
writing some characters like '<' in an xml file.

Hello, since the beginning of my programmation, I used some special character like "<-", ""<<" im my string.xml in Eclipse while developping for Android. All worked fine for one year, but today, i just wanted to make some minor changes and began to edit my xml files. I get now compilation error on these characters because eclipse bel...

Using IXmlSerializable interface on complex object graph

If using custom XML Serialization (IXmlSerialiable), on a complex object that contains properties with constituent complex objects which do NOT use custom IXmlSerializable interface, how do you specify, in the IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(XmlReader reader) method, that you want the deserializer to use the ordinary deserialization on those ch...

Storing XML/HTML files inside a SQLite database - Possible?

Hi, Is it possible to directly store a XML/HTML file inside a SQLite database? I'm writing a program in python which is supposed to parse XML/HTML files and store the values inside the database. However, the fields inside the XML/HTML files may vary and I thought it would be easier to simply store the entire XML/HTML file inside the da...

get id of the node with maximum value

i have something like this <ValueSet> <value id="0">109.3</value> <value id="1">110.6</value> <value id="2">111.1</value> <value id="3">111.5</value> </ValueSet> and i need the id of the node that has the maximum value, i need do this in javascript using Xpath. i do this: var path = "//ValueSet[not(value <= precedi...

Get a specific XML node's position with XPATH?

Let me start by saying I know about position() but I can't seem to figure out how to make it work in this context. What I'm trying to do is iterate through my body of text and find all images. These will be turned into links that say "Figure 1" and so on. The number is provided by the position() of a corresponding node in a different no...

Does libxslt have a feature for splitting a document into multiple documents?

Looks like libxslt does not support XSLT 2.0, and xsl:result-document. Is there a way to mimic xsl:result-document using libxslt, or xsltproc? ...

Word 2007 VBA: ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts and Drop-down lists

Unsure of the best way to bind a a drop-down list Content Control to an XML file properly: all I'm getting is the first item. I'm assuming I'll have to iterate through the XML document, count number of items, and then call the .Add method on the control accordingly, but I'm not sure how to do that in VBA. Here's what I have: Dim ap ...

How to export from xml

I have a xml file file name is file.xml This is content <PAD_INFO> <ITEMS> <Item> <PAD_URL>http://www.instant-navigator.com/instantn_pad.xml&lt;/PAD_URL&gt; <Antivirus_Report_URL>http://instantnavigator-for-onenote.extramind-systems.qarchive.org/antivirusreport.html&lt;/Antivirus_Report_URL&gt; ...

Ext.ux.tree.XmlTreeLoader not working in IE.. is my hypothesis correct?

I'm a beginner here so I apologize if this question is badly worded. I have an XmlTreeLoader that is loaded up every time a row is clicked in an Ext.grid. It works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but whenever I try to run it in IE I get the error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment I tried using the developer to...

Unit Tests for method returning xmldocument

I need to create a unit test for a method that returns an xmldocument. What should I be validating in such a case? The method checks a database and creates an xmldocument and sends back the data to the client. Should I look if the xmldocument returned has all expected xml tags? or should I have a Expected.xml file and match the xmldocum...

Does .NET XmlDocument really support W3C DOM Level 2?

From the MSDN documentation: This class implements the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Core and the Core DOM Level 2. But AFAIK the W3C DOM Level 2 language bindings (IDL) define methods like getElementsByTagNameNS (which is missing for XmlDocument class in .NET). Is .NET XmlDocument not implementing W3C DOM Level 2 (completel...

is it possible to send email as xml data with xslt?

Hi All, is it possible to send user and email in xml format that is formatted using xslt styles? ...

Exporting Excel Rows As Individual XML Files

I don't believe Excel supports this and I've been struggling to find an add-on or program that can help. I'm trying to export individual rows (records) from a worksheet into multiple XML files. I can get Excel to export all of the rows into one XML file. This time I only need to do 100 files, so I don't mind cutting and pasting but I wou...

Xpath and variables

Hi, i have an xpath expression that search a static value, in this example 'test' XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("//doc[contains(., 'test')]/*/text()"); How to pass a variable instead of a fixed text ? i use java on eclipse platform, is there a way to read a java string o declare a xpath variable? Thanks ...

How to start using xml with C++

(Not sure if this should be CW or not, you're welcome to comment if you think it should be). At my workplace, we have many many different file formats for all kinds of purposes. Most, if not all, of these file formats are just written in plain text, with no consistency. I'm only a student working part-time, and I have no experience with...

linq to create xml from csv

I saw this excellent post: http://sqldud.blogspot.com/2009/01/how-to-convert-csv-to-xml-using-c.html I have a csv file with the column titles in the first row of the csv. I would also like the linq statement to be able to handle a variable length number of columns. That way I would not have to change the code if more columns are added. ...

When parsing RSS feed, wrong date is displayed.

Here is my code: <?php $RSSFEEDS = array( 0 => "http://samnabi.posterous.com/rss.xml", ); function FormatRow($date, $title, $link, $description) { return <<<HTML <p class="blogdate">$date</p><h2 class="blogtitle">$title</h2> <div class="clearer">&nbsp;</div> $description HTML; } ob_start(); if (!isset($feedid)) $feedid = 0; $rss_ur...

Which advantages have definition list (<dd><dt> etc..) and when we should use it?

Hi, Which advantages have definition list (<dd><dt> etc..) and when we should use it? (Example: use in Zend_Form, but i dont understand why) Does exist other better options? (I beginner, but its look to me that is xml use inside html. If I right XML not wide used recently because yaml, file.ini, json each of them in their field more e...

Different way to d XMLWriter::writeRaw()

I use a PHP class called healthvaultphp which uses XMLWriter::writeRaw(). While my development server had PHP 5.2, when trying to "go live", I found out the production server has PHP 5.1.6, and won't be upgrdaded in the enar future. True, this is my fault not to verify the exact version, but the question is what can be the solution in t...

How to create rss feeds (.xml) for our own dynamic site while using php and mysql?

I've tried every method that I knows but didn't got the solution on "How to create an rss feeds and sitemap for a dynamic site that get updated automatically". ...