Terminal. I am tried: $: open /path/build/Debug/MyProgram.app $: open /path/build/Debu...

How do I use my standard python path when running python scripts from xcode macros

I'm trying to run Python scripts using Xcode's User Scripts menu. The issue I'm having is that my usual os.sys.path (taken from ~/.profile) does not seem to be imported when running scripts from XCode the way it is when running them at the Terminal (or with IPython). All I get is the default path, which means I can't do things like #!/...

New iPhone App - How to Choose which Xcode Template to Use?

In general I'd like to understand which templates to use when, when I'm making new iPhone apps. Could anyone offer some guidelines, tips, rules-of-thumb? Also, how much should I agonize over this? If I start off with the wrong one, can I add the missing pieces manually, is it hard? For reference here are the choices I'm seeing: Nav...

How to define a preprocessor symbol in Xcode

Is it possible to set a symbol for conditional compilation by setting up properties in an Xcode project? My aim is to to create a symbol that is available to all files, without having to use import/include, so that a set of common classes can have a special behavior in some projects. Like the following, but with my own symbols. #if TAR...

UnitTesting on iPhone doesn't build

I am trying to perform some unit testing on the iphone but for some reason I cannot get it to build the executable I have downloaded TestMyApp from the Standford lecture slides and that compiles and runs perfectly. I have created a test project and even gone as far as to use the test code from the Stanford sample but for some reason dep...