
Change NodeName of an XML tag element using MSXML

I'd like to change the tag name of a MSXML XMLDOMElement, but unfortunately the nodeName property is read-only. Is there any straightforward way to do it, or have I to work around by doing some insert/replace and deep copy children? <xml> ... <oldTagName> ... sub-elements </oldTagName> <more xml> ... Should become <xml>...

Axis2: extract explicit XML from strongly-typed response classes?

I have a legacy Java webservice based on Axis2. This webservice classes consist of: a service interface (generated from WSDL); an implementation of the service (written in-house); a bunch of autogenerated entity-like classes representing requests and responses. I also have a requirement to extract and cache part of one of the respons...

Creating empty element if not exists

Hi friends hope all are doing well. I have a problem in my xml file i.e. in one set certain elements are exist and in next set it is not exists, so i want to create those elements which are not exist in the set. Below follows my xml file. Pls. help me. <Jobs> <Job> <Job_ID>80000000</Job_ID> <PositionID>60000002</PositionID> ...

Flash loads xml differently on Windows and Mac

Hi there I am loading an xml file using AS2.0. On Mac, all the elements load completely, but as soon as I run it on Windows, only the first element of type item loads. When I run it on Mac, the elements are loaded in and all item's are separate buttons. When I run it on Windows, only one button appears and its name is ch1. Virgin Group ...

Directly show XML record to jtable record

I am a c++ programmer but new to the java world. I have to display the xml data to a jtable directly. Say, the xml is of the following format <Name> Tom </Name> <DateofBirth> 12/3/1985 </DateofBirth> <country> US </country> Then the table needs to be dispalyed as follows Name | DateofBirth | Country Tom 12/3/1985 ...

Pass an ID from main swf to child swf

Hello Friends, I have a main movie clip that loads the appropriate swfs based on the button click. The buttons and the corresponding swfs are loaded through XML. The method I adapted to achieve this can be found here : Sample Code Now, this seems to be working just fine. But, my problem is instead, of calling a separate SWF for each bu...

Youtube XML ASP classic problem

Using the following code: <% Option Explicit Response.Buffer = True Dim videoVimeo : videoVimeo = "http://vimeo.com/5866977" Dim videoYoutube : videoYoutube = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8nxjUlbKJA" videoYoutube = Replace(videoYoutube,"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=","") videoYoutube = "http://gdata.y...

Using spring:message to define form tag attribute in Spring web application

I'm developing a Java/Spring web application. The problem I'm currently facing is that I'd like to have message from message.resources shown as an attribute in an HTML. <input type="submit" name="login" value="login" /> So instead of the hardcoded value "login" I need to the value of <spring:message code="general.submit" /> as the v...

How to get specific value from a denormalized XML using XSLT

Say I have an xml that looks like so: <Items> <ItemType1>A</ItemType1> <ItemValue1>100</ItemValue1> <IteType2>B</ItemType2> <ItemValue2>10</ItemValue2> <ItemType3>C</ItemType3> <ItemValue3>0</ItemValue3> <ItemType4>D</ItemType4> <ItemValue4>50</ItemValue4> </Items> And I'm interested in getting the content of ItemValue...

XML objectify in Groovy?

Is there a library for Groovy that introspects XML and provides an object to access each node - like lxml for Python? ...

XSLT wont allow me to use self-closing img and br tags

I have some XSLT that gets rendered in the Sitecore 6 CMS, but I don't think that this issue is specific to the product. If I have a self-closing img or br tag, like so: <br /> <img src="your.example.com" /> The resulting output would be: <br> <img src="your.example.com"> The output method of the XSLT file is HTML. Is it supposed...

Main Flash swf won't work once uploaded to server

Hi I have a 1 frame main SWF. In the first frame I include codeAS2.as like so: #include "codeAS2.as" (sorry, might sound primitive) When I test the movie in Flash CS4, everything works fine, it loads all the data from the XML file menu.xml which is in the same folder. Using the Simulate Download function from Flash, it also runs fine,...

Hibernate - How to use an Enumeration as Map's Key

Hi all, My entity defines a field like Map<String, String> props; I've got this hibernate xml configuration <map name="props" table="PROPS"> <key column="id"/> <index column="name" type="string"/> <element column="value" type="string"/> </map> Now I want my Map to be an EnumMap like Map<MyEnum, String> prop...

How to get a particular attribute from XML element in SQL Server

I have something like the following XML in a column of a table: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <container> <param name="paramA" value="valueA" /> <param name="paramB" value="valueB" /> ... </container> I am trying to get the valueB part out of the XML via TSQL So far I am getting the right node, but now I can not figure...


<body><![CDATA[]]></body> or <body></body> Is there a difference or downside to each? Do I need to do anything while parsing the XML? What do you prefer? ...

XPath query for getting the right element

Hi stackoverflowers... What XPath Query will get me the role id of the role that has a subelement with a name element "Participant"... i.e. the answer i want is 11. How do i get that answer using XPath on this XML? <?xml version="1.0" ?> <qdbapi> <action>API_GetRoleInfo</action> <errcode>0</errcode> <errtext>No error</errtext> <roles> ...

XSL Transform, select on prefix namespace ?

Hi, I am trying to select a node from the following xml that have prefix from namespace: <gesmes:Envelope xmlns:gesmes="http://www.gesmes.org/xml/2002-08-01"&gt; <Cube> <Cube time="2009-10-12"> <Cube currency="USD" rate="1.4765"/> ............................. the xsl I am using is (Updated): The original xml is at: http://www.e...

From raw xml (no schema) to c# class?

I have an xml file that I would like to generate a c# class for. Is there any quick and easy way to do this? I don't have a schema to go with my xml file, it's just raw xml. Any ideas? Thanks. ...

Flash AS3 Tweelite and XML Issue

I have a two frame Flash CS3 animation. On the first frame, I am (successfully) loading four images onto the frame, and rotating through them (successfully) using TweenLite. When the user clicks on a button, a variable (resumeVideoOn) is set to indicate the current image that the user was looking at, and they are taken to frame2 which p...

get the index of first element to mach a condition in an XMLListCollection Object.

I have an XMLListCollection object that contains items with an ID property. I want to find one particular item by id and then get it's index in the collection. This is done to be able to tell the comboBox (whose dataProvider is the XMLListCollection) the index of the item to display. ...