
How to create documented WSDL using XFire

Hi there, I use XFire to create a webservice wrapper around my application. XFire provides the webservice interface and WSDL at runtime (or creates them at compile time, don't know exactly). Many of our customers don't know webservices very well and additionally they simply don't read any external documentation like Javadoc. I know tha...

How can I get the ServletRequest object from within an XFire AbstractHandler's invoke() method?

I'm using XFire as the Web Services provider for Spring Remoting. I'm using an AbstractHandler to authenticate the SOAP request. The idea is to identify the request by the originating server's domain and an API key (a-la Google Maps). The only problem is that I can't seem to find a way to fetch the ServletRequest object from within the i...

grails xfire can't seem to send large blobs

I am running a groovy program that zips up some files and then I need to send that file to an XFIRE web service - what is the best way to get this done? the file(s) could be 1-5 Megs at most Thanks! The following code code byte[] data = new File(file).readBytes() def getProxy(wsdl, classLoader) { new WSClient(wsdl, classLoader) }...

Is xfire client proxy thread safe?

When developing an application which consumes an external webservice I have generated the sources from the wsdl-url and then created a client: GeoIPServiceClient service = new GeoIPServiceClient(); GeoIPServiceSoap geoIPClient = service.getGeoIPServiceSoap(); Since the creation of this proxy takes some time I set the client as an at...

Should I be using the xfire plugin with Gralis or is there a better way?

I have a web service in Grails, published using the xfire plugin. It's all fine and can be connected to no problem at all. But I'd like to modify the format of the request and response. Is that possible? The example structure is: Domain class Person, has many Siblings. Each Sibling has a Child. My web serice method currently looks som...

Spring 2.5.1 and Xfire 1.2.6 - NoSuchMethodError: <init>

Hi all, Trying to integrate Spring 2.5.5 with Xfire 1.2.6, I'm attempting to inject one of my beans into my service but it's failing on initialisation with the following exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: <init> at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(FrameworkServlet.java:420) at org.spr...

Tomcat 6 XFire MTOM web service problem

I'm using XFire 1.2.6 on tomcat as web services implementation. Service is created using XFireProxyFactory and @EnableMTOM annotation. Client is also XFire and is using MTOM. It all worked fine in Tomcat 5.5.20, but fails in tomcat 6.0.20 for some reason. I got the following error cause on client when trying to access web service from c...

Calling axis2 web service from xfire client: The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found

I need to call axis2 web service with ws-security (username token) from xfire client over https. I could do the exercise via xfire dynamic client, but no luck with wsdl base client (i.e. generate java stub from wsdl). Could anybody point me out what could be wrong (stub, ws-security something else)? Exception: Exception in thread "m...

Couldn't find schema part: error when accessing the wsdl url using browser

I have an xsd file Foo.xsd. I tried to refer it in a WSDL file as xsd:import namespace="http://ws.test.com/types" schemaLocation="/xfire/Foo.xsd" But when I try to access the wsdl url using browser I am getting the following error. org.codehaus.xfire.XFireRuntimeException: Couldn't find schema part: I am using xFire 1.2.6 for generat...

weblogic-10.3.2 + xfire-1.2.6 ClassCast exception

Unnable to deploy and start application on weblogic with xfire dependency lib wstx-asl-3.2.0.jar. Exception occurs: Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxInputFactory cannot be cast to javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory at javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory.newInstance(XMLInputFactory.java:137) at ...

[grails + xfire] How to handle errors in SOAP services?

Hi all, I'm implementing a web service on the xfire plugin. I was wondering how I'm supposed to handle the errors. I tried with this setup but the error is not returned to the SOAP client: GaSession[] myMethod( String userId ) throws MyException{ GaUser user = GaUser.findByUserId( userId ) if (!user) throw new MyException("user...

[xfire] How to return a mixed array?

Hi all, I'm working on XFire (on Grails) to expose a simple web service. The GaUser class has several subclasses (e.g. employee, admin, etc). The problem is that from this service, I only get the GaUser object, without the fields in the subclass. GaUser findUserByUserId( String userId ){ GaUser user = GaUser.findByUserId( userI...

[grails + xfire] How to map geo types?

Hi all, I have this class in Grails: import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point class MouseMove { /** map latlon coordinates */ Point geoLocation // other stuff static mapping = { geoLocation type: org.hibernatespatial.GeometryUserType } } When I try to return this class in an xfire service, the SOAP cl...

xfire: Intercepting Webservice header information

Hi , I have some webservices exposed through xfire and want to have security around those webservice calls. How can I add security without changing anything inside the web services? Basically I want to intercept these webservice calls before it is reaching actual webservice and to authenticate those calls. Please help me Regards Vishal...

Flex portlets calling web service

Hi, Flex portlet is calling a webservice and I am intercepting the calls to check the session credentials using XFire AbstractHandler method implementation. But I am not getting the same httpsession value that is used for login in to the application. I have intercepted the calls using TCPmon also. But no clue.. Do anybody have any idea...

xfire: Intercepting HTTP header information

How to get HTTP header using xfire libraries? I want to intercept the call to check the authentication information. Can anyone help me please? ...

wsdl java class case sensitivity

In the wsdl I have 2 types, same name, different cases: LoginResponse and LOGINRESPONSE. If I use xfire to generate the java classes, it only generates one class, LoginResponse, discarding the LOGINRESPONSE. How do I get around this? <s:element name="LoginResponse"> <s:complexType> <s:sequence> <s:element minOccurs="...

Surpress annotations Xfire 1.2.6 for JDK 1.4

Hi, When using myeclipse 7.0 the web service client wizard will generate files with annotations, but I need the client to compile and run on JDK 1.4 so annotations are a no no. I can't find away around this though... ...

How to restore the original order of xsd:elements in xsd:sequence wrappers when websphere is upgraded?

So, there's a project around these parts that's pretty old. It's using Java 1.4 and XFire to produce code-first web services (I know, I know, best practices...). Anyways, the heads have recently decided everyone needs Websphere 7 now! Upgrading to Websphere 7 changed the WSDL significantly. For example, before, if this was the order ...