
What is the best UI Java markup language for designing applications for Google Android?

What is the best (meaning: most popular) UI Java markup language for designing applications for Google Android? So i will say something like <Application layout="vertical"> <Panel width="250" height="200" layout="vertical" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" title="This is a panel"> <Button label="This is a button"/> ...

tutorial about xml handling in java 6

hi, i am getting little bit lost with all the XML handling methods in java, xpath, sax, DOM, DocumentBuilderFactory...different buzz words that i dont see how they relate... 1) so i am guessing my question is any one knows a good tutorial about handling XML in java 6?, i have found a few but they seem to be old. 2) i need to traverse...

error php domDocument xml parsing

Hi, Does anybody know how I can get this xml into the domDocument? Right now, it throws an error saying it is missing a top level element. What I see is that feed is the toplevel element, so it's a mystery to me. This only happens if I run it threw the domDocument and not when I echo it out directly. The xml validator also gives no err...

Android XML Styling

I'm using themes to style widgets in Android. With the code: <item name="android:width">200px</item> ... i can set the width of the widget to 200px. But how can I specify "wrap_content" and "fill_parent"? Strings are not allowed there! ...

How can I print out the attribute value instead of the element contents?

I have an XML file like this: <wave waveID="1"> <well wellID="1" wellName="A1"> <oneDataSet> <rawData>0.1123975676</rawData> </oneDataSet> <well> I am trying to print out the wellName attribute with the following code: my @n1 = $xc->findnodes('//ns:wave[@waveID="1"]'); # so @n1...

Yaml'ifying an XML file?

I want to take an XML file (example is http://xboxapi.duncanmackenzie.net/gamertag.ashx?Gamertag=xpaulbettsx) and just turn it into a Ruby dictionary / ExpandoObject type thing, so I can do something like gamertag_info = HowDoIDoThisPart.load("Example.xml") puts gamertag_info.zone >>> "Underground" puts gamertag_info.recentgames >>> <Ar...

using one piece of XML data in multiple place

How do you transform a section of an XML document multiple times? I'm calling a template from within one stylesheet for a particular node. When I import another utility that transforms that same data, the original stops working. How do I get both style sheets to work? ...

Is there any API that provides weather information in XML?

I was wondering if there is an API that provides weather information in XML format, providing only City and Country. It's even better if it has a way to return results based on IP Address. ...

Legacy Data Feed, trade off between Standards, Xml and Performance.

We're working with legacy data feeds and apps that consume them. We want to introduce Xml but the additional performance overhead is hard to justify. How have you addressed this issue? We're working with a number of pre-existing data feeds, often files in a well known directory which are updated every few minutes. One approach to making...

convert non serializable object to string in C#

I have an object (User) which is not marked as [Serializable()]. I need to convert the entire object (including child objects) to string. This is an actual need to convert the object from a third party tool response which is not marked as [Serializable()]. How can i convert an entire C# object to string/xml of the above scenario? ...

Flash as3 process XML Doctype Entities

Hi there, i've got a XML similar to the following example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE descriptor-layout [ <!ENTITY prefix "http://www.myurl.com" > ]> <xml> .... </xml> the prefix Entity is used in several tags like this: <child src="&prefix;/mypath/mydata.xml" /> So my question is, wether there is any...

Parse XML file in java parsing new line problem

XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); Reader fileReader = new FileReader(xmlFileName); XMLEventReader reader = factory.createXMLEventReader(fileReader); while (reader.hasNext()) { XMLEvent event = reader.nextEvent(); if (event.isStartElement()) { StartElement element = (Star...

XSD: Define an element with any name

Because of limitations of certain systems, we need to use XMLs that are formatted a bit inconveniently. Those we need to transform into a convenient form. The question: how do I define in an XSD schema an element that has the following properties: Does not have any children Does not have any attributes Has any name (that is what...

Reading info inside a node of an XML using dataset

<cat number="35"> <eye>brown</eye> <tail>long</tail> </cat> <dog number="35"> <eye>green</eye> <tail>short</tail> </dog> I've loaded an XML like this into a dataset, and to access info i'm just using this: ds.Tables(cat).Rows(0)(eye) //returns brown but i'd like to get the cat's number, how do i access this information using one...

populating data from xml file to a sqlite database using python

Hi all, I have a question related to some guidances to solve a problem. I have with me an xml file, I have to populate it into a database system (whatever, it might be sqlite, mysql) using scripting language: Python. Does anyone have any idea on how to proceed? Which technologies I need to read further? Which environments I have to i...

Identifying a certain node in XML

<enviNFe versao="1.10"> <idLote>000000000000094</idLote> <NFe> <infNFe Id="NFe35090254517628000198550010000000011870030005" versao="1.10"> <!-- ... content ... --> </infNFe> <Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"&gt; <!-- ... content ... --> </Signature> </NFe> </enviNFe> I have this XML fi...

Parse XML in Actionscript

Hi, I need to parse an XML like this: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?> <pictures> <pic> <name>clouds1</name> <file>clouds1.jpg</file> <date>20/12/09</date> </pic> <pic>..........</pic> .... </pictures> using ActionScript. I have this: constructor{ var loader = ne...

C# Version class serializable?

I've got a class with a version (which actually contains the Version class) property. Like I said, version contains an instance of Version, which looks like this: Version Build: 111 Major: 1 MajorRevision: 0 Minor: 1 MinorRevision: 10 Revision: 10 When I serialize the class, version is always empty: <Version /> The Client-class...

XSL - Execute code if a node has a given node as parent

I have the following XML (simplified): <node1> <node2> <node3> </node3> </node2> </node1> And I need to determine (using XSL) if node3 has a parent named node1 (not only the inmediate parent, so in the example node3 is a child of node1) The following code is not working: <xsl:if test="parent::node1"> </xsl:i...

C# XML Insert comment into XML after xml tag

I am using a C# object to Serialize/Deserialize XML. I would like to add a comment to the XML file whilst serializing, this comment will be a basic <!-- comment --> after the standard xml tag <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> This comment does not need to be deserialized, its a basic comment to indicate the product and version th...