
Segmentation rules for non latin based languages like Chinese, Japanese

Hi While exploring globalsight.com ,I came across the segmentation rules(link).It uses full stop(.) as a language delimiter. which segmentaion rules can we use for segment the non latin based Languages for which a dot(.) mean something other than a delimiter or for the languages which don't have any delimiters Example –Chinese,Japanese...

Protecting XML file from editing

We have around 60 MB of device configuration implemented in at least 1000 xml files. Now we are releasing the software to the customers. But our requirement is not to allow the user to view and edit the xml configuration files. XML configuration files contains a lot of secret of the device information which can be easily hacked if it i...

Best way to dynamically load an xml configuration file into a Flex4/Flash movie at runtime?

I've got a rather simple question about loading in an xml file at runtime in a SWF. I've found a couple different methods to load in the xml. myXml.load("file.xml"); HTTPService object URLStream object What is better way to load an xml file that always has the same name and is located in the same folder as the SWF on the web serve...

Reading XML DOCTYPE info with Python

I need to parse a version of an XML file as follows. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE twReport [ <!ELEMENT twReport (twHead?, (twWarn | twDebug | twInfo)*, twBody, twSum?, twDebug*, twFoot?, twClientInfo?)> <!ATTLIST twReport version CDATA "10,4"> <----- VERSION INFO HERE I use xml.dom.minidom for pa...

XML creation with c#

First off here is my code. IEnumerable<XElement> targetDirectory = from XElement e in workingXmlDocument.Descendants(wixNS + "Directory") where e.Attribute("Id").Value == "TARGETDIR" select e; foreach (var now in targetDirectory) { now.Add(XElement.Parse("<Directory Id='" + fileVariable.Directory.Name ...

.net XMLSerializer multiple namespace problem

Hi, I've got a problem using the .net XMLSerializer object and XML namespaces. My experience of the the XMLSerializer is very limited and I haven't worked with XML much before. I'm trying to something like the following: <Record xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"&gt; <Property1>blah</Property1> <oai_dc:dc xmlns...

How to validate an email id in xml schema.

Hi I have created a schema to check for email id. which can validate if the email id is [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] But i want to validate only [email protected] and [email protected] because i think email can have maximum 2 dots after @ symbol so the third one will be invalid email id So how to validate an email id us...

Indentation in programmatically created XML in C#

I have an XmlWriter as follows XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; settings.NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Entitize; using (XmlWriter currentWriter = XmlWriter.Create(filePath, settings)) { workingXmlDocument.WriteTo(currentWriter); currentWriter.Flush(); } // using (XmlWriter xw = Xm...

Create dataset from xmlfile

I have the following code string myXMLfile = @"path to file"; DataSet ds = new DataSet("myDataset"); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable("ExtID"); dataTable.Columns.Add("Ext", typeof(string)); dataTable.Columns.Add("TargetPath", typeof(string)); ds.Tables.Add(dataTable); ...

how to convert a xml string to a dictionary in python

Hello guys, I've a program that reads a xml document from a socket, so I've the xml document stored in a string which I would like to convert directly to a python dictionary, the same way it is done in django's simplejson library. Take as an example: str ="<?xml version="1.0" ?><person><name>john</name><age>20</age></person" dic_xml = ...

XOM get Document to String

Suppose I have a String like this String from = "<time><day type="tt">ok</day><time> Now what I would like to do is, create a XOM document and then retrun back something like String to = documentToString(document) this string should have only <day type="tt">ok parsed</day>, not with <time>..</time>root element. I have already crea...

Extracting data from XML in Sql Server column

I've just discovered (by necessity) that TSQL has some functionality to extract data from columns that contain XML. I've got a Sql Server column that contains XML data (though the column type isn't xml...it's varchar). I'm supposed to extract a subset of the data from the column. A simplified entry would look something like this: dec...

NHibernate and XML Serialization with IList<T>

I've recently started using NHibernate, and on the whole like it a lot. Until I ran into a problem with needing to serialize to XML and back. I have a class that has a many to many relationship, so have an IList in the parent class to hold the list of child objects. Class parentClass{ IList<childClass> childList; string varA; s...

What is wrong in my XPath?

Hi! Here I have the xml: <root> <field ...>offer</field> <field type="ferrari" ...>car</field> <field ...>company</field> <field ...>whatever</field> </root> and I want to know the «type» of the «car» by extracting the element. I thought something like this: /root[field='car']/field (or /root[field='car']) was enoug...

How do I prevent SQL Server from concatenating XML results with the same name

I am trying to generate an XML document using the XML features in SQL 2008 but I'm running into an issue where the document requires two nodes to have the same name but SQL Server automatically concatenates any nodes with the same name. For example: <Location> <Address>Some Street</Address> <Address>Some other info</Address> </Loca...

Single stream, multiple XmlWriters

Is it possible to have a single stream and have more than one XmlWriter write to that stream and end up with well-formed XML? I have an object hierarchy in which each object is solely and fully responsible for serializing itself. My latest attempt has been to create a stream at the highest level, then pass that stream reference down an...

How to Display Formatted XML

I have xml data that I am returning to my view. I am putting it in a textarea, but this displays it unformatted. How can I format the xml for display in my view? I will be displaying the xml in only part of the page, so I can't let IE display it. I want it to be in standard xml indented format. Thanks ...

Help with sed regex: extract text from specific tag

First time sed'er, so be gentle. I have the following text file, 'test_file': <Tag1>not </Tag1><Tag2>working</Tag2> I want to extract the text in between <Tag2> using sed regex, there may be other occurrences of <Tag2> and I would like to extract those also. So far I have this sed based regex: cat test_file | grep -i "Tag2"| sed '...

ms access outer join to xml

Is there an easy way to produce efficient xml from ms access from an outer join? ie, instead of repeated rows i'd like multiple subkeys so from joining a customer table with an order table, <customer> <custId>1</custId> <order> <orderId>1</orderId> <orderId>2</orderId> </order> </customer> instead of <customer> <custId>1...

The following XML Schema restrictions don’t make sense

hi 1) As far as I can tell, only elements can be declared inside <group>declaration, but not attributes. Thus the following text will cause Xml Schema validator to report an error: <group name="NameGroup"> <sequence> <element name="first" type="string"></element> <attribute name="title" type="string"/> </seq...